BVI News

Are more high profile arrests on the horizon?

Cindy Rosan

With the arrest of former Education Minister Myron Walwyn earlier this week, the territory remains on alert, wondering whether more arrests will be made in the coming weeks.

Walwyn was the third person arrested and charged for breach of trust by a public officer in relation to the controversial Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) perimeter wall project that reportedly suffered major cost overruns. The wall was a major subject of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) held in the BVI last year.

And according to social commentator Cindy Rosan, more high profile arrests could be on the horizon.

“I don’t want to preempt and call names — that would be based on my opinion. But based on what we’re seeing and based on the particular ministries and projects that are under investigation, I foresee that we’ll have a few more arrests and I could see a couple sitting members of the House Of Assembly actually being arrested. But that’s just my opinion,” Rosan said in a recent interview with online media outlet CaribUpdate.

Rosan told the interviewer that residents aren’t surprised by the arrests because they know serious investigations are being undertaken in the BVI.

When asked to predict how the community will vote in a potential general election, Rosan said it is hard to tell because the “environment is very unstable at the moment”, especially amid the threats of a takeover that were recently made by the United Kingdom (UK).

After his arrest this week, Walwyn released a statement vowing to fight vigorously as the charge laid against him is unfair.

That drew backlash from the Director of Public Prosecutions who called the statement an “erroneous and unfounded” attempt to “adversely influence the potential array of jurors who will eventually decide his fate” in a likely trial before the High Court.

The other two persons who have been charged in relation to the ESHS wall are local businessman Kelvin Thomas who was slapped with three criminal charges and Lorna Stevens who was recently arrested and charged with Breach of Trust by a Public Officer.



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  1. Hmmmm says:

    This is the ONLY reason she appeared kn that program, PUBLICITY! The need for attention is just sickening and this loose cannon of an individual really think people will vote for them.

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  2. Kia says:

    Unstable Cindy please stop spreading nonsense about the people of this territory. Chupessss!

    Like 18
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  3. go sidddung says:

    Girl go find a seat because m0st of ayo on those talk shows are criminals ayo self….Some are deportees, druggies, thieves, child molesters, rapists, dont pays etc etc

    Like 13
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  4. Rubber Duck says:

    Do bears crap in the woods?

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  5. Scarecrow says:

    Needs to stfu now

    Like 10
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  6. Go from here girl says:

    She will be arrested soon on all thoes libel charges so if I was her I would hush plus we would never elect her cr**y self

    Like 11
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  7. Handel says:

    The weeds of the Fahie administration is being plucked.

    Like 12
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  8. do a background check on all of them says:

    Most of the talk-show hosts are questionable characters themselves

    Like 16
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  9. If she was a man, would you be if the same opinion? says:

    First let me state upfront, I do not know Ms Rosan personally nor have I met or interacted with her prior. I believe we are Facebook friends as I see her postings.

    Now, I have noticed from reading the blogs that there are people out there who spew venom at her and I have wondered why. I have read about her thoughts and position on issues and I personally have not seen anything she says offensive. She has her opinions and thoughts like each of us.

    What I see quite frankly is a strong woman who dares to speak her mind and is unafraid to do so. A woman who is not afraid to ask questions and seek answers. In this society where there are some folks who believe women should not be seen or heard, the fact that Ms Rosan speaks up has rattled some and gives them heartburns each time she says anything. A perfect example of misogyny in my view.

    In my judgement Ms Rosan is entitled to speak her mind and truth wherever and whenever she likes. Her options are hers and no less valid than any other. Don’t like her, get in line. Don’t want to vote for her, its your choice.

    How many of you who bash her speak up on anything? I would gather that many of you do not, but cannot wait for her to say something before you attack her.

    IMO, more women need to speak up in this country rather than being silent about issues that affect us all. Ms Rosan makes some of you uncomfortable and thats your problem.

    So, more power to women like Ms Rosan who are unafraid to speak up. Part of the price for doing so is hate directed at her, but from my observation she appears to be resilient, and thats a testament to her strength. So I say keep speaking Ms Rosan. You opinions are no less valid than others.

