BVI News

Big day: UN strikes cannabis from list of ‘most dangerous drugs’

Not the actual plants mentioned in the story.

While the BVI dreams of establishing its own medical cannabis industry, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has reclassified cannabis removing it from the list of the most dangerous drugs in the world.

The CND zeroed-in on the decision to remove cannabis from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs — where it was listed alongside deadly, addictive opioids, including heroin.

For some 59 years, cannabis was even discouraged for its use for medical purposes.

“With an historic vote of 27 in favour, 25 against, and one abstention, the CND has opened the door to recognizing the medicinal and therapeutic potential of the commonly-used but still largely illegal recreational drug,” a UN news report said.

Currently, more than 50 countries have adopted medicinal cannabis programmes while Canada, Uruguay and 15 US states have legalised its recreational use, with Mexico and Luxembourg close to becoming the third and fourth countries to do so.

In the meantime, local representatives have expressed their frustration over the lack of assent given to The Cannabis Licensing Act which sets the framework for the establishment of a medical marijuana industry in the BVI.

It was approved by the House of Assembly in July of this year but Governor Jaspert who will demit office in early 2021 recently told BVI News that he is still considering the bill.

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  1. Reply says:

    Not only a big day at the UN, but the US House of Representatives today passed a bill to end the federal prohibition on cannabis.

    While it will be a long way before any marijuana is legalized in the US at the federal level, this imo is a step in the right direction.

    Too many people, particularly people of color have died, been killed, imprisoned for unreasonable long terms, or have their lives and families destroyed over the possession of marijuana.

    It disturbs me that here locally people are still being fined tremendous amounts and even sent to prison if they cannot pay those fines for possession. It’s as if our judicial system is deaf to what is occurring around us and the science.

    The BVI needs legislative reform relative to marijuana. This might not be the right time since that major cocaine drug bust just went down, when the dust is settled on that, the country needs to address this issue.

    By the way, what’s the latest on the governments plan to allow farmers to grow medicinal marijuana. One minute it was spoken about, the next nothing.

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    • Yawn says:

      Yet we have someone as governor who although is the youngest governor still has the mindset of someone from the 1800’s. He probably still thinks that marijuana use turns people into mindless zombies as they did back then. When you compare Alcohol which is legal and the many negative side effects both longterm and short you wonder what in the world are our leaders thinking.

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    • Facts says:

      Whether cannabis becomes legal or not has nothing to do with race or control. We as humans evolve and so does our knowledge. That is why we are always evolving and inventing. The fact is that many many blacks are imprisoned because they used the fact that cannabis is illegal and sought monetary gains by selling it. They were caught, killed and imprisoned looking for a fast buck rather than the hard way of school and a profession. And to the racists, please don’t say there was no opportunity. Many became doctors, lawyers, engineers and presidents. The fact is many blacks broke the law and were and still are imprisoned and rightfully so. On this very website people stated that the 4 old white sailors were imprisoned because they broke the law. Same for those using, selling and dealing in illegal drugs. Those that broke the law should remain imprisoned. Is the BVI going to return the fine and costs to the sailors when the borders open? Of course not!! Thus, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The law is the law!!

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      • Anonymous says:

        I gather from your post that you are upset over the recent detainment and fines levered against the 4 sailors who inadvertently sailed into BVI waters.

        I understand your feeling; your anger is understandable. I happen to agree with you on that issue.

        This case along with an earlier one involving U.S. Fisherman Michael Foy falls in the same category, and I personally find them troubling.

        While I understand the government’s stepped up boarder control efforts to stem the tide of illicit drugs, human smuggling, and people entering the territory with covid, I personally believe it was a mistake to have arrested both these groups of sailors, detained them, and ultimately fined and released them.

        Based on news reports, it appears from my reading that the 4 sailors who were recently detained entered BVI waters with no mall intent.

        I don’t understand why boarder portal after what appears to have been innocent explanations given to them simply could not have instructed them that there were in BVI waters, and instructed them to turn around rather than detaining them.

        Likewise, I cannot understand why if there was some miscommunication between customs and Mr. Michael Foy his situation could not have been handled differently rather than 4 months imprisonment and eventually a $4,000 fine after failure to confiscate his boat.

        Both cases made international news, and painted the BVI as a North Korean type state whereby the slightest marine infarction will lead to detainment.

        These cases IMO has damaged the BVI reputation as a tourist and sailing destination, and the little fine money they got from these folks was not worth the effort. The government will loose more money in terms of tourist dollars than they have gained from these fines. None of these sailors were accused of trafficking drugs.

        Now, to your facts. You cannot speak of marijuana decriminalization without speaking of the disproportionate way those caught with the plant are treated in the criminal justice system.

        The truth is many blacks may sell it, but their consumers are overwhelmingly white. In the BVI the number one illicit drug is cocaine. Again, blacks may sell it or facilitate its distribution, but the overwhelming majority of their customers are white. So from that standpoint, everyone is breaking the law.

