27 additional samples test negative for COVID-19, nine more pending
Health Minister Carvin Malone
The British Virgin Islands have returned all negative results from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) following the latest testing of 27 samples for the Coronavirus 2019 Disease (COVID-19).
Minister for Health Carvin Malone made the announcement during a national media conference late Wednesday.
He said: “Tonight, I am pleased to say that over the course of this week 27 samples were tested by CARPHA and all results were negative for the virus that causes COVID-19, 10 recently reported and 17 new results received today.”
Minister Malone also said nine additional samples are pending at the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA), and will soon be sent to CARPHA.
He also said testing in the territory will be soon be severely boosted.
“The BVIHSA is also expecting to receive additional supplies during the course of this week that will enable the territory to ramp up testing significantly. It is through extensive testing that we will be able to detect and contain any remaining cases of COVID-19, thereby minimizing the risk of transmission in the Territory,” he stated.
The 27 samples bring the total number of persons tested in the territory for COVID-19 to 120. Of that total, 114 persons were negative, while six were positive, with three fully recovered and one deceased.
The territory currently has two active COVID-19 cases.
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Put in place also systems to reimburse civil servants who have been deliberately, willfully and undgodly, had their wages, increments and retirement earnings stolen away from them by heartless ungodly administrative officials.
A moral belief and or conviction has no relevance in taking away one’s earned economic existence. A man’s financial security should be comprmised only if that man or woman did not fulfill his/her work productivity obligations.
Personal hatred, religious and moral convictions are not rights embedded in the constitution or human rights convenants that allow for the denial of a man’s due rights, especially when enacted illegally and decietfully.
On the job mass destruction is a worldwide phenomenon. The above are elements usually trigger such outbreaks.
A career of economic depravation must and should not be tolerated, but remedied by all non elceted and elected officials, governer, Premire and other elected officials alike.
But seeking relief from any of them is identical to asking the dead to come out of the grave and fix the broken. It will not happen. Yet, those who are alive can, but refuse to look out for their fellowman.
Some take the oppression of the human being and his reaction to it as, “oh, get over it.” But, the suffering such causes and the subsequent evolving or devolvig mental degredation as a result often go unnoticed until to late.
Why should theylive in financial security until death in their space, while they willfully, decietfully and wrongfully deny their fellow man to do the same, especially after him ensuring that he acquired the qualifications, knowledge and skills necessary, and produced on the job to ensure him a better life?
What is right and christianly godly about that picture?
Abuse by a government official against one citizen is an abuse against all citizens and the country, in effect. In the end, much more will be lost than gained.
The above chronic oppression of our people and that victimization disease within our cullture must be changed.
In the meantime, there has been an going cry to apply the same intensity and resources attended to COVID-19 to the pllight and destructive disease that is slowly killing too many of our contributing professional citizens of this territory.
Umm, ok!
Are you on about
I feel a lot more sympathy for the thousands of workers who are not in safe secure not too onerous or stressful jobs, paid by the taxpayer no matter what.
Spare a thought for hourly paid employees who are now receiving nothing because the businesses they worked for have been forcibly closed down.
They are now disgracefully abandoned by the very government they paid taxes and social security to for years.
I do not agree with you blaming the government. They did not bring on the CoronaVirus. They have been doing better than most countries in the handling of this matter.
Life is tough all around the world. I live in New York but am a Native BVIslander and I commend our BVI Government for how well they are dealing with this extremely worldwide difficult matter. The BVI do not know nor understand how bless they are.
This is the right government for the right time, a time such as now.
We need a crematorium in Tortola, because when the second wave kicks off in the Autumn, we wont have the storage capacity for the recently deceased.