Ban vehicles older than 10 years or impose stiff taxes on buyers — Rymer

Transportation Minister Kye Rymer wants vehicles older than 10 years to be banned from entering the British Virgin Islands.
Rymer made the suggestion while making his contribution to the 2019 budget debate at the House of Assembly on Thursday.
He said: “I think now is the time that we move to implement a ban on vehicles over eight to 10 years so that we can control the number of vehicles that would be on our roadways.”
“We are not building any new roads within the territory, but we continue to import vehicles,” added Rymer, as if to point out that this fact was absurd.
The minister said persons opting to import older vehicles should be made to pay stiff levies.
“Your duty should be probably at a hundred percent of the value,” he said while referring to motorists importing decade-old vehicles.
Reimplement ‘disposal fee’
In the meantime, Rymer is also batting for government to reimplement the Derelict Vehicle Act’s ‘disposal fee’ clause.
The fee is a one-time tax to be paid when a motorist is licensing their vehicle.
“We need to start collecting the disposal fee for these vehicles that enter the territory. These are things that are already on the books and I think now is the time that we must work to collect these fees to offset the cost to remove these derelict vehicles from the territory,” Rymer said.
His remarks follow similar sentiments by the General Manager for the Department of Waste Management Greg Massicotte who told BVI News that the department has been challenged by the number of derelicts since the 2017 disasters.
He said his department has towed between 2,500 to 3,000 derelict vehicles to the temporary derelict dump at Pockwood Pond since the hurricanes.
The department had to pay $80 per vehicle to have it towed by private wrecker companies.
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This man hit his head or what? Not everyone can afford a newer car. Improve public transportation then revisit this topic…smh
VIP was a mistake
we get price control
Make sure the interest rates are lowered too. They go hand in hand.
For every vehicle brought to the island one has to leave. This way there is a net zero increase in vehicles on the island and all the old rusted, derelict pieces of s**t will be gone from peoples yards and the roadways. Why can’t something as simple as this be implemented? Too hard to understand? Let me make it easy. If you import a vehicle then you pay a fixed amount to the government and the government puts a vehicle on a barge to the US or wherever for recycling. Car dealers are required to do the same when they bring vehicles in. Well stoops?
So disappointed!!!! Just well he s**t he mouth.
Wait till he starts banning or imposing stiff penalties on Right Hand vehicles too…..
We need a proper bus service. Regular half hourly buses that run along the south coast road from the airport to west end. That return over Sion Hill and go through Carrot Bay to Cane Garden then along the ridge road back to east end and the airport. Perhaps also going the reverse route.
Bring people to the jobs and jobs to the people.
Mobility of Labour is essential.
The country does not exist for the benefit of taxi drivers.
please think before you post!!
Henry will have a lot to say if this happens!
IF HE SAYS ANYTHING … dont forget that’s his Govt
But it’s ok to take money to pay for socialized health care.
I agree with him, he did not say that you cant buy an old vehicle from within the territory. He is saying not to import them. We have to protect what we have from now if we don’t the impact will trickle down and negatively affect our future.
I really cant believe that this is the government for the so called small man
Maybe if they are not road worthy, that could work. But, if we ban cars more than 10 years old, would we not increase the turnover of cars that need to be disposed of? Perhaps limits on on how many cars anyone can own at any given time.
Another thought would be to make massive improvements in public transportation so there is less need to own a vehicle but that would prob not go down well with the taxi men.
That that money collected will be used as a personal piggy bank for central government?
We need to ban those doggone right hand drive vehicles
I didn’t want to say it but it’s true too many of them. In other Caribbean islands if you want to bring in a left hand drive vehicle the duty you pay is ridiculous that you wouldn’t even bother. But no not in the BVI every one comes and do what they want and change our culture and things that make us different and unique. I have nothing against expacts as my parents are. But the BVI no longer belongs to us….it belongs to them.
You sound ignorant!
you really sound ignorant. There is a saying ignorance is bliss. What does right hand drive vehicle has to do with culture? If you ask me that’s the vehicle we are suppose to be driving because its the right vehicle for driving on the left side of the road as adapted from the UK. Which we are indeed a UK Territory and not a US. We want to adapt a US behavior in a British territory, and you talking about your parents is expats. Stop lie, you are a sell out. Don’t you think there is a reason why England drive on the left side of the road with right hand drive vehicle and in the US they drive on the right side of the road with left hand drive vehicles. I guess they were waiting on you to reinvent the wheel.
