BVI News

BVI moved to UK’s Green List for travel

Heathrow Airport in west London. (Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP)

The United Kingdom (UK) has decided to move the BVI, other British Overseas Territories, and Antigua & Barbuda onto its ‘Green List’ for travel.

The BVI, which was previously on the UK’s Amber List with mid-level restrictions, will be moved to the Green list at 4 am on Wednesday, June 30.

This means anyone visiting or returning to the UK directly from the BVI via Antigua will not have to quarantine on arrival.

The list of relaxed requirements for countries on the UK’s Green List for travel.

“This change will allow those in the UK and those in the BVI who wish to visit each other, or holiday to do so unhindered (if fully vaccinated at least two weeks before returning to the BVI),” Office of the Governor said in a media release on Thursday.

It added: “As a territory, as we slowly start to return to normal, it is even more important for individuals to ensure they are vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and the territory.”

The Governor’s Office then reminded unvaccinated residents that the current stock of vaccines available to the BVI expires on July 31. Those that wish to be fully vaccinated before the 31st are, therefore, advised to get their first shot before July 3.


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  1. They're coming says:

    If you have ignored all other reasons to get vaccinated, don’t ignore this one. Protect yourself BVI !

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  2. gaga says:

    Protect yourself from what? People coming here double vaccinated and tested? They are safer to us than we are to each other.

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  3. O boy... says:

    I do not know why this sounds scary, but it does. lol …but seriously…

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