68 unemployed youths get ‘job fair’ opportunity

The scene at the job fair venue up to publication time
Sixty-eight unemployed young people will have an opportunity to find jobs when prospective employers converge at the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex for a job fair this morning, June 12.
The event will run from 9 o’ clock to mid-day, said Coordinator at the Youth Employment Services (YES) Rochelle Lawrence.
“We have about 25 business and 68 unemployed youth committed to coming out and scouting of their next apprentice. This job fair was necessary to create a market for our registrants who have been preparing for employment over the past few months.”
Lawrence added that, up to May 31 this year, YES had 181 registrants.
Of that number, 72 are employed, nine did not qualify for the programme, 11 are located on Virgin Gorda, 21 cannot be reached, and 68 are unemployed.
Persons registered with YES already have undergone training to better prepare them to seek and keep jobs.
Through an apprenticeship programme, businesses will today get an opportunity to employ young persons initially for a period of six months.
“A mentor will be assigned to the employee during the apprenticeship period, and monthly reports are to be submitted to the Ministry of Education,” added Lawrence.
She explained that, at the end of the six months apprenticeship, the employer will evaluate the participant and determine if he or she has met the requirements and can be retained by the company.
“Once the participant has been hired for whichever position, it is expected that remuneration for the position held will be in keeping with the regular salary offered by the company,” Lawrence said.
The employer and Government will each pay half of the remuneration to each YES participant.
Lawrence indicated that participants with little or no experience will be paid $800 monthly.
Those with two years experience (degree) will be paid $1,000 monthly.
And participants with four years experience (degree) will be paid $1,500 monthly.
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