BVI News

BVI needs a decent four-star branded hotel — Skelton Cline

Claude Skelton Cline

‘Commentator’ Claude Skelton Cline said the BVI is in need of a state-of-the-art hotel to accommodate the influx of travellers that are expected to come from the recently introduced non-stop flights between the BVI and Miami.

American Airlines started non-stop flights last week and Communications and Works Minister Kye Rymer said increased demand for the route saw two flights now arriving instead of one for some days as a result of the surge in demand. 

Skelton Cline, while appearing on his Honestly Speaking radio show this week, said the government needs to put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) sooner rather than later for the Prospect Reef area.

“We need a decent four-star branded hotel and all of the other surrounding accoutrements to line that beautiful piece of the waterfront that has become a sore eye now for the last 10, 12 years,” Skelton Cline said. 

He said it was a ‘shame and a disgrace’ that no one has the wherewithal to demolish the buildings and clear the path for a new development.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley announced early last month that he will be moving in that direction and will engage the Prospect Reef Board in issuing an RFP for the development.

“If this government wants to flex its muscle as it enhances airlift [and] expand the runway simultaneously, you gotta have beds and to ensure bodies in those beds and to ensure more planes come in… American and Delta, jetBlue, you name it. People have to have places to lay their heads,” Skelton Cline said. 

He argued that although the territory has a thriving marine sector and likely has more beds on the water than it does on land, this was no excuse to continue to be derelict in the duty to develop the Prospect Reef space and the entire waterfront area by extension.

“We are one of the only countries that use our waterfront as parking places,” he said. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, but that can change.” 

“You are in power, use power while you’re in power. Issue an RFP for the airport, issue an RFP for Prospect Reef,” he urged the government.


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  1. vg resident says:


    Like 16
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  2. ABOUT TIME says:


    Like 6
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  3. Reality says:

    @about time
    The pastor seldom makes sense. The new daily airlift is hardly enough to fill eight catamarans, let alone the villas or residents traveling. They are not coming to stay in a hotel at Prospect Reef.

    Like 15
  4. Walter says:

    UMMMMMM……no kidding

    Like 1
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  5. mountain goat says:

    BVI cannot do 2 star how we gonna do 4 star? Also means more expat hires to do the jobs.

    Like 8
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  6. The TRUTH says:

    A hotel should not be government owned. I’m sure there are investors, internal or external ready to get the ball rolling. Everything on this country is political theater.

    Like 15
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  7. 284 nash says:

    ???? Do you understand what is four start services, no one will work for six dollars ($6us) per hour and give four start services. So plz think about the salary before thank you .

    Like 7
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  8. Mercy says:

    Yes when you start to pay back port money

  9. Ironically says:

    I’m trying to book a hotel right now for carnival. I see some nice ones but I would definitely prefer an accessible 4 star. Def second this initiative with haste.

    Like 1
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  10. Red says:

    Why you don’t invest the money you get from government for doing nothing in the hotel.

    Like 8
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  11. are you for real says:

    when someone gonna shut this buffoon up? smdh.

  12. Foot N Mouth says:

    Refuse Funding Pranksters: Lease Clyne the space and let him cough up his funds to pursue his plan.If he truly loves the VI as he proclaims, let him put his money where his mouth is. That will never happen, he enjoys been heard, so herd him off to Balsom Ghut.

  13. Action says:

    What the bvi need is about 500 expats offered free housing and transportation to come here to make the system right. Everytime it is expats this and that and you can’t find qualified teachers in the class room. Send them home and the hospital I dide need of professionals. Mrs Wrong/wright criticizing expats and her employ is full of them.

    You have VW in charge of a ministry, a sheep as deputy speaker, Marlon is political leader and the only qualified one is my boy Walwyn. Three expats in the hoa and the others married to one. Where does that leave the locals..I can tell you but you will get vex with me. Ok get vex, your females have to hit the gym, burn off some larď/fat, learn to apply cream to your bodies, learn to cook, apply cologne, better yet get a total make over. All tola women should start making babies with expats to get some pedigree. Mrs Wrong/Wright at least got one part right. She married an outsider.

