BVI measles-free since 1997, Health Ministry effecting plans to keep it that way

Acknowledging the measles outbreak happening outside the territory’s shores, the Ministry of Health is assuring residents that it is doing all that it can to keep the virus from entering the territory.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Irad Potter gave that assurance while noting that the last reported case of measles in the BVI was in 1997.
“What happened is that there was an ongoing outbreak of measles in the Americas and in the Caribbean and as soon as we actually gained it, we were able to catch most of the cases almost immediately and what we did was we started with school children and then we sorted the adults. There wasn’t a panic. But, the issue is, having worked so hard to become measles-free, we don’t want to have to deal with that again,” Dr Potter said in an interview with BVI News.
Measles Free Certification from WHO
As a result of keeping a clean record, the BVI was issued a measles elimination status certification from the World Health Organisation in 2015. To maintain this status, Dr Potter said the Ministry of Health has put a number of measures in place to minimise the likelihood of the virus reaching the territory.
“The situation for us is that because we were certified as being measles free, we are always on alert for any suspected case. So we have been working with the medical fraternity, all the clinics public and private to be on high alert. And if persons are travelling to those countries [with an outbreak of the virus], we would expect them to get their two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccine,” Dr Potter stated.
Vaccination Should be Priority
Israel, the Philippines, Ukraine and São Paulo in Brazil have been identified as countries currently battling with an outbreak of the virus. As such, the BVI has issued a travel warning to persons planning to visit those counties.
Dr Potter said that warning is another measure used by the ministry to keep travellers informed of potential risks within certain countries.
He further noted that residents should prioritise getting vaccinated.
“We are concerned from two aspects, there are going to have those persons who are at risk because they have never had measles before and they have never been immunised and while our population generally is quite receptive to controlling people who come in, we simply forget that we travel too.”
“The problem with measles right now is that a lot of people who are getting measles are people who were never immunised and we have a problem with people who refuse to get measles immunisation, period,” Dr Potter added,
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“The problem with measles right now is that a lot of people who are getting measles are people who were never immunized and we have a problem with people who refuse to get measles immunization, period,” Dr Potter added,
That refusal by many not to be immunized, or by many not to be vaccinated because they fear that government and health officials are not testing or screening their vaccines for authenticity, but are instead trusting US, EU and UK labs to be honest, trustworthy and truthful medicine partners with the medicines they are importing for public use.
Though the majority of medicines coming in to the territory may be safe, there needs to be a system in place to test and verify that they are, and that they are what they suppose to be.
For example, it is now a known fact that the CIA and British intelligence were the major supporters and financiers of the bogus vaccinations by SAIMR to spread HIV/AIDS in throughout Africa and the Caribbean, for the purpose of killing millions or totally eradicating the Black population from the earth. Those are established, verifiable and proven facts.
Additionally, that Mr. And Mrs. Bill Gates in cohort with UK medical labs was injecting women and children with lethal doses of bogus vaccines, killing many including hundreds of children, and making millions very sick. Look this information up for yourself.
Moreover, in Kenya, the government found that organizations supported by the SAIMR, the UK, US and EU intelligence and medical industry were injecting women there with a bogus drug for tetanus that was actually designed to make the barren, and with their newest biological weapon Ebola in the Congo.
All of the above is verifiable online, go research. Hence, we can no longer take for granted that our medicines are safe and that smiling faces behind world organizations have our interest at heart. They do not.
Therefore, health officials are ordered to test and verify before administering any drug to the BVI population.
Indeed, BVI must, therefore, step it up its medicine security, to make sure that what is being imported into our BVI clinics, both public and especially the private ones, are true and authentic drugs.
Do take warning. The treat is real and it is coming from high, rich, organized and respected places.
Last, from a broader border security perspective, there needs to be the formulation of a drug medicine task force to interecede and verify each drug medicine for its validity, that are coming into the territory, just a they have created a frug task force for illicit drugs.
Finally, we do not want to wake one day and read about babies, children and adults becoming ultra sick, dying and dropping like flies from some unknown, but deviously calculated and administered illness/drug.
Get to work Mr. Premier. Take this warning seriously, if you have read it.
I don’t want to be rude @anonymous but you are a total nutter. I guess you are in the same camp that thinks the US towed Irma to BVI so they could take over BVI from the UK .
Sir, the hell with what i or you think i think , facts denier and alternative lies/facts supporter.
The evidence speaks for itself. Historical, unrefuttable evidence also correlates directly with that evidence.
Now stop wasting time with your uninformed intellectual adolescense.
Not my fault you are incapable of accepting historical facts.
Have you dyed your hair lately?
@ Anonymous
Thanks for the warning and if you could please come back and add the websites that you visited so others could visit and do their own research.
I have come across the several and aware of the same FACTS that you just described.
