BVI News

Beware! COVID and flu are still here

Though many may think the COVID-19 virus is no longer a critical issue, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is warning that COVID-19 hospitalisations still occur and persons are still dying from the virus.

However, CARPHA said the rates are substantially reduced from the peak of the circulation of the delta variant.

The agency said persons should continue practising cough etiquette and mask wearing according to national protocols.

CARPHA Executive Director, Dr Joy St John pointed out that many of the new sub-variants of Omicron have been circulating in the Caribbean region since last year, as evidenced by the gene sequencing results from samples submitted by Member States to CARPHA.

Dr St. John also stated: “As we resume economic activity and school post Christmas, and commence various festivities, it is critical that people protect themselves using the measures emphasised during the pandemic, including good hand hygiene, social distancing, mask wearing in crowded spaces, get tested when having symptoms and more importantly, get vaccinated or boosted”.

CARPHA is also warning Caribbean countries that influenza is still a serious issue within the region.

The agency said, regionally, there has also been a rise in influenza and other respiratory viruses, which can lead to severe illness (and in some cases death) in the old, very young and other vulnerable groups.

CARPHA also said vaccines for COVID-19 and influenza that have been approved by the World Health Organization are effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalisation and death.


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  1. We are lost in the woods says:

    Why Marlon stopped giving us an update like what Carvin used to do?

    Like 8
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  2. it seems like says:

    The BVI found the cure????

    Like 3
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  3. Youngin says:

    Dem bringing back this sh*t to scare ppl again?!?! The flu NEVER goes away and this is the time the flu will be around more than ever due to coldness. Now i guess everything going be COVID again.

    Like 4
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  4. Booster shot says:

    Seems like every 6 months now!

    Like 3
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  5. ? says:

    once bitten twice shy .. we are to buying it

  6. Why So Much Hush HushInTHe med Industry. says:

    Was fine, well and healthy until after taking those. Astrazenica shots. Life has not been the same since taking the second one.

    Not sure can blame those sudden illnesses on any so called “preexisting conditions” like the practicing professionals like to refer to…

    If those conditions existed, what were they? how is it they never were activated until the entrance of that so called vaccine? never had diabetes, hypertension, heart disease nor any other type of common ailment one can think of. Was ahealthy aging young man until Astazenica entered my body..

    Sdaly, the medical professionals have engaged in blaming the victim instead of collecting data, and testing their product more throughly.

    Why were there so many ailments associated with the vaccine? Why did so many people die after taking the vaccine.

    Why did the medical industry keep the problems and death associated with the vaccine, especially the Astrazenica, so hush hush to present?

    Like 8
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  7. huh says:

    why are the thumbs up and down not working??? hmmm it is 2023 and your thumbs don’t work.

    Like 1
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  8. HonestTruth says:

    There we have it, health officials do not equate to health experts. They are politicians first, doctors second. Money from pharma over duty of care. As to the nurses and doctors actually still pushing these experimental immuno-compromising jib jabs, shame on all of you.

  9. Logic says:

    Wear mask, washing hands, stay ten feet apart.

  10. Sorry ? says:

    Sorry to hear that. I glad I did the right thing by not taking the vaccine.. many persons are bawling and dying as a result of the vaccine.

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