Man we don’t want to look like down island period
You tell them! These people need to think before writing the comments they make!
Well said
I don’t think you fully read what you wrote. Your parents are expats, but you have nothing against people from the islands. You just think they are changing your culture?
First thing, it is not OUR culture. Where your parents came from is what make up your cultural heritage. When you learned how to cook (if you can) did you not follow the same style of your island parents?
Secondly, driving a right hand vehicle does not depict anyone’s culture. I believe the influx of right hand vehicle is more of an economical decision rather than a will to reject a particular culture.
True how? do you know we drive on the left side? do you know in the states they drive on the right? do you also know that your steering wheel should be on the opposite side of the side of the road you drive on. think before you chat nonsense. it has locals who own right hand as well as expats who own left hand
What does a right hand drive have to do with there being to many cars on the road, lack of public transportation, and BVI culture? It’s just the location of the steering wheel, which is actually safer and recommended seeing that we drive on the left hand side of the road.
Because we are supposed to be driving right hand vehicles here. We drive on the.left side for crying out loud. We are the only people that drive on the left with left hand vehicles. So backward. America drive with left hand vehicles on the right hand side. Brits and EC drive on leftnhand with right hand…but no we pick the worst of worst. Foolishness. We need right hand vehicles. Try over taking …its better with a right hand drive
You need to think before you talk your mother country drives right hand so why you have a problem with that now you want to blame the caribbean ooooo please stop act like you are americans because the BVI is British and England drive ringt hand my 2 cents
You have nothing against expats…? Could have fooled me. Also, right hand drive vehicles are actually safer for driving on the left hand side of the road. That has nothing to do with being an expat, just good common sense in terms of visibility on the roads.
Also, banning vehicles that are more than 10 years old…I am an expat and can’t afford a new car. We don’t all earn millions. I am here because I love this island, I have no intention of leaving and actually dislike the mentality of many of the expats. I don’t alienate myself like some of them do, I am proud to live here, cannot see myself living anywhere else and want to integrate with the larger community. Wish people would stop pigeon holing us. We’re not all bad.
I am not one for advocating a change in culture (?), [if that’s what it is], unless the change will improve the traffic safety in the Territory. Right Hand Drive Vehicles are much better for safety where the traffic flow is on the left side of the road. This is why it is preferred in ALL Eastern Caribbean
countries,the UK and Europe. America uses the Left Hand Drive vehicles because their traffic flow is on the RIGHT side of the road.
You do know that since we are driving on the left right-hand drive is the best option right? but nvm continue your ignorance
A good majority of the right hand side drivers do not hold their damn side. I always have to be further to the left edge cause the across the median.
Nobody keeps to their side on this island for goodness sake. It’s got nothing to do with rhd vehicles, which are incidentally the safest vehicles for these roads. Just because you are accustomed to a certain way doesn’t make it better than someone else’s way. If you have a problem with people driving in the middle of the road go complain to your neighbours, cousins, brothers, sisters and parents. Because everyone here drives their vehicle like it’s a damn donkey on a trail.
I suspect it is best for those who are accustomed to it. It is just fine for the BVI belongers who are accustomed to driving a left hand vehicle on the left.
No it is not!!!!
Hope you see he didn’t specify left or right hand drive so that means American and European vehicles in the mix too. So no more old Cadillacs and Mercedes too. Stop the discrimination on right hand drive. It four wheel is a car
Boy they sometimes drive too close on people driving left hand vehicles. They burn you off as we would say. It could get scary sometimes, but I don’t know that we can dictate what people drive if that is what they are accustomed too, but they have to be more cautious buddy.
Why ? I don’t get it . If you are a competent driver you should be able to handle this .
Actually, the right hand vehicles are what the territory should actually be using or we should stert driving on the right.
In the U.S, they have left hand vehicles but they drive on the right. In the U.K they have right hand vehicles but they drive on the left. This facilitates safety especially when u have to overtake. Notice also the confusion with the roundabout. One should really be yielding to the person whose line of vision within the roundabout is the least. The opposite happens here. We yield to the person who has the best line of vision.
Left hand drives let children out on the side with moving/ongoing traffic while a right hand lets them out on the side walk. We talking about safety right?
So….. tell them to get out the other side. Easy really since they should be in the back seats.
