Accused woman the ‘honeytrap’ used to lure victim, court hears

From left: Accused persons Rafael Harrigan, Vernon Bernard, Maybelline Rodriguez. (Photo Credit: BVI News)
Text messages have shown that Maybelline Rodriguez was an integral player in the elaborate plan that led to Trumayne ‘Passion’ Daway’s murder on February 27, prosecutors said in court today.
“She was, say the Crown, the honeytrap that brought Mr Daway to Brandywine Bay that night, and lured him to his death,” Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Kim Hollis told the court.
Rodriguez, Vernon Bernard, and Rafael Harrigan were hauled before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards today on charges in relation to the homicide.
Rodriguez and Bernard are jointly charged with murder, while Harrigan is charged with possession of an AK47 firearm along with Bernard.
All three accused are charged with taking a conveyance (vehicle) without authority.
Murder planned via WhatsApp
According to WhatsApp messages allegedly found on the accused woman’s phone, she and Bernard had been planning the murder since mid-February.
“The contents of it (her phone), including WhatsApp messages, photos, and videos … revealed not only the plan and the motive, but also pictures of the murder weapon – the AK47,” said DPP Hollis, who also alleged that Bernard initiated the plan to ‘set up Passion’.
The court was told that the victim was set up because he was blocking Bernard from ‘getting his money’.
It is alleged that on the day in question, Bernard called Rodriguez and told her she ‘needed to do it’. She allegedly responded that she ‘would try’.
It is alleged that on the said day, Rodriquez and the soon-to-be-killed victim met.
Rodriguez suggested that they go to Brandywine Bay, which was selected as the murder scene from the get-go, the court heard.
Victim lured with sex
When they arrived at the area, they parked the vehicle they were travelling in, the court heard.
“It was clear that he (the victim) wanted to have sex with her (Rodriguez), as he removed most of his clothing. It was at this stage, says the Crown, she excused herself to urinate,” DDP said.
It is alleged that once she was safely away from the vehicle, the shots were fired; killing Daway.
“It was not coincidental that she was not in the vehicle at the time, as she knew what was happening and planned it with Vernon Bernard in the preceding weeks,” the DDP added.
Car trouble
It is further alleged that once Daway was killed, both Rodriguez and Bernard tried to escape in their designated vehicle.
But they did not count on having car trouble that night, the court heard.
It is alleged that their car wouldn’t start so they hijacked a truck and spent the remainder of the night at Harrigan’s residence, which is said to be the ‘safe house’.
The prosecution further alleged that the photographs of the murder weapon that were captured days before the homicide were taken in Harrigan’s house.
A distinctive couch and other items in Harrigan’s house were captured in the said photos, the court heard.
“The couch itself is so distinctive that when the officers visited his home to arrest him (Harrigan) on Sunday, March 4, not only did they find the couch on which the videos and photos had been taken, but the same game console was on the couch in almost the exact same position,” DPP Hollis said.
Rodriguez, Bernard, and Harrigan were subsequently charged.
They were all denied bail during their appearance in the Magistrate’s Court today.
They are scheduled to return to court on May 25.
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What a set of I—-S!
i would like to buy a vowel?
…lololol. You made my day. I had a rough day at work, even wanted to cry…now I want to cry with laughter. As simple as your comment it was, it was funny.
no worries you just made my day as well :).
It’s interesting that the details that came out in court were exact details that were posted in comments after the murder. So, I’m guessing people already knew what went down…like he was lured there by a woman and how she went to urinate. I doubt the person that posted the comment just happened to guess that’s what happened. It shows that people are usually aware of criminals and have certain information about crimes,but I guess it’s good that even though they didn’t go to the police ..they made the comments on the news site. One can only hope people give out more information about other murders that are currently unsolved *shrugs*
I gave my friends the same type of scenario. Nothing hard to do really. *shrugs*
Right; it could also be a leaky faucet within the police force.
I assume that, that’s what probably happen.. as I watch tons of Law & order, NCIS, CSI, Crimial minds etc.. (not saying that makes me an investigator) …. it’s common to think on possible outcomes… look at where he was park.. pants down.. woman charged… I mean is all speculation until the evidence reveal… But we can’t help but think on what might have gone down..
Not necessarily. I was saying similar things logical reasoning.
The scenario desrcibed by the reporters about the incident, was textbook and simple to figure out. Certainly there were those who had personal knowledge but that is true in all the unsolved murders here in the VI. Also, the electronic trail…cellphones, Facebook,what’s app and a witness. The life of anyone connected is an open book.
That’s common sense to figure out something like that. The person ain MUST had to know but could’ve just thought of the same scenario and was right. I’m sure that’s not the only person that thought about it that way.
Come on raffy you supposed to be smarter than that
That dude look legally smart? This dude got his azz handed to him BY A SQUARE! A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN! Clown show!