    I do agree that its more than likely there will be other arrest but I personally have no opinion on who those persons may be or when.

    Like 53
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  10. get to know first says:

    you did not take the time to find out anything about this cindy rosan buy you find her to be this person who is not afraid to speak her just wow.up to yesterday cindy made a comment that she agreed with Kanye that slavery was a she had said this in any other part of the world she would have been torn to pieces. so I am going to diagnose her with bipolar just like Kanye. I will leave it here.

    Like 12
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  11. La Boca Grande says:

    She needs to be arrested for allegedly illegally obtaining with the assist of Government employee(s),UK Government property, an unedited version of a video and releasing said video for viewing by the International and World Community for the explicit purpose of further damage to these VI,her adopted home and its people. How low can you go. Her knowledge and close association with the seemy and the illegal segment could be the granted impetus for her freedom to continue slithering and giving venom to the UK for further damage .

    Like 7
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  12. I am not here to defend what she says says:

    I am not here to defend what she says. Rather, I defend her right to speak especially as a woman. We all know Kayne West is paying a price for what he said about Jewish folks.

    We all should have freedom of speech but should be reminded and mindful that while we can say what we wish, it can come with consequences sometimes severe.

    Again, I defend her right to speak. I may or may not agree with her, and I don’t have to, but she should have her right to speak.

    So much of the vitriol directed towards her appear to be coming from men. One post I read suggested that she should have a D in her mouth as oppose to having her say. That’s terrible.

    That kind of mindset is what I object mostly to. I would not want no woman in my life be it my mother, sisters, daughters, nieces, female friends be spoken of in that manner, and I am sure the person who wrote what I just paraphrased would not like that said about the women in their lives also.

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  13. Missed opportunity says:

    It would have been good if Cindy had got more information than we have already that’s true.

    A good journalist would carry out first hand research and investigation to add value and clarity.

    With that in mind I would like to know what was involved in VI government making a deal to have a convicted of rape prisoner be given special consideration and offered repatriation at cost to taxpayers. Who in cabinet allowed these foolishness???

    Like 6
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  14. Journalist? says:

    Since when is Ms. Rosan a Journalist? She’s referred to in the article as a social commentator. There’s a difference. Why does she need to be more responsible than members of the HOA who are constantly saying things and being quoted in the press for saying unsubstantiated things. Much of what they say can be refuted with just pure common sense.

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  15. LookSee says:

    Between all these upde islun folks and their predictably adverse contributions to the VI,overcrowded prison,decline in quality of BVI life across the current and future spectrumm Willock Cline Rosan are focal examples of where the VI disobeyed Spiritual guidance(Matthew 7:6)

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  16. WHO IS LYING says:

    Cindy said that she has issued a libel case against Heritage, and that she had served the case on him.
    Heritage said he does not know anything about any case, and that he has not been served.

  17. Hmm says:

    Did Cindy get arrested?

  18. West says:

    She is right, correct and on point. So them who know dem had bad, mistrusted dealings with the government funds( we tax payers monèy) start getting you bail money and one surety in line! PERIODT!!

    Like 5
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  19. LilyAnn says:

    Claude Skelton Cline look like he hire Andrew voodoo man, HE CYAH GET ARRESTED YET !!!! Well sah !!!!

  20. cindy says:

    so, you mean to tell me you wrote a post about yourself then? weirdo.

    Like 2
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  21. Secret Bear says:

    This isn’t news.

  22. Ears and eyes says:

    Well sah ayo na run go to no other Caribbean island now the heat is getting hotter in torla.

  23. Cerox says:

    But she has been proved to be right……

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  24. Clear Day says:

    The fact that she has not been arrested is a clear indication that she is allowing herself to be used by the machinations of the UK.
    Another display of ingratitude by dregs washed up on our shores.

  25. Ausar says:

    Beautiful Cindy, you continue to do your thang!

    Ausar is so proud of you, and wish you success in ALL of your endeavors-political, social,or otherwise!!!

  26. *inhales deeply* says:

    Yes. More may be on the way, but make sure you’re not there in that number.

  27. THE WIGO IS AT IT AGAIN/ N says:


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