And if they’re sitting on the back sear of a 2 door vehicle, your expectation then is that the driver should get out to let them out on the pavement side of the street, right?
IMHO, given the prevalence of left hand drive vehicles on island, we should just switch to driving on the right. Safer for passengers, fewer completely blind corners, no more being blinded at night by an on-coming vehicle at night (because headlights are angled away from driver towards passenger side, in other words towards oncoming vehicles when we drive on left with left hand drive vehicles). If you have a bus, most likely doors would be in the middle of the road, etc. Sure, changing will take a little adjustment, but in the end, it would less dangerous for all. It’s hard to come up with any rational reason for sticking to driving on the left, especially when car dealers sell left hand but not right hand cars.
Ok Island Dummies. Here’s the story. First, a vehicle in a roundabout has the right of way. Speaking of right-of-way, the vehicle to your right has the right of way. Hence the expression. Last, as most of you are ignorant to, the reason the Brits drive opposite the US comes from the days of jousting. The US was formed way after jousting concluded. Which side you drive on and which side the steering wheel is on is irrelevant to the fact that the Territory is overrun with derilict vehicles. They need to be removed. Allowing older cars that will only last a few years because you islanders don’t maintain the vehicles and the salt in the air deteriorates them this only adds to the number of junk cars sitting around.
This is SO easy to solve. Just buy cars with the steering wheel on the right since we drive on the left. That’s a lot simpler and cheaper than changing the roads around! However, this article isn’t about that. It’s a good idea to ban 10 year + old cars as it will reduce the number of cars in BVI. The more old cars we import the more derelict ones we have sooner. This is so obvious! Anyone who cannot afford a new car just buy an old one in BVI. Let’s face it, there are plenty of them around.
Sounds to me like he didn’t grow up in a family setting! How about getting rid of your aging parents to make room for the younger generation?
Wow how dumb are you. You want left hand drive cars driving on the left so overtaking is more dangerous and the lights shine into your eyes at night.
i haven’t heard the argument about the passenger buses letting out passengers in the middle of the highway people there is a good reason why things are done a particular way safety comes first right hand drive vehicles are designed for left side of the road and left hand drive vehicles for right side of the road not because you are doing something for decades makes it right it has been proven that these combination of left on right and right on left works best and is safest for the motoring public and pedestrians we down island people as you all call us appreciate though that the bvi is unique and that they do things differently from normal even when it is obviously wrong so my take let the people do what they want in there country
I agree and you do what you want in yours.
rightfully if u drive on the left the steering is suppose to be on the right..its commonsense…europe, usa they all implemented the logical requirement….no wonder for this small place there are so many road incidents
crazy drivers come from there country and causing the mess with accidents,40yrs ago accidents was mostly macanic issues.and was mostly local ,and tourist driving at those time on a single road left and ride side occupied at same time with less accident .
40 years ago only a small handful of people had cars on this island. Let’s talk the truth now. SMH
really!! you should then suggest that the taxi bus them have doors on the left hand side so that passengers can get off on the walkway and not in the center of the road.
That makes no sense. What does make sense is to ban left hand drive American cars. They force you to drive into the incoming traffic to overtake a slow or stationary car.
That notion is pure bogus and and none-thought out foolishness.
Many vehicles have up to a twenty year life span once maintained regularly and adequately.
Before Irma came and took, for example, there were many taxi busses, mine included, were in mint condition and which were a mere ten to twelve years old.
So, the idea to ban a ten year vehicle is a ludicrous one, and in which the vehicle sales apparatuses may be behind.
What needs to banned un-thought out none-sense coming from the mouths of the folk we elected in good faith.
How can you possibly misinterpret the article to that extent? Nobody is proposing to ban owning vehicles over 10 years old. They just want to ban the importation of vehicles more than 10 years old. My 4 year old son can work that out!
This is not going to be popular and people are not going to find all kind of reasons to kick up about it…but it is the kind of bold step that is needed. We need structure, even if we don’t like it.
there are people who can buy updated vehicles and others who can’t…… people goes by their budget …sir….you and your family are going to contribute to buy up to date vehicles for other people…i dont think so
Now this is a minister with more than common sense.this ban on vehicle’s should have been in place more than ten yrs gosh it dont take a rocket scientist to see the effect these old vehicles is causing on our small island.many other Caribbean countries already implemented such laws to ban vehicles over 10 and 12 yrs old.thanks again mr minister at least it is not to late
What a pompus ignorant idea . Sorry the rest of us cant buy new cars you moron. Fix your roads . . even if you have to bring in the people QUALIFIED to do it ! My cousin who throws blacktop on the hole knows NOTHING about road repair but EVERYTHING about check cashing .
