Alleyne officially ‘takes the rap’, co-accused trio pleads not guilty

High Court employee, Alisma Wheatley photographed at left among the other three accused persons.
Twenty-nine-year-old Gregory Alleyne, Jr who was found with an illegal gun, bullets, drugs, and a quantity of illegitimately earned cash last month has now pleaded guilty to keeping an unlicensed firearm, unlawful possession of explosives, possession of proceeds of criminal conduct, and two counts of possession of a controlled drug.
He, however, entered a not guilty plea to the two counts of unlawful possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply to another when he appeared before Magistrate Shawn Innocent on Thursday.
Notwithstanding his guilty pleas, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is moving ahead with the charges against Alleyne’s co-accused mother Doris Mills, brother Kervis Collis Rhymer, and High Court employee girlfriend Alisma Wheatley, all of whom pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
They were jointly charged with the aforementioned offences after police raided their Sea Cows Bay residence and recovered the items.
Police reportedly raided the house about 6:10 am and found $2,800 cash, 543 grams of cannabis, and 25 grams of cocaine in two bedrooms belonging to Alleyne and Rhymer.
The total estimated street value of the cannabis was said to be $5,430 while the cocaine is reportedly valued at $2,500.
A loaded pistol along with several rounds of ammunition was also recovered in the bathroom of the residence.
Seventeen of those bullets were allegedly found in the magazine of the gun while one round was found in the weapon’s breech (the section of the gun where the bullets are lodged when ready for use).
Police also recovered two digital scales and empty dime bags, it is alleged.
The court heard that nothing illegal was found in the third bedroom belonging to the mother, Mills.
Wheatley does not have a room in the house and claimed she was only at the residence to visit her boyfriend, Alleyne.
Mills, Rhymer, and Wheatley are currently on $60,000 signed bail while Alleyne is on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison.
Defence attorneys Patrick Thompson and Reynela Rawlins are representing all four accused.
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Second employee of the High Court to be arrested in 6 months. Where are you getting theses people from to work at the High Court Registry?
Why you don’t mind your business,Alisma is innocent you can’t compare the boy to her. Typical people mehson.
That’s one thing Tortola people like to do is compare … anyways lisma we still got that money hide so when I see you again lol drinks on us 🙂
DPP stop wasting the courts time. He pleaded guilty and you fully aware these other people are innocent so why waste the courts time?
You said it all DPP waiste of Government resources waiste of time poor case on those 3 co-defendants Stupes Stupes
so he is the fall guy?
They all knew what the deal was and is. Accessories to the illegal dealings and to the weapon being in the communal area! So if I was the get-away driver for a robbery then that makes me innocent? All there knew what pardna was into. How else am unemployed, non-skilled boy (CSU’s he living with moms) affords his lifestyle? Justice ain’t blind like ayo blunt tools.
You said it all DPP waiste of Government resources waiste of time poor case on those 3 co-defendants Stupes Stupes
The word is spelt ‘waste ‘
Question what was the purpose to raid a house?curious
If she knew the stuff was there and joined in the smoking of the weed ( which she —-) she is as guilty as he is and the same goes for the others. Shameful.
Who is she??? Alisma?? If so, Alisma is not a smoker……. do correct yourself. As for the others I can’t speak for them, but I know Mrs.Wheatley personally. So Mr/Ms. Or Mrs Looking in please look out and mind your business. She was just by her man house that got raided. How us she to know wa he got, she suppose to search up the man place??? Alyo ppl got to stop yooo!!
The DPP Kim Hollis is wasting time, energy and money. What is she really trying to prove here? One accused has taken full responsibility for all the contrabands. He is saying all of them belongs to me, the others don’t have anything to do with them. So why is the DPP still wasting time in prosecuting the others. DPP, please take a lesson from the Irene Penn-O’Neal case.
Send these jokers back to there country
you a clown