        So, if according to you, “the fact is many blacks broke the law and were and still are imprisoned and rightfully so”, then their white customers and users should be locked up too along with the blacks. Fair right?

        The only problem is that judicial system statistically locks up black or give them more harsh sentences than their equally guilty larger white consumers.

        As I stated in my earlier post, the drug laws affect minorities more so than other players in the use, sale, and distribution of marijuana. It’s unfair, and the laws need to change to correct that disparity including expunging the criminal records of those with marijuana related offenses.

        So while I understand your frustration and anger about the 4 sailors, again something I share with you, don’t allow that injustice to blind you to this other injustice with the marijuana laws. An injustice to one is an injustice to all.

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        • law is law says:

          the intent of the 4 sailors was to knowingly brake the Law as the captain said they knew the boards were closed but they did not touch land. sea boarders exist for a reason. if they were fully unaware perhaps they may have been given a brake but they were fully aware and decided to enter knowing it is against the law to do so.

          in other words, foreknowledge and no knowledge of sometimes has 2 different consequences.

          • Reply says:

            Sure the law is the law, but within the laws discretion can be shown. Not every offense needs to be address with harsh punishment. IMO, this case was simple, and did not warrant the response.

            The treasury got $4000 for their efforts, and loss more in potential revenues from bad press. The mindset of the law is the law with no exceptions is a bad policy.

            The BVI stands more to lose in these kind of cases than to gain. It’ bullheaded to make a mountain of a hill. This is a classic case of not being able to see the forest from the trees.

            At a time when revenues are down, why generate bad press surrounding your number one source of income (tourism)? Makes no sense to me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wrong! Not a big day for weed, cannabis/marijuana. A plant, no matter its chemical make will always be a plant.

    It is the mentality of the ruling class that has been slow in evolving.

    Hence, the headline should read, Mankind is Finally Evolving.”

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  3. Thinker says:

    I have long been in favour of legalization of marijuana. Making possession a crime has been at the root of so much crime. That said, it can still destroy lives, just in a different way. In my younger days, I was an elite athlete, with goals of playing professionally. I started smoking pot, and, after a year or so, found I could no longer concentrate at the level needed. It was an easy decision for me….pot, or my sport. I chose my sport. I often feel sorry for those without a passion such that pot becomes their passion, instead. Same for alcohol. In the end, I did not play professionally, simply because I was not good enough, but I did coach at a high level. I cannot tell you how many dreams I saw die because of marijuana. It’s nowhere near as bad for you as alcohol or cigarettes, but if you want to make something of yourself, avoid all three.

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    • Reply says:

      @Thinker. I appreciate your candid thoughts on cannabis. I grew up at a time in the 60s when cannabis use was increasing among young folks.

      I personally have never smoked weed nor consume alcohol to any significant degree. That fact quite often draws surprise and disbelief from others when it comes up in conversations given my pro legalization view.

      I personally believe in total healthy living and live a life consistent with that.

      In my line of work I prescribe medicinal marijuana mostly for various pain ailments and seizure disorders. It has proven to be quite beneficial for such conditions.

      On the other hand I have seen amotivational syndrome and some psychiatric disorders in chronic pot users. In other words there are pros and cons to pot use.

      There is no doubt that cannabis can affect a persons cognition. Young peoples brains responds differently than older folks.

      Be that as it may and putting my personal views aside, giving the larger impact on the lives of people who smoke in terms of the criminal justice system, I have arrived at a place of pro-legalization.

      In my view marijuana is no where as dangerous as other drugs such as alcohol. IMO, the war on drugs had been lost, and the focus should be switched to education and prevention rather than incarceration the impact of which is greater on minority communities.

      I will go to my grave without having smoked weed but this is not about me. Its about the larger social issue that is destroying people’s life for simple possession.

      I get my high each day from the Lord above. I get high on him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but if another person chooses to get their from pot and they are consenting adults, who am I to stand in their way?

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    It’s all about control same as religion. You cannot rule people without being able to mentally control them.Religion which has its roots in the word religare meaning to tie back creates mental boundaries which the herb takes the user beyond especially the slave plantation mentality which religion enforces with fear and dread. The Roman inventors of Western Style Christianity were purposed to do just that in order to unify the various cultures that were conquered and brought into the empire.The same way Europe in turn used it to largely dominate and control the world. This is the level of thinking that is feared by our rulers. “What…. threatening all that we have so painstakingly and bloodily accomplished…crucify him”. NB Western (ROMAN) Christianity is faith based as opposed to Gnostic Christianity which is based on knowledge.

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  5. Norris Turnbull says:

    Any smoke going into your lungs is unhealthy

  6. Finally says:

    It’s about damn time!

  7. YOUTH says:

    The Premier was correct again

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