Why is everyone talking cars? The big trucks are necessary to the economy but they are the biggest culprits to any road base. I agree the roads need experienced and qualified bedding and cover to be able to accomodate all vehicles.
He didn’t say you had to buy new cars. Just don’t import one over 10 years old. You can still buy a car 50 years old if you feel like it.
i know it was just a matter of time before you start talking rubbish.
Please not everyone on government payroll and can afford new vehicle.
The banks and car dealers must be smiling. Everyone cannot afford the price of buying a brand new car here in the BVI. A 10 year old car bought in the USA is still a practically new car……. Think this one over.
Derelict vehicles are a problem, but I don’t think this is the solution.
– I don’t see new imports as being the problem. The problem is old wrecked cars being driven around despite being patently unroadworthy. They are unlicensed and uninsured, but nobody seems to care.
– A “disposal fee” would just disappear into general government funds and would never actually be used for vehicle. It also means the costs fall upon those who are getting their vehicles licensed, whereas the problems are caused mostly by vehicles which are not licensed.
I am not sure what the best solution is. But I don’t think this will work.
I won’t rule out the derelict fee. If consistent enforcement is done, the problem will eventually be eliminated. our problem is when a new law/regulation or old one in this case is implemented/reimplemented there is usually an outcry, “people can’t pay”, “ayo killin de small man” etc., etc. People somehow find money for what they want, we waste a lot in this society. But we have to stick to the vision we have for this Territory. I am support of the reimplementation of the fee but they must stick to their guns this time. I also support the ban but such a move cannot be considered without at the same time bringing forward an effective and efficient solution to public transportation. Government must Invest in public transportation or support and regulate a public transportation system with private providers. Like everything such moves should be discussed in the communities around the Territory because often times the people on the ground have the solutions/recommendations that can produce a desirable result.
It makes sense Hon. Rymer.
Bringing old vehicles in the country is Governments expense to get the old dilapidated ones out. Too many old junk is already here.
This is nonsense. Charging a higher duty on vehicles over 10 years can work. It’s currently 21% duty for importing vehicles. For vehicles over 10 years old charge 30%. At DMV, charge ALL persons a $10 fee which will go towards derelict management. Get tough on vehicles parked all over the place for weeks/months especially in town. Enforcement is the key not chatting nonsense in HOA. The BVI has a nastiness/lawlessness problem, not a vehicle problem.
I totally agree with the Honorable Minister
We in the BVI want improvement but when that time comes to try something new we never want to test it out first… we always complaining. I agree with him.
the man never say go buy a new car! it makes sense kye don’t mind them no more imports of rides that is 10 years are older.
Would this ban also include heavy equipment like 3,10 and 20 yard trucks and other equipment like Excavators and other earth moving machines??
My question exactly! Every heavy equipment vehicle here is more than 10 years old.
This is a solution to a problem but not the problem being discussed. The problem with too many cars on the road can be addressed by improving public transportation and giving the public transportation special lanes in Road Town during certain times of the day. Good luck trying to take something from the public they already have.
I agree with a limitation of imported cars. Maybe we should follow Bermuda and limit the no. of cars per individual .
You sure you want one car per household and 50 cc scooters like Bermuda?
YES! That’s the best thing we could possibly do. Bermuda has NO problem with wrecked and abandoned cars. NONE. NADA NOTHING! They also have 150cc bikes, by the way.
Minister Rhymer,
Please we put you there because you were with a team that represents the man on the ground. You are fully aware that the hurricane and insurance left individuals, families and homes struggling and the banks did not help much.
Is the government willing to put something in place to help a poor struggling man like me acquire a vehicle within your recommended age range. I hope at the same time your ensure that government does not have vehicles over 5 years old on the road. Think again young man
He said import vehicles over ten years he not referring to ones you buy here. Don’t think government imports vehicles over ten years.
