BVI News

Bush cutting focused along tourist areas

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Director of the Department of Waste Management Marcus Solomon has disclosed that he is aware of concerns shared by residents about bush-cutting in the territory and revealed that work has begun in some tourist hotspot areas.

The department was handed the task of bush-cutting some six weeks ago and is benefitting from the government’s RATED programme, which offers temporary employment to some persons in the community.

“I do understand and appreciate the frustration by many citizens with regard to the overgrown branches that are now invading our roads,” the Director stated.

Solomon explained that every district now has cover when it comes to a RATED team that is responsible for the bush-cutting in the respective areas.

“In light of the tourist season fast approaching with more tourists coming to the island, what we have decided to do this week is concentrate, or what you call, bring all the teams together, most of the teams, together, across all the districts, in a coordinated way to attend to the areas where the tourists tend to visit,” Solomon said.

He highlighted areas such as Soldier Hill, Windy Hill, Ballast Bay and Ridge Road where tourists tend to concentrate and said the Solid Waste Department is hoping to address these areas this week.

Solomon said once this has been completed, teams will return to areas in their assigned districts to continue their work of clearing the overgrown vegetation along the streets.

Meanwhile, Solomon said he has faced challenges assembling 10-man teams to address the bush-cutting needs of the territory and, most times, has had to settle for teams of six at a minimum.

Solomon shared that for teams to be assembled, persons must first apply and those applicants must fit the criteria to be considered as well. He described it as an administrative process which must be complied with.

He encouraged persons to apply and noted that once applications are received, these are usually processed within a day or two.

Notably, the Director said applicants must also bring their tools since the Department does not supply tools to the RATED work teams.

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  1. Rubber Duck says:

    This may come as a shock to our 19th century thinking rulers, but there are machines for bush cutting. Men with machetes are not necessarily the most effective method anymore.


    Like 30
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    • @ RD says:

      True that there are mechanical means of landscaping, but I se Ernst you are not factoring in a few things. The terrain is one where the gradient and offset from the EOR (edge of road) would damage equipment. Additionally, issues with remnants of electrical cables, fencing and other debris would also cause mechanical equipment failure ($$$$). Working around guard rails also require manual labor.

      Some have tried this already with attachments for backhoes with good results in some areas until they hit on some of these hidden dangers. My 2 cents…

      Like 4
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    Like 14
  3. Sad says:

    It is very sad to note that only tourists for a certain season deserve to have fix road and bush cut down (clean BVI) and not the Citizens who lives here all year round.

    Like 18
  4. Crying laughter says:

    So the government is employing temporary bush cutters that have to use their own tools?! Do we need an enquiry to find out who stole the tool budget? This corrupt and weak territory is a laughing stock. If the BVI thinks it can run itself, it is snorting too much of its own product before shipping it onwards! Corrupt leaders, racist laws, mafia style government, poor education levels, low skilled local population, greed and entitlement are all the ingredients of a failed third world country.

    Like 14
  5. @ Crying laughter says:

    You are one serious BVI hater. like every other country in the world we have our problems but the BVI is paradise compared to the majority of countries on the planet. There is plenty of room for improvement but at least we are not conducting genocide or mass murdering women, children and the elderly.

    Like 4
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    • @@ Crying laughter says:

      Thanks for excusing mediocrity. Life is a competition. Nothing worse then squandering potential.

      Like 9
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    • Crying laughter says:

      Congratulations on refraining from genocide! But back to my point of stating the obvious. BVI is never short of talking a good game but cannot deliver on anything. The point was that there are lots of mouthy politicians claiming this is one of the greatest places on earth, yet they can’t even fill some potholes or cut back some bush. What next? Will the population be asked to build the government’s ports or new runway at the airport? Ludicrous that the people living here think that it is reasonable, normal, acceptable and just for a worker to supply his own tools to perform a job.

      Like 7
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      • @@@Crying Laughter says:

        Hey man/woman incase you forgot the Americans committed genocide, the country was founded on genocide, they did it several times *cough* Vietnam/Laos, Native Americans, Japan had they not surrendered… COVID????

        The UK committed genocide, several times they’d have wiped out the French if they could too.

        France, Germany, Portugal, The Dutch, Italy committed genocide, several times. From the new world to the old.

        Israel is committing genocide before our eyes.

        So yes we should congratulate ourselves… it feels good to be of a culture with zero history of genocide.

        The ‘civilized’ world seems entitled to consider genocide a right of passage.

  6. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    That’s where we are at. We are that neighbor that o my cuts the bush where our neighbors see but where they can’t is just chaos. What will Sl** Wande do the next time and the time after that when the bush grows back? Yes, bushes do grow back

  7. Yo! says:

    BVI Gov. are professionals at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Like someone else asked; where did the line item (tools & equipment) in the budget for this initiative magically vanished to

  8. Ausar says:

    Why can’t there be year-round contracts given for these types of activities?

    These types of activities SHOULD be a part of political strategies.

    Here in the US Virgin Islands, these contracts are given out for the duration of an administration, and are quite lucrative.

    It is a juggernaut of a flurry, where potential candidates present their plans for how these islands will be landscapically managed..

    It should be no different here. I guess, the contractual arrangements, are not up to smuff why, there’s not much competitive bids, to get involved in this industry.

    This should change. And it starts with the administration in power, to make this area of work lucrative.

    Premier Wheathley, make it happen!

  9. Jokes says:

    Tell me this is not true:

    “Notably, the Director said applicants must also bring their tools since the Department does not supply tools to the RATED work teams.”

  10. Waste of time says:

    The BVI had resources but the people who manages are suffering from
    no organizational skills
    Some are to egotistical to listen to ideas if it does
    not come from them
    Some have a tinge of BADMINDNESS if family
    And friends are not involved
    Some undermine each other
    A handful
    Know what they are doing but it
    Cannot make a difference to the inept majority
    You have to be from a certain birth to be listenef too

    People in this majority

    • @waste of time says:

      Check the budgets to see how the funds for tools and equipment have been dwindling from here spewing what you don’t know.

  11. Less is more says:

    Less GRAND visions (Joe’s Hill “affordable” housing)
    and more basic maintenance. When will they learn.

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