British PM in Intensive Care Unit as COVID-19 symptoms ‘worsen’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who was admitted to a London hospital with a high fever on Sunday, April 5, has now been moved to the Intensive Care Unit.
A statement coming out of his office said, “over the course of [Monday] afternoon, the condition of the prime minister had worsened”.
The 55-year-old politician was therefore moved on the advice of his medical team.
He is said to be receiving “excellent care”.
The Prime Minister has reportedly asked his Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab to deputise in his stead “where necessary”.
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That virus is no joke. I hope if he recovers, someone can buy him a comb
You are so wrong but absolutely right! Lol
I hope he isn’t about to make a Brexit.
Laugh until you are on your death bed as perplexed as crowley. Rejoice not in the downfall of others whether they be apart of an agenda or not… You may choke on your bread tonight.. You ever watched 1000 ways to die?…
When death call every man have to answer. Nobody is exempt certainly not you or me until them riddim again.
This is sad. Please dont make any insensitive comments for the sake of joking around online.
He is a human being at 55 years old this man should have a good 20 more years to go.
Trump is a human being as well but I have never seen anybody defend him from the jokes and insults. This gentleman isn’t too far from Trump in character.
Praying for a speedy recovery.
It is so sad that individuals can use the tragedy of others to be sarcastic and make fun of it . That is why God ‘s wrath is being poured out on this world . Had this been your mother , father, brother , sister , niece or nephew; Let us see how your comments would be . Some of you need to stop it
Let’s pray for a full and speedy recovery for UK PM Boris Johnson. His being infected shows that Covid-19 does not discriminate; it is blind to title, geography, status, race, sex, ethnicity, religion, royal or commoner. The UK may have been slow off the mark in responding to Covid-19, taking action to flatten the curve. And is facing the consequences of that decision.
The VI, along with the rest of region, the world is at war with Covid-19, a pandemic. Though it has not been officially tagged as WWIII, the battle is being waged across every continent save for Antarctica. Every country in the region has confirmed cases; Anguilla was the latest to do so. The VI has three confirmed cases and the pending 17 cases have tested negative; that is good news. Government’s aggressive action may be bearing fruit.
The Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a tough enemy, a combatant, with no specific treatment protocols, cure nor vaccine. In war, regrettably, there will be injuries, fatalities ……etc. As such, a strong battle plan must be developed and implemented to take the fight to enemy, protect local forces yet reduce/minimize injuries, fatalities………etc. In the VI, medical professionals, ie, nurses, doctors, first responders……etc are the forces on the frontline(battle field) and must be effectively equipped/supplied with the personal protective equipment (masks, gowns, face shields…..etc), supplies, tools and equipment (ventilators, respirators…..etc), staffing…….etc to take the fight to the enemy.
Further, additionally, to win this war, will require the full support of other residents to adhere to social/physical distancing, staying at home and quarantining. Through this difficult period, a little emotional distancing may be helpful.
Moreover, though social/physical distancing, staying at home, and quarantining may be an inconvenience and may entail some personal sacrifices, they are currently the most effective tools to take the fight to the enemy. They are helping to flatten the curve in other locales, ie, China, South Korea, Italy, Singapore……etc. Though the VI currently has only 3 confirmed cases, it cannot yet relax and let its guard down and must continue to take the fight to the enemy. The enemy is formidable and the battle must be aggressively continued to be waged to force it (enemy) to surrender to raise the white flag. It will be a long battle.
Further, Covid-19 is a highly contagious, easily spreadable and deadly disease. Per Worldometer, it has killed over 74,000 and infected over 1.3M people globally. It is important that VI residents take Covid-19 seriously and take action(s) to avoid getting infected and overwhelming the health system. An overwhelmed health system may mean that health officials may be faced with the unenviable task of deciding who treat. This is a nightmarish situation that should be avoided at all cost. Be safe and stay safe.
You can tell that you are on lockdown.
“An overwhelmed health system may mean that health officials may be faced with the unenviable task of deciding who treat. This is a nightmarish situation that should be avoided at all cost.” Indeed, it is a nightmarish situation. In New York, Italy, Spain ……etc overwhelming the medical system is a growing concern. Each of us must do his/her to keep this from occurring here.
Bold action by VIP government paying dividends, ie, locking the territory, shuttering the border…….etc. Lessons learnt from September 2017 hurricanes. Some people may be getting cabin fever but is it not yet time to let up and get complacent. Keep the the pedal to the metal. Yes, the fear of the hospital getting overrun should keep us all up at night. As they say in Antigua, “top ah yu yard.” That is good prescribe medicine.
“ As they say in Antigua, “top ah yu yard.” Yes, ai. Lol!
Hope this is a wake up call for Boris to change his stance towards the OT’s!!!
I WILL NOT offer any statement, that could help to ease with this!
We need a Prime Minister that’s going to be sensitive to this territory’s needs!
And if the virus is the way to shake “this” one up, or move “it” out of the way until we get one that is sensitized to this territory’s needs, Ausar says, BRING IT ON!!!!
What a hateful post, totally lacking any humanity. The man is fighting an awful disease that thousands have died from and all you think of is your narrow minded self deluded indulgence. There are huge issues in the world right now. The constitutional basis for the BVI is not one of them. It doesn’t even register.
Get over yourself and show some kindness.
Well y’all quick to put named and pic a dis man half a we don’t even know he until now but y’all got dem with de positive virus of corona and who on 14 day quarantine and isolation and dem unknown hmmm
Can u find out what He and Charles are been treated with so they can send some for us down here on that navy ship let’s hurry up get back to our normal lifes cuz up to now we don’t know if there’s a package plan from social security or some kinda tax return nothing is been said .
He reported that he have the virus himself. Everybody that is known to have the virus announced it themselves. After they announce it anybody else can report it. It is illegal and unethical to announce someone’s health status without authorization.