We here in the BVI pay some of the lowest importation duties as is. Also, most Caribbean countries charge what’s called an environmental tax on vehicles over a certain age. For example, St. Kitts & Nevis charge a $5000.00 environmental tax on vehicles over 5 years old. Plus VAT and Duties. Really don’t see anything wrong with having to pay some kind of tax on vehicles over 10 years. My only objection to that has always been that yrademen or men who use trucks to make a living should get some kinda break (not saying for free but some kinda break). But then regulate the conditions of the vehicles they are allowed to bring in. All in all, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Just my opinion.
Don’t compare us to St Kitts. They have good roads. Do you see the roads we drive on?
Persons can only afford old vehicles now , You live comfy and cant sit in our shoes .. VIP members way of thinking is really bad .
The Minister is not saying you cant buy a used car over 10 years old hes saying tax the additional ones coming onto the island. So many cars theres already a ready stock of vehicles over 10 years and this will mushroom over time
I totally agree. To much old garbage being imported to the BVI that cannot go elsewhere.
I hope he means ban the importation of vehicles 8 to 10 years old. If they are already here then some sort of pollution testing should be done on them, but do not allow anyone to import them if they are that old.
pollution testing on cars ? Check Cox Heath , Pockwood Pond , or the toxic raw sewage being dumped outside Roadtown that is if its not on the roads. First things first
Pure rubbish the honor able minister kKye talkinf. People can’t afford food much less a damn second hand car. You st***dy or wha de man. Look like you big pay check gone tonyou head.
That’s a moronic idea . For that matter you can do same for boats . We have much more fish to fry other than worrying about some older vehicles coming to the territory . If one wants to put a higher tariff that may discourage some buyers but banning ??
I swear most of these people in the VIP government gone crazy
You gone crazy!
There need to be a immediate STOP importation of those stupid right hand drive. We allow everyone to do what they want. These vehicles are not for the BVI and the people that drive them always in the middle of the road and turning corners on the other side. This need to STOP.
@ Enougjh.
Please ask some one with a Right hand drive vehicle to allow you to drive their vehicle for a couple hours and see the difference it makes in Vision and Judgement in Holding your lane in traffic
I guess you SO set in your ways. You l Not even consider giving yourself a NEW experience
lol Buddy? not everyone makes your type of money. wtf is wrong with you?
ya’ll Tola people stupid mehson and I is one, but is a rare intelligent one. We drive on the left and so the proper vehicle should be right hand drive.
You can get value for money with those Japanese vehicles. As a matter of fact, even a 10 plus year old japanese vehicle typically have more technology and features than a new vehicle coming from the U.S. Japan is the leader, in car manufacturing quality!
So ya’ll can continue to spend top dollar on a new vehicle that will lose its value real fast, ya’ll stupid self.
Kye Rhymer is not the b***htest bulb
Unfortunately most people driving right hand drive never stick to their side of the road and that’s the problem. Most can’t gauge how close they are to the edge of cliff/ road.
Ok – so we should be driving right hand drive vehicles, but we have been taught to drive left hand vehicles and it’s been fine foe donkey years.. why change it now? Left hand drivers hold their side more than right hand and they have the “better view”. soooo
Reading is fundamental. Some ayo just don’t read to understand. What he is talking about is IMPORTING!!!!! And he is right. Why would you import a vehicle that is 10 years old or more? Just buy it from here.
What nonsense you talking? Bvi manufacture vehicles here??!! You get a better quality and reasonably price vehicle when you import.
Look to Singapore as an example, this works you can still purchase cars older than 10 years old on island you just can’t import them.
You really think your comment through? Singapore?! Singapore ain’t poor like we here in BVI. It can work for them because they have a high standard of living for the majority of the population. Not so for BVI.
The reason Singapore isn’t broke like us is that they have laws and stick to them. We disregard the few laws we have and turn this place into a trash heap. Then tourists choose to not come here. That’s what makes us poor.
Brilliant! Agree with you Hon. Rymer
now we’re talking! keep doing amazing work…A man who always gets the job DONE!
Ayo stop complaining…I believe it will work!
Don’t mind the noise Honorable Kye Rymer you’re doing an amazing job so far and this was needed from a long time.
All of ayo complaining need to go and sit down. How can we ever get our country issues rectified. Put it in place immediately
BVI people it is a d**n good thing the Hon. Minister is doing.
This man is working!
