Attempted murder charge changed, Collins granted bail after eyewitness recalls self-defence

Twenty-five-year-old Greenland resident, Kallique Collins, was granted $90,000 signed bail after an eyewitness report indicated that he was defending himself during a recent stabbing incident.
Collins’ attempted murder charge was also changed to ‘wounding with intent’.
He was not required to plead when he appeared before Magistrate Ayanna Baptiste-DaBreo on Tuesday. This is because the offence for which he is accused is indictable (triable before a judge and jury).
The court heard that about 6:12 pm on July 9, police responded to a stabbing incident in Fat Hog’s Bay, Tortola.
The victim was later identified as 21-year-old Paraquita Bay resident Dillon Quammie who is the complainant.
The incident occurred after the complainant reportedly asked the accused for $40 he had loaned him months ago. The court heard that the monies were to be repaid within a week of being loaned.
It is alleged that, on the day in question, a 30-second argument ensued between the two. This escalated into a physical altercation and the subsequent stabbing, the court heard.
By the time police arrived on the scene, Quammie, who had sustained a stab wound to his abdomen, had already been transported to the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital for medical attention, prosecutors said.
The court heard that at 9:30 pm the same night, Collins and his attorney walked into the East End Police Station where the accused man expressed a willingness to speak to investigators about the incident.
The court heard that the accused man admitted that he knew the complainant because they attended high school together, but they were not friends.
Eye-witness report
The court further heard that an eye witness indicated through his statement which was read in court that he saw Collins walking away from Quammie (the complainant) on the day in question.
He said he overheard Quamie telling the accused, “I want my money, or else I am going to mash you up”.
The accused man then told the complainant that he was broke and unemployed but would repay him when he came into some money.
However, the complainant reportedly persisted that he wanted his money right away. It was then that the accused took out a gold coloured knife, the court heard.
The court heard that the complainant reportedly told him that he (Collins) better use the said knife before he (the complainant) struck him. The fight then ensued.
In court, the Crown did not object to bail. They, however, suggested that rigid bail conditions be imposed. Prosecutors further said one of those conditions must be that part of Collins’ bail amount be paid in cash.
Patrick Thompson, the attorney representing the accused, then argued that the eyewitness report contradicted the statement of the complainant.
Thompson said, with those sequence of events, his client has a viable argument of ‘self-defence’. The attorney also pointed out that his client voluntarily walked into the police station to assist with the investigations.
He also said his client is not a flight risk, he has no relevant previous convictions, and as such, should be granted bail under reasonable circumstances.
Magistrate DaBreo agreed with the defence attorney and said no cash component will be attached to the $90,000 bail amount.
She, however, ordered him to have no contact with the complainant or other witnesses. He is to report to the East End Police Station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 6 am and 6 pm and surrender all his travel documents.
His matter was adjourned to September 26.
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All this over 40 dollars.
WAIT!!! So you can use a knife is self defence against an attack in a random bar?
WTF you cannot carry a concealed weapon and then pull it out to threaten someone and then get bail …..
Place is a joke, if the guy was threatening him then call the Police there are witnesses , don’t pull a knife.
Someone with sense. Thanks for the comment. He drew the weapon no bail should be granted.
If someone pulls out a knife and you tell them they better use it then procede to start a fight with that knife wielder, what would you expect would happen? There you go so one got poked. I for sure wouldn’t be getting up all close and personal with anyone with a weapon especially if I’m unarmed.
I can’t disagree here.
Who said he was IN the bar???? and READ the account, the “victim” PROVOKED the assailant hence Self-Defense. Pocket knives are not illegal as they are sold openly on island. Do you mean that he cannot defend himself when attacked?
YES that is exactly what I am saying, you cannot use a knife to defend yourself from a FIST that is the law it must be proportionate to the attack ie Fist on Fist . Yes the other guy started the argument but if the other guy had paid him nothing would of occurred. Why borrow money from someone you know is violent?
Your techinicality is ridiculous.
For example if guns were legal and someone attacks you with a knife. You have a gun. what will you do stand there and call the police or pull the trigger?
Well if so be the case the rastaman that killed rudeboy should be in jail all now. Well these are identical scenarios, the attacker got poked by the victim defending himself. Even the magistrate agreed that it was self defense
First of all the knife which the accused used was NOT a pocket knife
And you know this how?
He aint get $40. to repay but now have more for lawyers and bail. He had no right to stab the complaint for the complaint never attack him as far as i read here. Nor the complainant was accused of having a weapon. Collins wrong and strong.
Are you paying the lawyer? Typical humans just never mind their business
So Callique borrowed money from a stranger then? And y’all so stupid to believe this s*^t
So he borrowed money from a stranger??
They were never friends?
He didnt use a pocket knife…
Reading is fundamental. Some of yall read just to talk. This story makes no sense!!
Callique is a coward. Stab a man for his own money.
wow this place is really a Bs place well free the rasta man wah get 10 yrs so be the case