BVI News

Bragging rights for VG as they produce top scholars in BVI

Rhiann Ramlall from Bregado Flax Educational Centre – Secondary Division emerged as the top student in the territory for the 2023/2024 academic year.

The Virgin Gorda community has the official bragging rights in the territory having produced the top primary and secondary school students this academic year.

The Ministry of Education recently announced Jezaan Demming from Bregado Flax Educational Centre Primary Division as the top primary student in the territory.

“This remarkable achievement is a testament to the quality education provided by our schools and the commitment of our students to excel,” a statement from the Ministry said.

On the secondary level, Rhiann Ramlall from Bregado Flax Educational Centre – Secondary Division emerged as the top student in the territory. The ministry said Rhiana’s exceptional performance exemplifies the high standards of academic excellence upheld by our secondary schools.

The Ministry also recognized other primary schools that had students placing in the top 10: Ebenezer Thomas Primary, Francis Lettsome Primary, Enis Adams Primary.

At the secondary level, Elmore Stoutt had six students who achieved the top-10 rankings, and Bregado Flax Educational Centre had four students.

“The Ministry of Education congratulates each of these students and their families for their remarkable achievements. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the teachers, administrators, and staff of all our schools for their unwavering dedication to nurturing and educating our young minds,” the Ministry said.

Amid the numerous problems with the public education system, young people who were educated in the territory continue to produce excellent results locally and internationally in academics, sports, the performing arts and other areas.


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  1. D9 rep says:

    I will drink to that

  2. heavy says:

    VG heavy heavy heavy

  3. Where says:

    are the BVI local people? Are they gone missing under the academic bridge? Have not seen one name excelling academincally in decades.

    It is known that the BVI has become a land of life betterment seeking immigrants. And it is also known that for every local that migrtes away, twenty immigrate here. Ten enter legally and ten illigally.

    Which is why the people status of these islands have long since change from local to expats dominant. People move seeking opportunities. The out-coming sensus is going to be quite revealing for some and depressing for the native/local.

    Meanwhile, every ten individuals met in America, nine are an immirant. And the same migratory phenomenon is evident in Europe, UK and the rest of the world. People have been and are still moving to eat, gain and live better than they can where they find themselves.

    Just that the BVI cannot accomodate every one needing an economic and personal upgrade. To do so is to migrate itself out of existence. Hence, new and improve immigrant restritive laws must be implemented and soon.

    Hence, the concern for the local is how much of his rights are being or will be usurped, as he opens his door to others.

    Will they be kind and thankful for being able to sit at the table, or will they become greedy and selfish and want all that’s on the table for themselves.

    History has seen that senario played out over the centuries by one group of people in particular.

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  4. CUBA says:

    Instead of you encouraging your local student to be the best instead of idling and wasting they time just riding up on down with scooters because they from here,the immigrants know what they parents except from them.Encourage you local student to do they best and take advantage of all education they can get.

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  6. VG Congrats says:

    Congratulations Rhiann and also to Ryan. Continue to do your best in all your endeavours.

  7. Migoman says:

    Bragging rights what. Yall wanna claim EVERYYY and anybody as your own only when its something good but i bet you if it was something else on the negative side, she wont be “our own from vg” she’d be GUYANESEEEEE, even though shes born here

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