Hello Mr. Rhymer, I am a concerned citizen and I threw my full support to you during the recent election because I always viewed you to be sensible, ambitious young man and I felt the territory needed some young minds to effect change. I am also aware that you have been placed as the transportation minister and that you probably feel the need to hit the ground running and make you name before the next general election. I will like to advise you that this is not the legacy you want to leave behind, that you pry on the weak and poor in the community. Your government has pride itself as being a government for the common man. which means you are suppose to care about the needs of the citizen, which means the poor in the community as well, not only the rich and affluent. To just lay it out plain, not everyone can afford a vehicle ten years and younger, some of us base on the state of the economy and the job that has been entrusted to us really are scraping enough just to make ends meet. There are worst issues plaging the territory than this war you are fighting, please put your efforts into better roadways and infrastructure for the community than putting unnecessary pressure on the unfortunates in our society. Just remember is the same people who put you in power, not the rich and famous. Never forget that.
My dream car is a 1972 model and i am going to bring it in. If anything impose a fee but dont do this to your fellow man
I so stand with Mr.Rymer on this matter.but first start with these government departments that have these over 10 year old vehicles ( like N.P.T)that have to transport workers on a daily basis!
Bvilanders are too spoil. We will never get any where because they think it should be business as usual. This little island has more vehicles than people, and these damn genuises who are commenting think this make sense. Suppose they were living in a country where the law is ONE vehicle per household. No Car Rentals. This control pollution and protect the environment so we all can live a longer healthier life. BVI is a damn runaway train which will ultimately wreck if we don’t take control of the helm. People wake up. We are on the Global stage.
Importing a vehicle over ten years old is different from already owning a car over ten years old. Drive your old car,keep it maintained and road worthy. Who is able to buy a new vehicle every ten years to meet this proposed policy.
Right hand drives vehicles are for driving on left side of the road. Our Custom is to import US made vehicles and now come to think it is right. US drive right why they have left hand drive
What about antique collectable car? So if I want to bring a classic Benz, Rolls Royce, Corvette etc. that’s 20 years old and in mint condition I can’t? Think before you speak bro. Add fees for cars over 10 years, not just outright banning them because all 10+ year old cars are not created equally. Even if you mandate that persons present a service history showing the car is in proper condition before importing or something.
Which local bringing antique Car and which migrant who flocking to BVI for money bring them. Strupzzzzzz
The people who can afford them already own and store them where the lime for the greater part of the year.
This place is becoming a junk yard for Japanese old cars. Japan is just dumping their old cars in the Caribbean. Supply and demand I guess. What do we do with these derelict vehicles other than park them in your yard or the side of the road. YES, I AGREE MINISTER, WE NEED TO PUT SOME KIND OF MEASURES IN PLACE TO AT LEAST FUND THE REMOVAL OF THESE VEHICLES. GOOD START.
So you’re telling me I can bring in an antique? Let’s have a conversation.
If you want to limit the number of vehicles entering why not for like Bermuda and limit the number of vehicles per household? One vehicle per household. I guess you won’t like that cause now u can afford new vehicles for u and your wife and kids. But u want to squeeze the ordinary man who can barely afford a good used one.
ok i understand he said ban them from ENTERING THE BVI but what about those that are already here. If he wants new vehicles here what will people do with older ones. New ones cannot stay new all the time. Poor man buy the older ones.
On the comments, the backwardness of the people here never ceases to amaze. Right hand drive cars are meant for those driving on the left side of the road. The insular thinking of the unexposed is mind boggling. Safety when exiting a car, better maneuvering for blind spots, better vision for overtaking are some of the advantages to right steering/left hand side or left steering/right hand side. Expose yourselves to the rest of the world. Get from behind the wall people. Because the road infrastructure was built by the unqualified and you have precipice or cliffs on either side of the road does not mean a left steering/left hand side is the correct thing. Develop proper road infrastructure for safety of persons, excavate, grade down, egg and things will align with the rest of the world. The BVI is waaaay behind!
What exactly is the problem with imported vehicles that are 10 years old? Serviceable? Emission issues? If not serviceable, then do not allow them on the road and must not become garbage around the homes. If it is emission issues, then provide specifications of emission allowed and test for this before renewing vehicle licenses. Have a proper database for all vehicles in BVI. Where vehicle license expires, after 1 year, the owner should be summon to bring he vehicle for test or show evidence that it has been sent to the dump. Please do not come with the laws that will get these car dealers and banks smile to the bank year on year. Too many people are in the minimum wage brackets and cannot afford new or or fairly new cars. They simply go for these old but serviceable cars to survive. All roads should be properly fixed. Bad roads are the real problem we have and not the vehicles. This is not the time to go for loans to buy cars as he banks and car dealers would want. Go for policies that would encourage investment and not propensity for flashy cars. Alternatively, lets set up very reliable, cheap 24 hour transportation system that is unique to our topography – road and water. The number of cars on our road will automatically drop
Well said.