Wtf y’all doing , y’all should keep their asses in the f—-ing cell till May 25 . Not denial bail . F— wrong y’all. This is high bull—-
So what do you think DENIAL OF BAIL is? To go [allegedly] commit more murders? They will be locked up until May 25th. They will never see the sunlight agasin unless they have to go to court.
ohh I get it .i asked a family n was told something else
Stay in school
Yh sure???? I will Ms
Really??? Balo full a sunlight …????Sk–t
That’s what that mean a** denial of bail back to jail
Well done RVIPF!
This some serious stuff here. Women wo on to them. God help us all
Wanna join our club???
Wooo onto women and go onto men.
We have prestigious men in high government positions and no set up.
You are welcome to join.
… None to tell the other this was wrong.
She should change her nickbame from maybe to b————w
She should change it from Maybelline to ????”sk—–alline”????.. ????
Those who’s not caught yet you will be. Those who’s planning on going down that road think twice. Prison have no features or should I say welcome all feathers. Not because we’re not perfect doesn’t give us the reasons to make the wrong choices.
Young man I’m really do different from most of you. Be a blind eye to the whole Richard and Gumption thing and just view me as me. I’m not different from most of you. I did things I have to live with but don’t have to make the habits a living. I just had to make a choice as a person. As someone who was no less profile like most of you. I had to change my attitude of how I look at life and what sounds good but is not etc. the same commitment I made I know and challenge you youngsters to make. But do it better than me. Let’s change the way they profile us as youngsters. Let’s all contribute towards our community in a good way.
Good advice Gumption.
Death penalty and deportation
If they are guilty, No deportation let them get death penalty or Roth in jail we need to stop deporting these ppl for murder let them do their time from getting freedom an another chance
Yall realise that our taxes pay to house, feed and bathe alleged criminals with resources right? So just remember that everybody we lock up its WE the people paying for it. If they are guilty, give them the death penalty.
We do NOT have the death penalty. Our hands are tied. It’s automatic life in prison.
Are you prepared for your tax dollars to maintain them and keep them fat in prison? There is no Death Penalty in the BVI anymore.
I bet if someone had kill your loved one … u would be signing a different tune and have the criminals do their time in your country.RIGHT
But no, y’all saying to deport them, because they are sucking “our tax dollars”. Well news flash – Can u tell your landlord what to do with his money after u paid him ??? No … you already paid him and that’s HIS business what he wants to do with the money … same as taxes … you already paid your taxes … let Govt do their jobs …
@Ppl in tola once you are not from here and you commit a crime you will be deported once you have served your time.
U and this deportation, she born here.
Go tell that to the Popo and news site. Until they say differently, you go rest, because the Popo should have evidence unless you are the mama.
I know the family very well. I am in total shock after reading this news. Maybeline I am very disappointed in you. Your whole life gone down the drain at a very young age. My prayers go to the young man family and also to Maybelline mother look what you put your mother through. SMH..
@ Wow: you are wrong. She was not born here and that’s a fact.
In that order?
Deport them after you kill them…..?lol
God bless those Snapchat filters
This is the dawn of a new era where criminals partake in “show and tell” of the soon to be murder weapon LOL you can’t get any more stupid than those allegations. Let’s hope there’s other [alleged] criminals like that out there LOL. I’m sorry the victim fell for that J—– trap. I’ll be awaiting justice to be served with a heavy hand
But why not charge her with conspiracy to commit murder and accessory to murder base on the evidence. A good lawyer and she’ll be Scott free
Have you ever heard of a joint criminal enterprise? Look it up!
I ask because I didn’t know. That simple no need to get worked up
Chine man..denied bail means no
They need to be charge with one count of premeditated murder also.Nit only did they allegedly kill a man, but they had allegedly a preconceived notion as to what they were gonna do beforehand.
Don’t just charge them with bearing an unlicense firearm along with assult bullets ,murder, and taking a conveyance without authority.
Mind you! Good!
Don’t you see that they were charged with murder? 1st degree murder. Premeditated.
Why is the word b l a c k w i d o w not allowed its a spider where the female eats its mates…
For the same reason we can’t use the word blackboard. People are offended by it.
That’s crazy
Dude,you can’t be serious? Smh
Even though it come in clean this time and was a big help, Some ayu better take notes to stay off these Bull$#¡• apps! Them getting ayu cought up. Even if you throw way evidence, these same BS apps does retain information such as this. So some ayu wah like share informatiom and gossip hope ayu see wha going on.. apart deom the cell phone and internet provider having an agreement with the cops to retain your info once they have your number, this is what these apps were designed for. For intel!
I guess u don’t kno much about whatsapp, if she had deleted those whataspp messages, they wouldnt be any to find. Remember whatsapp messages are not like text messages, text is network provided, so if she deleted it they could’ve gone to the network provider and bring it all up.
But whatsapp is differ, its data provided, meaning if deleted there no way the network provider will be able to find it. because its data, once deleted its gone, thats y FBI wanted Mark(the owner of FB) to give them access to whatsapp and he said no.
Like you trying to educate criminals in how to cover their tracks
That’s what you think … everything deleted can be retrieved…don’t be fooled…
No i’m not, im just stating the facts, the way the person is speaking like the apps are the problem and its not, it the people that uses them
THANK YOU! I love well informed people.
