BVI News

Alliance wants more youth and women leaders in House of Assembly

Myron Walwyn, a senior member of the National Democratic Party (centre), alongside fellow Opposition members Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull and Stacey Mather, members of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) have formed a political alliance.

Calls for greater youth and female representation in the House of Assembly have intensified, with Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy Mather urging more inclusive leadership.

During a recent press conference, Mather, who was joined by Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn and Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull to announce their political alliance, called for a political shift that embraces diversity.

“It is crucial that we widen and incorporate more perspectives, in particular from women and youth, into decision-making processes and community-driven initiatives,” he argued.

“We must work tirelessly to dismantle systemic barriers that have become bureaucratic and cumbersome to both the public officers and the most vulnerable,” Mather stated. He highlighted the need for policies that prioritise inclusivity, ensuring that individuals from all backgrounds have equal access to opportunities and resources.

The three legislators have formed an alliance to push for unity within the opposition ranks while also encouraging a new generation of political leaders. Mather stressed that the country needs young voices to play a more active role in governance. “The voices of our youth are crucial now more than ever. They must be guided by those who have learned valuable lessons and are committed to their development,” he stated.

Limited female representation historically

The BVI has historically seen limited female representation in the House of Assembly. In the 2019 elections, only four women contested for Territorial At-Large seats. In 2023, three women secured seats, but they remain a minority among 13 legislators. Mather noted that gender equity in leadership must be a priority. “We must support community-driven initiatives that foster growth and inclusivity, ensuring that every member of our society feels valued and empowered,” he said.

The push for greater representation aligns with broader concerns over leadership accountability and the need for policy changes that address the concerns of marginalised groups. Mather urged young people to be more engaged in the political process. “To the youth of the territory — my people, I urge you to not let your voices be silenced. Let your outcry for a better Virgin Islands be across all party lines and make it louder than it has ever been,” he stated in a prior address to legislators.

Turnbull echoed the need for a unified Opposition that prioritises inclusivity and transparency. “This alliance has to represent the fact that we are all coming from two political parties, but we have decided as leaders to take the first step in having these conversations to do exactly what the people want,” he said.

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  1. Go forward says:

    I commend these three leaders for coming forward together to make a stand. Nothing happens in this country until a stand is made. It has been 7 years since the NDP and PVIM split up and nothing has been done by the two so called leaders to bring the parties back together. Nothing! And now because these 3 decide that they will work together some with their own agenda want to crucify them. Since when people working together is a bad thing? Since when? Take your stand gentlemen and press forward.

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  2. I said my piece says:

    My analysis of the opposition political situation:

    First of all, I applaud the efforts of these three representatives from two different parties agreeing to work closer together. Bi-partisanship is always a good thing and it is very encouraging to see it happening here. The BVI people say they want people to work together and when they do we start to curse them out. We really special in this place.

    The two main opposition party leaders are a waste of time and everybody know it. Ronnie, has made his contribution to the BVI but he way beyond his Best Buy date. You could see him just going through the motions in the HOA with no enthusiasm. The opposition could be far more effective if it had better leadership. Ronnie is not what this country needs now. Anyway I heard he is not running again I think that’s a good thing. Make way for younger blood that wants to be there and make a contribution to the country.

    Marlon is a younger version of the present Ronnie. He is lazy and gets nothing done. Talk to the staff at Ministry of Health and they will tell you. He has been the last man standing in the NDP after the 2019 election and he seized hold of the NDP and called himself the leader without having any sort of internal elections over the last 7 years. The party is in complete disarray and if a snap election is called now it is bound to lose. Under Marlon, Ingrid Moses left the NDP. Lorna Smith left the NDP. Alvera Maduro left the NDP. A now one of the key members Myron Walwyn has formed an alliance with others from a different party. What does that tell you? Everyone in the NDP top brass knows that the party cannot go anywhere with Marlon but they don’t want to tell him.

    Now Lorna. Lorna is for Lorna. That’s all I will say on that part. Who don’t understand that then them real slow.

    We have to start calling things as we see them in the BVI. Let’s just be honest. If the these three said they spoke with the other legislators and they didn’t come along then they are well within their right to make a move. Should they sit and idle with the others who can’t make a decision? I say No. Good for you guys. Push forward.