Sorry was trying to give you a thumbs up on your comment and pressed the wrong button. I agree with you 1,000%!!!!!! These people thinking that the majority of the population just can’t afford what he calling for?!! Especially after Irma.
Is this guy for real. How can such a thing come out of his mouth, u this this is dolly house u playing. The cost of living is very high in the bvi yall even ain’t attack the over pricing but u jump on cars older than 10 years band.
How u know that is what people can afford! U wan people 2 b tied in with expense with the bank huh. THATS FORCING PEOPLE HAND & A FORM OF EXPLOITATION!
What you need to prioritize, Sir Minister is to define “private” and “public”. Use these definitions to remove all private possessions (not working road vehicle) from public space.
Then you need to define “dilapidated” and “garbage”. Use these definitions to remove such from public or private property if in public view.
Agreed totally. We need laws and people need to abide by them.
Haha….. anything that affects the government pockets… they make it priority…. politics will be politics…. yall complaining already…. okay umma get ready for the new NDP team….? Caz no team will ever be good enough for the people with their different opinions…..
first of all he need to get the boats people to stop parking their boats on the government road also those big trucks off the same road you have a boat you should have land you owned big trucks you should also have property to put them on We need to clean up the roads.
Hey man if you is smoking you should stop stop smoking that s**t that is washing up on the beach and cut the bull—-t that rich man on your neighborhood island would not let that happen help your people and stop being a s—****d politician.
Mr Minister what is the point of banning old vehicles. What is the mischief you are trying to stop? Just banning old vehicles because they old? You thinking of the environment then encourage electric and solar car importation. How the heck man can afford a $20,000 or $30,000 on a $6 per hour pay and have to pay $1,000 house rent?? Come on…come on…Premier you need to bell this cat.
Criminalising vehicles now. If someone commits a crime against you the police don’t do a thing. Are we supposed to accept a police officer telling us we can’t drive our vehicles when we’re still waiting for them to catch the damn guy who wronged us? Law, order and justice here is a joke, but then again this place is run by imbeciles and policed by the community.
Fix the roads and there won’t be so many derelict cars. Bring the roads to better standards first. Who wants to devalue and beat up a new car driving over hundreds of potholes every day.
Are you out of your mind? You will give people money to buy new vehicle. You sir must have smoke some high quality weed cause obviously you tripping.
Great ideas I highly agree good reality check ?
This is really sad to hear from a man whom I admire from even before he ran for elections. This is uncompassionate. Have you ever tried catching ride Hon. Rymer? If you did then you would know how it feels to be able to afford a vehicle at a reasonable cost. Basically you’re saying only certain people you want to be able to afford their own vehicles. How unfair is that? I thought this Government was for all people and not only the rich. To hear this from Hon. Rymer makes me sad because I always thought you were a kind and considerate person. I guess power does change people.
I agree with him 100% Guyana does the same with them old vehicles
All we need is an appropriate charge when a car is imported to be placed in a fund for disposal of cars when they finally leave crushed on a barge.
The money should not go in the consolidated budget fund but a separate invested fund to be used specifically for disposal of cars.
The charge should be based simply on the weight category of the vehicle. Owners should be responsible for getting the car to the crushing site.
A good place to start will be those used right hand drive Japanese imports that are destroying the environment. Those vehicles are so old they pay as little as $3000.00 for them
Mr Rymer is quite right. it is time the BVI stop letting other countries dump on the BVI. These vehicles people are importing from Japan and elsewhere in Asia can no longer operate there because of high pollution and other safety reasons, and BVI officials allow them here. I agree that there should be a ban. I see vehicles some in and they are doing repairs to them in order to get them off the port because they cannot start, or sometimes wreckers have to take them away. That should definitely be prohibited.
So many following this BVI sad saga. BVI look to the money draining out of the Island. it is not the old car. This is so funny. BVI will be great again. That the world knows.