You should add in there that hidden in the UN Agenda 2030 is the depopulation agenda for reducing the world population drastically by then – 2030.
Some of direct activities to achieve this (rapid depopulation) other than vaccinations are the following:
– man-made storms (notice the increased frequency of CAT 4 and 5)
– man-made earthquakes
– man-made drought
– tainted food with dangerous chemicals, viruses, and bacteria (and there have been a high increase of recalls of food, but after the damage is done)
– genetically modified food (GMO) which are un-natural to the body, hence causing high rates of cancer
– harmful chemicals in hair products, especially those in used by Blacks and among which population that have the highest rates of fibroids in the uterus (womb) and other reproductive issues
– high fructose corn syrup in almost everything and which does not break down easily in the blood and possible reason for early on set of diabetes in children and teenagers (sodas, mayonnaise, ketchup, breakfast cereals or cornflakes, dressings, juices, breads, cookies and other school meal programmes
– viruses and other chemicals in the airplane exhaust that don’t disappear in 10 minutes and form clouds called chem-trails
– alzheimers (which is purported to be caused by high levels of aluminum in the brain). Could it be in the medication for high blood pressure and diabetes?
I cringe for us here in the Caribbean where covert or deceptive operations MAY BE conducted under the disguise of humanitarian or public health outreach. In the past, too many governments in the developed countries have apologized to their own citizens and to those in foreign countries of the atrocities that their scientists and military have caused of deliberate illness of mental impairment, physical disability, poor health and even death.
Anguilla went ahead and vaccinated over 200 girls between the ages of 9 – 12 for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in April 2016 and this vaccination is known to cause neurological and reproductive problems. However, these girls should be tracked for any reproductive issues including miscarriages or barrenness over the next 20 years. (Google the newspaper, The Anguillian dated 2016)
Another activity to keep an eye on is the visitation of a navy ship in late September – October 2019 to St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Grenada to give free surgeries and other medical aid. The ship visited Trinidad in July 2019. It is scheduled to visit other Caribbean countries such as Columbia, Cost Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Ecuador, and Panama. I cringe every time when I see Haiti name on the list for humanitarian aid and the country never seem to get ahead. Any persons that accepted any medication or surgery should be monitored over the next 10 years for illness (Google navy ship offering free surgeries in the Caribbean in 2019)
Be aware of consultants offering deals of financing for government projects that have very restrictive fiscal conditions or austerity measures that give rise to stress on the economy and result in social ills.
It is a good tool to use austerity but the size of the austerity and supporting programmes for negative effects of the austerity MUST BE FACTORED IN to reduce the stress on the daily lives of the people
Examples of Austerity Measures
– reduce your civil service
– raise taxes
– strong collection of taxes and penalties
– cutting public spending overall
Examples of Resulting Social Ills
– loss of jobs in the private sector
– increase in criminal activity, especially young male teenagers and men
– increase in sales of illegal contraband
– increase in assaults and domestic violence
– increase in non-communicable diseases from stress and poor eating habits due to reduced income
In conclusion, we must remain AWOKE.
@hit the nail on the head:
You are as awake, studious and concerned as i am for our safety and longevity on this earth. I, therefore, commend you on your work also.
I am totally shocked that one race can diligently think of, concoct and implement plans, procedures, strategies and medical weapons to annihilate/exterminate an entire race of people from God’s earth. That is unconscionable!.
If that/they are not of the devil, demonic and of a different human orientation, then i am ot human.
The major concern for my people is their blindness and intellectual indifference to world matters affecting and will will ulltimately destrooy them are astounding.
Meanwhile, I will respond to your request for additional search engines, but i would also like for us to decide to collectively forward such information directly to the Premier and upper level health officials.
This should be made a national health emergency so that adequate funding can be allocated to monitor, avert and challenge any breach to our medicine and health security. The devils are dead as stone, heartless and non human.
If we can assuredely accomplsh that, then we can easily supply them with the requisite iformation they may be needing and are to busy to gather.
The following are genuine facts. Your factual rebuttal is awaited.
For example, it is now a known fact that the CIA and British intelligence were the major supporters and financiers of the bogus vaccinations by SAIMR to spread HIV/AIDS in throughout Africa and the Caribbean, for the purpose of killing millions or totally eradicating the Black population from the earth. Those are established, verifiable and proven facts.
Additionally, that Mr. And Mrs. Bill Gates in cohort with UK medical labs was injecting women and children with lethal doses of bogus vaccines, killing many including hundreds of children, and making millions very sick. Look this information up for yourself.
Moreover, in Kenya, the government found that organizations supported by the SAIMR, the UK, US and EU intelligence and medical industry were injecting women there with a bogus drug for tetanus that was actually designed to make the barren, and with their newest biological weapon Ebola in the Congo.
It is a known fact that the moon is made of cheese