BVI News

Additional powers for Governor still a possibility

Governor Daniel Pruce

Governor Daniel Pruce has stated that he doesn’t see a need to request additional powers over the BVI at this time but said he’d like to keep that option open as the elected government continues to implement the remaining reforms recommended by the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

Additional powers was a measure suggested by past governor, John Rankin, at a time when he thought the Dr Natalio Wheatley administration was moving too slowly in implementing the good governance reforms. He said the powers would be used to get the important reforms implemented so the territory could progress as it should.

This suggestion was rejected by Premier Wheatley who said such a move would result in further colonisation of the BVI, amid increased efforts to decolonize the territory and gain further self-determination. The Premier also revived his campaign, calling on regional and international bodies to warn the UK to desist from making such threats against the BVI’s elected government.

At a press conference to mark his first quarterly update on the COI implementation process, Governor Pruce said his office is working well with the elected government and has made significant progress. Though the reform process will not be completed by May 31, Governor Pruce indicated that no punitive measures are necessary right now.

“The improved collaborative working processes I’ve described mean that I do not judge additional powers are necessary at this stage. But this should remain an open question, to be kept under review as we move through the final stages of implementation. In my personal view, the greatest additional power available to us will be that of all branches of government working together collaboratively to deliver the recommendations with sustained commitment and determination,” Governor Pruce stated.

He continued: “So, my recommendation is that there should be no change on this: the question of additional powers for the Governor should be kept under review.”

As for the feared Order In Council which threatens to snatch power away from elected representatives, Governor Pruce said it too should remain in place until the government meets the conditions for it to be lifted.

At the end of May, only 36 of the 48 COI recommendations (75 per cent) will have been completed. However, the BVI government will not be punished, as the Governor will be asking the UK to extend the deadline for completion of implementation from May 31 to August 31. 

Thereafter, Governor Pruce said an assessment would be done to see what further actions should be taken.


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  1. Pandora says:

    All of you are a set of feckless fricks protecting one another and your easy, no accountability jobs! All of you, and your hollow meaningless words make me sick!

    Just say you all are going to do nothing, change nothing, and be straight and honest with the public for once!

    Uk, the Governor, BVI elected Government, set of damn disgusting people!

    Like 9
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  2. Turks & Caicos Once bitten says:

    15 years later hundreds of $ millions spent 3 minor appealed prosecutions still no set date for current premiers younger brothers trial , his defense being farcically it’s ok to be corrupt in the Caribbean which he’s getting away with . Who’s surprised the UK foreign office doesn’t want to test the waters once more here in the BVI !

    Like 7
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  3. 31 August Extension says:

    Seems like the HOA members need some motivation to finish implementing the remaining CoI recommendations before 31 Aug’24.

    Perhaps withholding their pay, all travel expenses, government vehicles, office staff pay, etc. until 31 Aug. would motivate them to completely implement all the CoI recommendations.

  4. maria louisa varlack says:

    what is going on inside of the british virgin islands legislative council chambers building? what is going on in the governor’s office and in the deputy governor’s office? what happened to the chief minister’s office in the british virgin islands?

    Like 1
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  5. WEW says:

    Just do it. Take over and save us from these local idiots.

    Like 7
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  6. maria louisa varlack says:

    join the organization of american states. join the united nations.

    • Radio Rich says:

      And how are you supposed to do that when the BVI is a British Overseas Territory and not an independent country. Educate yourself woman!

    • Maria says:

      Okay, so we join the American states? Which is the United Nations? Wow, really, how do you get that confused. If you mean something else, USE GRAMMAR SO WE KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!

  7. maria louisa varlack says:

    the british virgin islands needs a biodiversity environment. why let politics and politicians destroy the british virgin islands?

    • Wow says:

      Let me get this straight. The BVI should become an anarchy and extend into much more chaos than is already in this country?

  8. lol says:

    why he look like a “Ernest goes to camp”? … He makes me remember my childhood days looking at Ernest Movies, lol lol lol lol

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