BVI News

BVI celebrates King’s birthday with grand parade

Scene’s from the King’s Birthday parade held on Friday, June 14.

On June 14, troops of the British Virgin Islands, along with other spectators, gathered at Sir Olva Georges Plaza and marched to Queen Elizabeth II Park to celebrate the King’s birthday.

Law enforcement organisations, schools, churches, service organisations, and bands participated in the parade.

In attendance were the Commissioner of Police, Mark Collins; Deputy Governor Sir David Archer Jr and his family; and Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley and his wife.

His Excellency, the Governor Sir Daniel Pruce, inspected the parade and was then given the Royal Salute during the March Past.

The Governor read a Message of Greetings sent to His Majesty the King: “May it please Your Majesty, with humble duty and on behalf of all His Majesty’s loyal subjects in the Virgin Islands, I am delighted to convey our good wishes and most loyal, affectionate greetings on the occasion of Your Majesty’s birthday.”

During the ceremony, officers were honoured with medals for their long service and good conduct, with many having served between 18 and 30 years.

After the officials left, the event concluded.

King Charles III’s birthday is on November 14; however, it is celebrated on a date when the weather is typically fair.

Last year’s parade took place on Friday, June 16.

Scene’s from the King’s Birthday parade held on Friday, June 14.

Scene’s from the King’s Birthday parade held on Friday, June 14.


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  1. Dear Lord! says:

    How much longer Lord, do the sheep have to remain subjects in mentality, psychology and deeds dear father?

    Please lead them quickly to see their backward state of mind and deliver them on a path of selfrealization and self determination.

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