63yo grandmother fined for assaulting teacher
An Anegada grandmother has been fined $400 for assaulting a teacher employed at Claudia Creque Educational Centre some two years ago.
When 63-year-old Laura Vanterpool appeared before Magistrate Gisele Jackman-Lumy on Friday, she was ordered to pay the fine forthwith or if in default, serve 30 days at Her Majesty’s Prison.
She had previously pleaded not guilty to the offence — common assault — but changed her plea to guilty moments before the commencement of her trial.
In handing down the sentence, the magistrate said Vanterpool should have known better, given her age.
The magistrate also said ‘her behaviour was reproachable’ and the sentence was to send a message that assault on anyone, let alone an educator, is not acceptable.
What the court heard happened
The court heard that on the day in question, the 63-year-old, who had two grandchildren enrolled at Claudia Creque Educational Centre, paid a visit to the school.
It is reported that a meeting was in progress in a room at the facility when Vanterpool began banging on the room door in order to gain access to the meeting.
When the door was opened, she stormed inside and pushed the teacher in question. She then pulled a chair from under the same teacher while she (the educator) was about to sit. However, the teacher broke the fall and escaped unharmed.
The matter was subsequently reported to the police and Vanterpool was charged.
Attorney-at-law Patrick Thompson represented Vanterpool.
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Gangster granny gone wild. Granny, at 63, years old, you should be at home rubbing up in Ben gay and Canadian oil not out here trying to throw down. Bet granny had to soak in some epsom salt the next day.
Bvinews worthless
The parents of children abused by this ratchet teacher sayin they blog but none show up
Only people bashing grandma
Worthlezz and corrupt set a people runnin this place
You need to stand down
Thats my mom you talking about
My child was abused from that teacher
Everybody in Anegada knows what the teacher and P——- did thats why they gone!so stop talking what you know nothing about!
Oh wait!
You guys blogging for yourselves huh? Pathetic!!
Please. Have several seats with your fired self. The apple didnt fall far from the tree.
Shut up
Come on Laura. This is unbecoming behavior regardless of age. No matter the dispute, this is not the way to handle matters. You really should have known better.
Further, this is not a good example you showed to your grand children relative to dealing with conflict. What you did was showed your grand babies that disrespecting their teacher/people is ok, and it is not ok.
That teacher could have suffered a very serious back injury had she not broken her fall. Your action was totally unacceptable.
Count your blessings that that teacher did not suffered a serious injury, and you got off quite easy with a $400 fine.
I believe you are better than this, and I trust that you were woman enough to have apologized to the teacher for your actions.
Our children are looking up to us adults and taking cues. They learn from us, and quite often repeat what we do. As adults we all need to lead by good example.
I know Laura and I know the teacher
I also know a few of the victims
Oh and the teacher ain’t one
So save your preacher sermon for another audience
I know Laura also. Bottom line my sermon is consistent with what the magistrate said about her behavior today. Stop making excuses for bad behavior. And just in case you missed it, she plead guilty to the offense.
Whatever the truth is you and others are defending and desperate to get out, the only truth that matters as far as I am concerned was adjudicated in the court today.
There are ways to handle problems whatever they were with the teacher. What she plead guilty to was unacceptable. She is too old for that.
So if you don’t like my sermons, keep it moving.
You don’t know $hit other than lies you are spouting from the very perpetrators that have seeked to destroy this teacher. You never get the facts, just love the drama and to pull people down. Get a f’ing life you sick fool!
Struck a nerve huh?
Let her teach your child
Define lies pal
I have records do you
I have memories do you
I have witnesses *real ones* do you?
Drama aint begin yet but look like you extending an invitation is that correct ?
Go and jongle your bells somewhere else. We dont want to hear them.
Made a mistake and clicked dislike
Need an undo button
u sound like u know the grandma but yet u have to judge her so. U sound like the problem that Anegada is having over there so quick to judge behind close doors but when it is time to really stand up and do something u r quiet like a little mousey. Let me say this if a children r having the same problems concerning the same teacher do u not think something should be done. Although this grandmas tactics may not have been the best, she did something. I say this,if u have children, and if ur child was in the class with this same teacher, ……. I can only imagine their pain and how u did nothing. u r a good example of someone that does nothing.
Reading your thing above making my stomach turn
Round and round
Granny must count she blessings ya say?
That the teacher did not suffer a serious injury ?
She wasn’t hurt not even minutely as things did not go down as they said
Every body who went in that office with that teacher and wannabe tattoo neck party animal Principal got set up and Education Dept allowed it cause no way you can have this many issues with one teacher and all the students and residents wrong she right . The teacher suffer yes cause at end of day — greedy worthless behind wanted money
This article didn’t say she got paid cause pay her for what?
She lucky she didn’t hurt one of the children she was manhandling according to quite a few parents
Back injury from what? The invisible chair by the door
You all need to tap into the truth before you write your thoughts
Perhaps your analysis and conclusion would be
More on point
Judge , you should of locked her a** up , just to teach her a lesson! OUTTA ORDER !