  14. Already have one 4 star hotel says:

    We already have a 4 1/2 star hotel in Lambert Bay.

    If pastor thinks another 4 star hotel is needed he should build one out of his own money at his own risk.

    There has a hotel in Prospect reef and it didnt go well for a private company, why would it be any better this time?

    The Prospect property needs to be converted to commercial office spaces with restaurants and ample spaces open for public recreation (Beach, pool, park). And before any of our genious politicians get their filthy hands in this, let me clearly state that none of this should be done with public funds.

    Old dolphin area should be converted into a fish/lobster/mangrove nursery, or a turtle farm like the one in Cayman Islands, which will serve to the toruist industry, the fishing folks, and the environment.

  15. Banker says:

    Let’s get the investment club to do something, they’ve done a great job of rehabilitating VGYH over the last 6 years.


  16. Rubber Duck says:

    I thought that Prospect Reef was going to be a 5 star hotel, with training facilities to match the best in the world!

  17. roll eyes says:

    @ are you for real: I can’t believe you said that. It’s people like you who have poison in their heart towards people so bad that refuses to hear the message because you hate the messenger.

    Mr. Cline is speaking truth. We have government after government administration go and come and this Prospect Reef saga continues with no end in sight.

    Look at it in the heart of the outskirts with overgrown trees and broken down buildings. Shouldn’t you and I wish for something better for our country; but no you want to silence the messenger?

    I can’t wait for UK to take over too much evil and bad minded people in this place. God send help the ship is sinking.

  18. The irony says:

    When he was getting paid $365,000 he didn’t have a fart of an idea. I guess his backwardness and hindsight ideas are now all FREE! ON THE HOUSE! People of the BVI, we have just been spared from another $365,000 being taken from our purse! Now based on the precedent already established by Sowande, THIS should call for a $615,000 celebration because once you take away the 365,000 that you almost spend, you get back the 250,000 pocket change. I hope Sowande agrees!

  19. Jim says:

    We need to be rid of this effin id10t

  20. Shut up says:

    I am tired is these families that try to dictate what she be happening as if only they have a right to the BVI. They just always be upfront and calling the shots for the rest of us. I SM sick of the Clines, Skeltons, Turnbulls. Man ayo go sit the hell down! Claude cause a lot of destruction in the BVI. He gives nothing but takes everything.

  21. Eldread says:

    If that derelict hotel was in Antigua or one of those independent country, some fly by night wealthy white people would a take up the offer. But since Tortola has England behind them to look into source of funds those white thieves won’t show the face. In the independent countries a the Caribbean we would have seen the white savior complex coming to save prospect reef .

  22. Eldread says:

    If that derelict hotel was in Antigua or one of those independent country, some fly by night wealthy white people would a take up the offer. But since Tortola has England behind them to look into source of funds those white thieves won’t show the face. In the independent countries a the Caribbean we would have seen the white savior complex coming to save prospect reef .

  23. Eldread says:

    Be careful about this 2 star or 4 star hotel in Antigua that means no access with security guard running locals from beach property, no access to restaurant and all Jim crow stuff that can only work in independent countries where the politicians is the the pocket of those nazi Type owners. The virgin island culture is far better than the independent countries.

  24. lol says:

    Why is this man commentary news ? Does he pay to have his views on this site ? Who really care what this man have to say ?

  25. MR FRIG says:


  26. Little Dix Bay?? says:

    We already have one of these. Hush your nonsense.
    Sell Prospect Reef. The government would get cash money for it. The Buyer might even build something!
    We have NO HOPE that this government will do anything with Prospect Reef except waste money (and maybe steal some along the way)

  27. Be Sensible says:

    Really?! What the BVI needs, are five star roads and highways.

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