BVI not using any COVID-19 treatment on positive cases

Chief Medical Officer in the Ministry of Health Dr Irad Potter has said that the British Virgin Islands is currently not using any COVID-19 treatments on confirmed positive cases.
Dr Potter told BVI News in a recent interview that to date, there is no specific treatment that has been proven to be effective against COVID-19.
He said that several treatment studies are being explored in many other countries but the BVI will not be pursuing any treatment plans unless approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) which provides the territory with guidance.
“I certainly know that none of those exotic treatments that people are trying all over the world, we haven’t had reason for any desperate measures like those,” Dr Potter stated.
“The World Health Organisation is creating a big set of studies to look at all of the things that people have tried across the globe, and so they haven’t endorsed any of these things as a treatment, and they are waiting on the results of these studies which will take several months to do,” he added.
Why treatments are not recommended
The Medical Chief Officer further explained why these experimental treatments are not recommended for usage.
He said at the advent of a new virus or disease, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical fraternity usually explore existing remedies or medications to see their effectiveness on a particular virus.
“In the case of this virus, there are several protocols that different people are trying, but all of that work is really experimental. Its kind of a last-ditch effort to see if something might work, and none of the so-called studies that have been published have been rarely validated by anybody else,” Dr Potter stated.
“The samples they have done and the reporting do not meet the standards that are required to say that it is a treatment for something,” he added.
Be aware of COVID-19 fake products
Dr Potter’s comments come amid warnings from Chief of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals in the Ministry of Health, Gracia Wheatley-Smith, who advised residents to be on the alert for falsified, counterfeit and substandard COVID-19 products.
These products are said to be sold on the internet and falsely claim that they can prevent, diagnose and treat COVID-19.
“Counterfeit tests may not have in any testing ingredient, may have a wrong testing ingredient and will, therefore, give a wrong result, which may lead to unnecessary stress, undue panic or a false sense of security,” Wheatley-Smith stated.
The BVI has, so far, seen a total of three COVID-19 recoveries from its total five confirmed cases. The recovery of those three patients were all attributed to their immune systems to fighting off the virus.
The BVI currently has only one active COVID-19 case and one death.
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The same WHO that hid the truth about the virus …… hmmmmm
There are multiple treatments in trials that are working. But as usual in the BVI, the health care borders primitive with a little witch doctor mixed in. Sorry for the people that get really sick. What an awful place to be if you turn for the worse.
They didn’t hide it. Morons like Trump denied it and said it was a hoax.
I call b.s, the president said that because China and the w.h.o were hiding information about the pandemic
The US had 14 scientists working in China and/or the WHO who all knew in real time the same things that the WHO knew.
That’s why they were embedded with WHO, so US could be involved and up-to-date on any future pandemic outbreak.
They were.
This is where Trump’s attempt to shift blame falls down.
He’s correct but the French want to go into Africa to test Africans as Guinea pigs and laboratory mice. Speak up people of the diaspora.
And the testing kit that was prescribed for respiratory issues???
STAY HOME Folks! No Hydroxychloriquine and Azithromycin and Zinc? <These are being used effectively in a number of countries particularly Frande and Spain.. India is supplying hydroxychloriquine to more than 50 countries. India makes 70% of the global supply. Over 6,000 doctors polled in 130 countries all said hydroxychloriquine was most effective at treating Covid 19. Everybody, please research Hydroxychloriquine, then demand our Government instruct it's use. WHO is not to be trusted. Do your own research, WHO did not want US to shut air traffic to Wuhan. I am completely sickened by this article.
Those treatments have life threatening results. I suggest you research the trial discontinuation in Brazil.
I know you people have heard about 5G. See the problem is that cellphone towers in general lower you production of melatonin and this in turn makes your body unable to fight viruses. So no Covid isn’t caused by 5G but 5G makes it more effected.Take the time to research human Resonance.
Salt water can help us to fight this virus. Just make sure you keep away from your wifi boxes and lessen the cellphone usage. But Please people research the effects of emfs.
Wow. You are truly demented. You obviously spend many hours a day reading this crap and now trying to spread it through the comment section. First WHO is an ineffective agency which has just lost all its funding. Second they supported all of China’s lies about the virus. Soooo, if you set your guidelines based upon WHO then you will die. That 5G nonsense is just that. NONSENSE
Guess your view is the only one that matters. Says a lot about you. Unless your beliefs are based on your personal experience you are just like all of us..relying on second hand information. I am quite sure you to spend your time on the net to feed your ravenous appetite for conspiracy theories. Again like all of us they are just your views.
You are quick to open your d@rn mouth but I bet you haven’t read one thing I just said.. And that’s why its so easy to fool you people because you do not read. Human Resonance is a fact!… why do you think cellphones have S.A.R limits set?.. have you ever taken the time to read the manual to see that your phone shouldn’t be smack against your head?… I suggest you take your head out of your… and read… I bet you never read that did you?!!…Some of you should do your own research.. I did not say 5g was causing the virus .. Our body produces melatonin which is produced at night or when asleep the cellphone tower waves have been affecting the production due to the frequency differences. We cannot effectively fight sicknesses without it.. Go and read man.. You people are the reason why they have gotten away with the things they do today…Just a set of sheep but quick to say conspiracy when yall don’t read nothing for yourselves… Stay blind and continue on… Later on in life you will learn.
There have been results from the treatment. They may not work for everyone just like any treatment but they can work. We have to remember even basic over the counter pain killers could potentially cause stomach bleeding and other major complications. Not an advocate for some of these pharmaceutical products but in some cases they are necessary.
A study recently took 156 patients with severe symptoms. They gave a third Hydroxychloriquine and Azithromycin , a third hydroxychloriquine alone and a third none. 28 that had the hydroxychloriquine alone died, 24 with the convo and only 11 with neither. They are trying to work out whether the drugs might actually have contributed to the deaths.
Keep your experimental drugs. Thanks. Best way to fight it is use this time to get fit. Really fit. What everyone seems to agree on is that fitness helps. It doesn’t cost a thing and most of us have time on our hands.
So, did the govt order 4,000 treatments or not? And what were they?
Well according to Premier Fahie the Government has ordered 3000-4000 supplies for COVID-19. So who really telling the truth here?
You see this is why I keep saying we need a Medical professional on the panels that doing the public addresses.
The Panels have become too political.
We need an investigation as to what happened to that young lady who passed away fro COVID-19.
Yes they should investigate it… if she picked it up “from an outside person” it must have been before the 22nd March before ports closed… that’s a long time ago ! She must have been ill for quite a while before she was admitted to hospital!
The health worker that shared her details should be dismissed and charged too.
He means the CORRUPT WHO?? He means the Chinese World Health Organisation? He means the CCP Health Organisation. This man has got to be kidding…he can’t be serious right?!
What Jackasses in our health care system. They would rather people die than try something that MAY work…I wonder if their position will change if is one of their family affected by it. COLD and HEARTLESS
We are sheep the w.h.o is in bed with the chinese who hid the virus and caused this pandemic, we must learn to think for ourselves
So admitting a patient who tested positive for the Coronavirus is just to isolate them? And if they recover, the hospital had no say in it?
What treatment is currently being used for Covid patients? They must be using something.
Don listin to dat WHO. Gib the mon som tea an put he to bed!
No treatments? Really? Not even Ventilators? Blood Plasma from recovered persons ? or some other drugs other than that Malaria drug which has been killing people? Please do some research and don’t rely WHO they are useless. And please pray for any old people that may get sick because they will not recover without some form of treatment. This is unconscionable !!!!!!!!