Anegada signed a letter to the magistrate letting hey know that this teacher is the ass=====r
We the people of Anegada want this letter made public
We are ready
Gonna ask willock to interview de parents in Anegada
Truth coming soon
Why would someone press dislike for an investigation into the
Real story ?? Gotta wonder
Why would someone press dislike for an investigation into the
Real story ?? Gotta wonder
I agree, an investigation should b done. Also, those that hit dislike are perfect examples of what children should not look up to. It is important to always seek the truth.
Investigators needed yes
False witnesses all around
Yes come investigate and the only one in support of that a——– teacher will be evident just like the pointless blogs she making below. Can’t write, can’t spell. Come to think of it Anegada should be glad — not up there teaching in p==========l anymore either but gotta watch her where she working now. Badmindedness in full effect.
The teacher in this case should have been brought to truth long ago. This is not right
That’s why students are the way they are. When the adults have to behave this way how will the child have respect for the teacher.
Students are the way they are because people who stand
Their ground like granny to protect the rights of students get set up
Wake up a———
Then we wonder why our society is the way it is.No example for the young minds that is looking on. A granny. A whole grandmother behaving in this manner. It disgusts me to say the least.
Be disgusted all you want
You dont know the truth
So stop judging
Granny got a record now. Be annoyed bout that
I’m sorry but you should keep off the chat sweetie
A whole grandmother? You ever heard of a 1/2?
As for wondering about why the society is the way it is let me give you a reality check hon:
Young people are our future we say
Yet they getting left behind each and every day
They following the leader with his group
Walking round talking slang and when they mad we hear a bang.
Cause when they in school the curriculum sucks
Parents are told to teach their own kids as teachers get vacations and making the bucks
Nobody listening to the children’s cries
As teachers abuse them and the Principal lies
Education Dept claim Christianity
But their actions, fearful of job instability
Retaliation victimization and much more abound
Put your pen down your concept is making one frown
Leadership matters but until we as a people understand the true characteristics and can recognize what a great leader looks like, the society will fall right down to the ground.
So you have talent writing poetry,
But yet you choose to write folly,
My dear granny first pleaded not guilty,
But after she hastily changed her plea to your Honor ‘I guilty’,
So why the sudden change of heart,
Granny knew she was dead wrong from the start,
As adults we should know how to come up with solutions,
So we can show our young ones not to resort violence and destruction.
The little ones are the fabric of our society,
And should see our adults behaving appropriately in our community.
We pick sides because its friend and family,
Yet we fail to see atrocity of an act committed cruelly,
I do not expect you to understand the depth of her actions,
because you are blinded by loyalty and your own contradictions.
My heart goes out to my little ones who will be forever be affected by irrational actions of adults who chose to use their feelings of rage and jealousy in a setting deemed for growth and development.
Please note such actions are socially unacceptable and when children see this type of behavior will mirror it and the cycle just continues.
Who are you?
This ain’t about poetry baby
This is about trickery, and reality
This is about imposters in the education system
This is about mismanagement of our youth and distortion of truth
Don’t try to take me on
Cause I’m ready to talk ready to show
I’m fearless and ready as you already know
Truth or dare
I have no fear
The truth will finally set me free
And who are you again
Bvinews worthless
The parents of children abused by this ratchet teacher sayin they blog but none show up
Only people bashing grandma
Worthlezz and corrupt set a people runnin this place
Education Dept need suing now
A lil push? This teacher gotta be kidding
The way she treat all her students
So sorry we the adults in this society didn’t do more to help all of the students she mistreated
Shame on all of us
Stay tuned for the real story buttheads
Anegada about to speak loud and clear
So you’ll think twice before sending a***** teachers over here
We admit our error
As a people we let this woman take the fall and we should
Have marched like ayo did in Tola about other issues…
headline should be reading
We cannot allow more ———- come to our island get free rent sky get away with the mistreatment of our kids’
We hand to learn to hold one head
Otherwise we can expect another f’d up speech from the bald head next graduation
Wake up people! Granny took a stand now y’all follow suit
Your children are suffering
That lady should be ashamed of herself.
You meant to type that so called teacher should be
Ashamed of herself
Whatever happened to that story that was circulated
On social media about her and a student ?
Was it true
Any investigation into that ?
She was actually transferred to another school instead
Of out of the country ?
You blocking blogs too?
You all outta order
All ah we who have kids abused by that same teacher you blocking we comments
Be ready for the lawsuit
Granny, your behavior was out of order and the magistrate should have made you go back to the school and make a public apology. With you being found guilty and being only charge $400.00, now is the time for the teacher to sue you. Even thou she braked the fall, she would have suffered some kind of abrasion, humiliation, lack of dignity on her work and her body mighty be sill experiencing some kind of pain that came after the fall. The truth is that you fall no-matter and she threw you down. Don’t forget emotional stress that you suffered as well. A good lawyer would call a figure.
Lets see who should sue who here
Gonna ask willock to interview de parents in Anegada
Truth coming soon
Granny got a record now….
