BVI resident still stranded abroad as gov’t places indefinite block on returning permit holders
By Kamal Haynes, BVI News Staff
A resident living in the BVI for the last 12 years said he has been stuck in St Maarten for five months and is now uncertain what his next move will be since government has indefinitely barred work permits holders from entering.
Prior to the COVID-19 lockdown, Geoffrey Day of Josiah’s Bay on Tortola travelled to St Maarten on February 26 to restart the work permit process for a new job in the BVI.
“I had to leave by order of the Immigration Department due to the fact that I was changing jobs. So it was a new work permit, not a renewal. I expected it to take around 4 weeks, so I came over to St Maarten and waited for the permit to be processed,” Day told BVI News.
“Unfortunately, it was not long after that the coronavirus became an issue and the BVI closed the borders. Along with this, the government offices, including Labour were closed, therefore my permit process was put on hold. All understandable and I had no issues with that directive,” he added.
No updates, kept in the dark
Following inquires about the status of his work permit, Day, who is a carpenter, was told the process would continue once the lockdown was lifted and the Labour Department reopened.
“I have been waiting all this time for news. My new employer has been in contact with the Labour Department numerous times. He was told that my permit was being processed. I have been patient and understand there was a backlog of permits etcetera to do so I haven’t complained up until now,” the skilled worker said.
“I keep checking the government website hoping for updates. Frankly, there is very little there and most of what I hear is either from friends there (in the BVI) or newspaper clips online. Every time my employer has been to check up on how my permit is going, it’s always the same answer; that it’s being processed, that it will be ready soon.”
Running of money and still paying bills on Tortola
The UK national said the recent announcement by the government has left him feeling somehow excluded from the reentry process, as there is no clear understanding of what measures can be taken by someone in his position.
Things are now worsening for the Josiah’s Bay resident who said he is now running low on money as he tries to survive in St Maarten while still paying bills on Tortola.
“I have one suitcase here with a couple of T-shirts and shorts. That’s it. Fortunately, I have friends here that have provided me with some very basic accommodation. An old office space that has a mattress on the floor. I’m paying them some money when I can get it every month,” he stated.
“I’ve used up my savings from what I brought here. I am struggling to get food every day now. My debts in the BVI are mounting with things like car insurance, rent — which I send what I can so my landlady can pay her mortgage — food for my pets, etcetera,” Day explained.
BVI my home
As for why he doesn’t return to the UK, Day said: “My home is there [in the BVI]. I still pay rent on my place, I have pets there, and all my possessions are there. All my tools that I work with are there. All my personal things like books and photos and musical equipment and clothes and my car and all my sentimental possessions.”
“I haven’t lived in the UK for 22 years. Apart from my family, I have no other reasons to be there. No job and because I have lived away so long, I am no longer eligible for any social security, health coverage, etcetera. It would be extremely expensive to get there and nothing is there for me,” he added.
Day is hoping a decision from the government will be forthcoming to bring relief to him and persons in similar situations so theya can return to the BVI.
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I’ll like to know exactly what skill you have. If it is a skill, that a virgin islander can do, then you should not even be here. or, if there’s no work for you, again you should not be here. Indigenous Virgin Islanders first. Followed by other
skilled belongers with no ties, then skilled caricom citizens, then skilled Africans only after which all others should be looked at . Work preferences should always be in this order.
Indigenous BV Islander – please note you are most likely indigenous to Africa. The Arawaks were indigenous to the BVI, before they were slaughtered by the Europeans. Then they kidnapped a bunch of people and forced them to do their bidding. As I’m reading your word, you don’t seem to differ much from these Europeans…
The Arawaks were not indigenous either. They came from South America. They in turn were eaten by the Caribs.
In fact, if modern humans originated in Olduvai Gorge in modern Ethiopia as is currently believed, we are all African. Some of us stayed in the shade, some not so much.
Simple really.
The Kalinagos ( Caribs) did not eat people that was proven some time ago. Why do you all keep this colonial language alive? In addition, I am of the opinion that the majority of work permit holders in the BVI are University graduates. What does that say about the educated state of the people born in BVI if there is this constant outsourcing for degree holders? something to think about along with you all’s colonial language belongers …down islanders lol who speaks like this.
“I am of the opinion that the majority of work permit holders in the BVI are University graduates.”
Without statistics to support your statement, it’s just an opinion…a meaningless one too.
@Hmm. You will lose that bet easily Jack Donkey.
Olduvai Gorge is not in Ethiopia. Humans did not originate from Olduvai Gorge. By the way, Olduvai Gorge is in Tanzania
Tolans r worthless an lazy if u all wanted to work an have skills this place wouldn’t be full with outsiders even ur own people says that they don’t like tolans working do them … we build ur country remember that?
Go sit to h*** down and shut 2 F up
It baffles me why you would want to be in a country full of worthless and lazy people and then come on social media to complain. Sounds like your employer is from BVI from what you said. Guess they are lazy and worthless people too. Good never comes to people that bite the hand that feeds them. God does not prosper an ungrateful spirit.
Its plain the present bvi govt does not care about no one but themselves how all of them would feel if they were stranded on an island and there wife n kids were here.i know of parents went away on vacation and there kids here who the hell feeding them ,I know plenty of you sorry like hell you dip da finger in that ink for bvi trump look what this godly bro has done to you who was saying VIP all the way, even the other ministers them vex but there mouth muscle down. It is the worse ever in any country this kind of treatment is taking place but GOD is looking down brother yes sir
The Arawaks were slaughtered by the Caribe’s. The Caribes were eventually wiped out by Europeans after many tries to assimilate them. European settlers were in the BVI long before Africans and they have just as much claim to be the indigenous.
The sun must didn’t exist then FOH LOL
Please, just please.