See that’s the con..That is what they wanted you to think when in reality the fbi and Cia can acess all your data…Don’t ever feel safe using cellphones mates..
“Thats what you think”? Hey Matthews is that you? LOLOLOLOLOL. Love whatsapp? been in the seat phone all in there hands the app clean i like yea when i leaving lolololol
You wasnt the same one talkig bout the young people them need guidance and how others could sit down and talk to them and encourage them. And how you willing to talk to them the other day on the blog.. when someone commented and say u mussa find a new assistant cause u was typing a ligit statement? Weh this negative comment come from?
I thank them all for being so d——. One gun off the streets and 3 locked up.
Condolences goes out to Mr. Daway’s family and friends. To the law enforcers and all others that played a part in solving the case, GREAT investigative work, keep it up and just maybe, the islands will be rid of criminals. Listen up people, especially the young folks, it’s not everyone has your best interest at heart, so be very careful of those that appears to “butter you up.” Reflect on the parable of wolves in sheep’s clothing. BEWARE!!!
Someone is using my name (Gumption.Offiical) Those who know me should know what I post and how I post.
Gumption… putting your real name on a public commentary section is like writing down your credit card details in plain view !!! Someone wiĺl obviously steal it….. Don’t be an aaaaaa
Don’t use your real name boss. Always want to b in ting
I take it that the conveyance and his phone friends turned against the “alleged” perps…
Mest up thing! The man die thinking he was going to get some. If she is guilty She need to get life and rest of them death penalty if they guilty
The death penalty has been abolished. Where do you live?
on whatsapp…really..
My heart aches for all the parents. I have sons and you raise your children to do the right thing but as adults we are not responsible for their actions. That is providing you did your best in raising them right. To miss Rodriguez mother I feel for you. I don’t believe you knew what your daughter was up to. I can only pray for strength for you.
To Mr Daways family especially his mother. May you find comfort in knowing that at least his alleged killers were caught and you can have some closure where that is concerned. May God also strengthen you at this time.
Are they gonna get murder one? If the allegations are true, its sad to see that people so young could sit and plan to take someones life. …Who to trust nowadays ?
I knew it …. thank God for law and order. like really a young woman like that allegedly putting herself in that situation hmph.
Man this is so messed up in every way. I feel bad…What a way to die. And dude had a nice pretty girlfriend too. She must be so embarrassed.
This thing called “SEX” has been the downfall of many men from Bible times. Use your head and not your P
If she wha!! Damn
Even the vehicle of the alleged murderers knew something was very wrong with the scene and refused to start. But grown @$$ men and woman were so comfortable with their actions.
The love of money IS the ROOT of ALL evil. God says so.
Smh u got a son to feed.. ..hope u get life for allegedly teking a life…sick of ppl like ayoo…. zone6 my right foot….try to be good citizens good people
I pray the people finally see da women ….just d..ty….smh god you know. I miss the old days when i could go by my neighbor but when i look out…good job polive for working so diligent on this case
Who wouldn’t kill for that???
Condolences to the victim’s family. But I hope that RVIPF haven’t closed the case …
My son, pay attention to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding; so that you will preserve discretion and your lips keep watch over knowledge. For the lips of a woman who is a stranger drop honey, her mouth is smoother than oil; but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps lead straight to Sh’ol; she doesn’t walk the level path of life — her course wanders all over, but she doesn’t know it. So now, children, listen to me; don’t turn away from what I am saying: distance your way from her, stay far from the door of her house; so that you won’t give your vigor to others and your years to someone who is cruel, so strangers won’t be filled with your strength and what you worked for go to a foreign house. Then, when your flesh and bones have shrunk, at the end of your life, you would moan, “How I hated discipline! My whole being despised reproof, I ignored what my teachers said, I didn’t listen to my instructors. I took part in almost every kind of evil, and the whole community knew it.” Drink the water from your own cistern, fresh water from your own well. Let what your springs produce be dispersed outside, streams of water flowing in the streets; but let them be for you alone and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain, the wife of your youth, be blessed; find joy in her — a lovely deer, a graceful fawn; let her breasts satisfy you at all times, always be infatuated with her love. My son, why be infatuated with an unknown woman? Why embrace the body of a loose woman? For Adonai is watching a man’s ways; he surveys all his paths. A wicked person’s own crimes will trap him, he will be held fast by the ropes of his sin. He will die from lack of discipline; the magnitude of his folly will make him totter and fall.
Mishlei (Proverbs) 5:1-23 CJB
Sorry, but she aint all that. *kanyeshrug* And he went out over the “honey” SMH
Heed God’s Word.I concur.
With all this information released. How will we find Jurors that would not have some feeling of anger towards these individuals.
Just a question.
@VIslander no need to worry about that. When the time comes the Learned Judge will advise them at it pertains to the law and to the evidence before them in court.
The police should look closely into the shooting that happened in Baughers Bays across from the school. As it is closely connected to this and the shooting in huntums ghut.
The death penalty, lets get serious with the punishment for these sorts of crime!
There is some serious beefing going on in Tortola and this is only a small half of it.
Thank you so much Elise!! have a nice day