Who gives a good goddamn
Records here don’t mean shite
The real criminals walking round
Calm yourself.
Tell the people what this teacher wanted
For what?
My kid was out of school for months
Guidance counselor a waste
Liasion officer others in ministry
You all not effective
Go home
Enjoy your last stints in the biz.
Vino gonna pick up the truth
I dropped it off awhile ago
If youll gonna sit in court to tell a damn story tell de whole truth or put your pen down!!!!! The teacher aint right and neither is ur reporting. THE P——-L WAS PROTECTIN HER NOT THE STUDENTS!!!!
If the children parents this teacher abuse had any balls this teacher who is collecting $400 would have been fired and in jail. A set a pu$$×!& living on this island call Anegada
The teacher did NOT get $400
Election time
Well guys I think you all need to go find out what happened in Anegada and all the schools
Grandma ain’t the problem y’all are
We begging you
Fix it
Who wrote this story? It’s a comedy of errors for one that
Was not what happened that was not Ms Vanterpool’s lawyer’s name and what happened to the icing on the cake? The truth ? And the up to $10000 this teacher wanted for a non-issue that she blew way up with her friends
Tortola better watch out she with you all now
All the same her Principal not in same school to twist her tales
At least the Ministry made a good move that time
This is some bs
If a grandmother had to go up to the
School to defend her grandkids something up with that teacher and i wanna know what school she in so my kids can go elsewhere
Zero tolerance for this!
A lot of people seem to be saying the teacher has a reputation for doing things to the students. If that is a fact, I would imagine that the teacher is not above the law, and could have been hauled before the court just like granny was.
Instead of taking matters into your own hands, collect your evidence and turn it over to the police.
Judging by the fact of the case and the reports it seems that Ms. Vanterpool has found just about every computer she can to add ‘thumbs down’ posts to vilify this teacher. NO parent or teacher should ever have to deal with this matter. If W—–k goes up and really makes the effort to find the truth he will never print it. Because if he does half those parents up there are going to get fined too! Set of disgusting people! Don’t worry, what you sow will come to pass as your deadbeat children go nowhere in this country feeling they are victims because their parents didn’t have the guts to instill discipline and do their children’s homework for them. You all make me sick with your bull$hit!
Ms Vanterpool, I am looking for as many ‘thumbs down’ as you can find friends and computers to get on this post!
Oh I guess all the Anegadians who signed the letter to the magistrate she magically out their signature too?
Try again baby
Don’t try to outslick the masses cause we fully woke
And ready for the stroke
What’s that you all like to say with your broken down twang and slang?
Leh we do dis thang!!!
BVI Beacon
Honestly speaking
Get the story from
First come first served
————- also knows what she did on the online blogs to slander and destroy this teacher. Believe me people know what you did and things are coming your way too. You and your little band of nasty people that don’t care about anyone but yourselves. Time will come and you will feel a sting like no other!
Yeah yeah yeah wtev
That’s why you had a one way ticket outta here
You and your little pet
Don’t come back!!!!
Born Anegadian and I will not watch ayo sit on you’ll rare to insult this tescher. She is a teacher of integrity and professionalism..who knows her work . She have help ayo children .
You’ll want things to talk ..
Talk about ayo teacher who drink rum mother to Friday.. gossiping with the same dum heads who trying to insult the teacher.
Fighting with parents in bars during lobster fest.
Ayo will not talk abt her because she from Anegada. Set of hypocrites.
I would want that teacher to teach my child… over and over .. compare to you’ll so call teachers from anegafa
She should teach you how to write and spell. You dumb twit.
Real Anegadians can read and write
Be gone you imposter
Umm.. you wanna talk about integrity?
Where are you this weekend ? Where ya kids?
Get off this forum as we don’t have time for non-essentials such as you. Your days of setting people up and calling in false reports are over
Nobudi ain’t want come Anegafa school. You’ll are a sick community ..
You had free rent
Charged parents $100 a month for after school classes while the children learned nothing
Was the reason not one but two or more parents removed their children from the school
Threw tantrums and cried whenever you were being put on the spot about your actions
You should not be in our school system at all
Go try these stunts in your own country
Keep pushing teach.you are great . let the haters thumb down .
They need help themselves .
We miss you
We know who you are and guess what we the people of Anegada tired of you
Ya took ya suitcases yesterday left your children behind to go do your wutlessness
Go let the teacher teach you
Birds of a feather fly away and don’t come back
Everybody knows what that teacher did to the students
And you bloggin on her behalf smh
Look at all the i want to be wrong and strong at the same time people defending wrong. No wonder you people lives is one big mess. Say what you want, this could have been handled in a civilized manner. You put your hands on someone, you should be charged with assualt. She should have been fined at least $5,000 dollars and be made to issue a public apology to the teacher.
Laid back Anegada is now beginning to look like Brewster/Patons place. Who would have thought the famous lobster fest home had so much drama going on.
There are people actually defending the assault. Our island is on its knees.