    Like 16
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  3. LOL says:

    I bet how you will see lazy Marlon shuffling to get candidates now. All the while he just there sitting down sleeping.

    Like 10
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  4. Tola says:

    Mather is just another hypocrite he wants to undermine the only female in cabinet decastro now here talking piss

    John and demion were on point this lame duck opposition going no where fast to power hungry and about self

    Like 1
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    • @Tola says:

      I don’t want to hear a word from the mouth of John Cline. He is a hypocritical, self serving man hiding behind a church collar. During Covid this man encouraged people not to take the vaccine. Many of our people followed him and didn’t take it. Some died. But he went secretly and took it while on radio and social media telling others not to take it. His justification was that he had to travel so he took it. So the same vaccine that he called poison, he took the poison because he wanted to travel. People died bishop Cline. Bvi people have short memories it I could never forget or forgive you for this.

      Like 8
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      • @Tola says:

        I just a few questions:

        1. How Bishop John Cline get in the middle of this?
        2. Was he present at the various discussions? From what he has been saying he is reporting hearsay and it’s clear that it is only from one side
        3. What interest does he have in this. I ask this because we haven’t heard anything from Ronnie, Lorna or Marlon. But here is Bishop Cline running his mouth while the people involved are quiet.
        4. Is it true that Bishop Cline wants to be a candidate with the NDP in 2027 elections? If this is so then that cancels out any kind of objectivity from him on this situation.

        • Good Questions says:

          @Tola. Some people believe if they are not in the room or a part of the conversation or plan, it can’t be a good thing, so they discredit it and attempt to create confusion. I wonder who died and made him God or the mouthpiece for others! Very despicable behaviour and filled with ulterior motive.

  5. Progress says:

    We are accustomed to business as usual in the BvI. Talk and talk and talk more without any action. We sit and complain and say that we only hearing talk but when action commence we start making noise and criticize those who dare to take action. How much longer will they talk about getting together as one party? How long? This is the closest they have gotten to it in 7 years. I say this is progress. The question should be why the party leaders did nothing in 7 years. That should be our question.

    Like 12
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  6. Younger says:

    Good for them. That is a powerful message. Old people get stuck fighting each other as if it matters & take life too serious clutching their old identity instead of progressing.

  7. Anonymous says:

    NDP not wining no election with Marlon as it leader he has to be the least charismatic least inspiring politician in there. PVIM not winning by itself either to me Skelton hasn’t been that impressive as leader of the opposition so far and from the outside looking in it doesn’t seem like the other members of the opposition have much faith/ confidence in his leadership either. These party leaders seem to rather lose repeatedly than take a back seat for premier. I honestly can’t say I believe Skelton or Penn would be a better more capable premier than the D6 representative. Outside of “ that’s my cousin” or “that’s my uncle” or something like that why would you choose either one of them over Myron? He is more fit to be premier than everybody else in hoa that is why he is viewed as such a threat by both sides; he is a constant threat to their political aspirations and has to be kept at bay in my opinion that’s how every ‘party leader’ in hoa views Myron.

    • INDEED says:

      I couldn’t agree with you more, the people of this territory need to stop with the island man nonsense. he is not just a talker but a doer!!! and can also offer solutions to the ills we are all facing in this place. I wonder if the Premier has plans and solutions in place for the ripple effect we are about to experience here from Trump’s imposed tariffs on Canada Mexico and China? cost of living is going to skyrocket so will crime.

    • @Anonymous says:

      You thinK?

  8. I Laugh says:

    It seems the new buzz words are “Out with the Old and In with the Youth”. Well, carry on. Hope you find some Youths who are worker bees and not just sitting on and feasting on the honeycomb all the day long.

    We seem to forget that we have 13 Youths running things and has nothing to say about them. But the Old, Ronnie and Lorna, who would do a better job than all of them seems to be the new topic. That is the Alliance’s strategy? If so, don’t waste your energy doing that. Go out and look for serious minded Youths who can take us forward instead of sitting in big positions and doing the mere minimum. God be with us all.

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