Better single than competing for married men

Sandra Phillip Hodge
Contributed by Sandra Phillip Hodge (Related by Humanity)
If you’re working in the hospitality business, you shouldn’t pick and choose whom to serve because all your customers are entitled to equally good service as is expected in any reputable establishment.
But your personal life is a different matter.
Personal life choices require deep contemplation and careful processing, so that you see the ‘big picture’ and not just the ‘selfie’.
The big picture covers it all – the past, the present, and the desired future.
The selfie is always about the moment and the mood.
Women are faced with choices every day, about everything – from what the wear, what to eat, to whose call to return (who to lime and dine with).
The dating scene is a minefield for un-secured women (those not already in a secure relationship and those not satisfied with the one they’re in), and you have to exercise due caution where you walk, how you walk, and with whom you walk.
It sometimes can take a lifetime to discover that we don’t need ninety-nine flavours to choose from.
And ninety shades of grey IS still all grey.
Truth is: after all is said and done, it’s only black or white; light or darkness; truth or lie.
Wise and foolish
There’s a song that says something about “no future in loving a married man”, but the foolish virgin still says “if I can’t see him when I want, I’ll see him when I can”.
She’s walking in the minefield and can lose much more than she bargained for.
A word in due season
You don’t wait until you are in a situation to say it’s too late to get out now…there’s too much at stake.
Before you get entangled, purpose in your heart not to go where angels feet don’t tread.
When you see a man already involved with another woman, living together or married, tell yourself, this is no place for a beautiful woman of high potential as yourself.
God has something better up His sleeve for you.
Don’t fall for Satan’s lies. Don’t enter that competition.
There is a better race coming, one that you can be Victorious in, by God’s grace.
“Doing what is right when we do not seem to be getting right results is difficult, but it must be done…One of Satan’s favorite things to do to us is to try to get us to give up! However, God tells us to endure, persist, continue and finish.” – Joyce Meyer (The Everyday Life Bible)
Don’t mind the negative comments about your status, if you are single.
It’s better to be single and free from the drama of a ‘two-timing’ relationship, or the pain and frustration of feeling trapped.
There’s freedom in doing the right thing, and making the right decisions.
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