@ RUBBER Duck. You cannot migrate to a place and claim indigenous status, stop chatting nonsense.This headline has nothing to do with all this bull nonsense talk about indigenous or aboriginal entitlement to be here. Get real.
U bvi people worthless .. if u all could have skill an like to work there wouldn’t be so much outsiders in ur country .. ur own people even say they don’t like tolans working for them cause them lazy
Yes, Belongers should come first, but please don’t be so racist.
I’m not trying to be racist. We need to look out for our own first, then by extension our Caribbean and African people’s. White countries does look out for they own and screw everybody else, in case you ain’t realize.
You’re not trying to be racist, but apparently you just naturally are racist. A person needs to learn the facts before slinging accusations and slander, not to mention hate. Is this the way you would like to be treated? Or your mother or brother or uncle treated? It is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Idiots like you made Haiti
Your past trying my friend.
Wow you are truly rude. If he was offered a work permit then there was NO belonger applications. as it stands BVI belongers can work in the UK with no permits, I hope they change that and go to permits to see what a rigmarole it is every year! So after 12 years here where would you like him to go and what is he to do with all his personal things? Put yourself in his shoes just think how you would feel..and have just a hint of compassion.
People does be offered work permit and it does get renewed even though there is a qualified multigenerational Virgin Islander available for the position,IT is wrong. Vislanders are being robbed from their constitutional rights. Where there is no (for ease of speech) “indigenous” VIslander only then we should fill the gap by one of our Caricom and African (the continent) people. White countries does do the same thing for their own kind, why can’t we?
The bVI is British, so we should have British rights whilst also protecting our local population from being flooded out by UK people looking to come here. So the system is set up right. He is from the UK, let he go to the UK. The BVI is not obligated to help. Nor do we owe him a thing. He does not have STATUS! POINT BLANK Same goes for a certain percentage of you work permit holders (irregardless where you come from).
What skills do you have to fill up the vacancies? I hope you ain’t got kids born in the US.
Maybe if you learned to speak and write English you would do better in the job market.
Whilst i do not agree with some parts of this post… and thats another story. I do agree that work permits are often granted for jobs where there are qualified bvi islanders. This is due to the fact that many employers lie or simply interview a bvi islander to satisfy the labour requirements but they have no intentions of hiring them. Alternatively, they create ridiculous job ads tailored to the candidate they have already head hunted’s resume so that they would appear to be the best candidate. This has to stop and all those who try to say this does not happen are Naive!
I feel for the guy and he says this is his home but you are absolutely INCORRECT when you say that he was offered a work permit meaning there was no belonger applications. In fact I am prone to believe more often than not there are
The work permit process takes care of all that. You can’t get a permit if someone who is skilled could have done that job.
Throwing in the racial hierarchy you have after that is just racist.
Good luck to this man and hope his pets are coping with his absence.
You lie. Immigration needs to work with the labour department to put a stop to all work permits being given out that Virgin Islanders can do. A point system needs to be established. There should be no unemployed local what so ever in these islands. Cause most people not from here and they should not be allowed to take food from vislanders mouths. These are serious times and work permit cuts will have to be made.
Too many locals like lying under trees. And the BVI economy is too big for all jobs to be filled by “ indigenous “.
A points system sounds like a Great idea. It would show how poorly educated and wholly unqualified the majority of locals are for the jobs available.
Let’s stop this foolishness the gentleman like many other expatriates are in this situation the BVI have become their home and it’s unfortunate that the virus has caused havoc and at the same time has shown the hatred between some BVI islander some expatriates. Sometime we have to put our selves in that person situation and see how we would like to treated I myself am guilty and we are to be our brothers and sisters keeper regardless of where they are from let us do good so that good will follow us .
I think the BVI government is causing more havoc than the virus. This is stupid that they can deal with these situations. You are not talking about a million people. If this was the US they would be screaming racism.
Just like the BVI has BECOME HIS HOME somewhere else can. Lots of BVI belongers are also unemployed and looking for jobs. They send their resumes to labour only to find out months after that they have disappeared. The expats submitting work permit applications are very aggressive and when they cannot get through to labour they engage the services of a local to push for them.
Tus palabras me llenan de júbilo y es que pensar primero en los demás como sus hermanos es un mandamiento divinos, espero que tu comentarios penetre en lo más profundo sentimiento de las autoridas de este lugar.
Si siempre se pensará en ayudar a los demás otro mundo estuviéramos.
Well rhen allowed the man in for him to get his stuff period.
You do realize that this person has lived and worked in the BVI for the past 12 years right? Further, I am confused because once you have lived in the BVI for 5 years straight with no issues with law etc., you can transfer permits without leaving the Territory, why did he have to leave?
A lot of people will be in this situation. They must be on the same work permit for 5 years in order to be able to stay. Many people changed jobs after Irma and have not been at their current job for the required 5 years.
Once every five years. Change jobs for a second time within 5 years and out you go. It’s very close to slavery.
Rubber Duck really. Whose country is this?That man Day!!
What Foolishness and stupidness.
“Indigenous communities, peoples, and nations are those that, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing in those territories, or parts of them.”
There are no indigenous Virgin Islanders in the Virgin Islands.
Do you have a historical continuity with pre-colonial society in the Virgin Islands? Clearly not unless you are a Carib Indian.
The fact that your family may have lived here for a number of generations does not make you indigenous. Like it or not you are part of the colonial society that now rules and prevails in the Virgin Islands (at the expense of the Carib Indians).
What on earth are belongers with no ties?
Caricom nationals have no preferential rights to employment in the Virgin Islands when compared to non-Caricom nationals. The anti ‘Island People’ mentality here means that they are leaving in droves, and belongers who lose their cushy Govt in the next few months jobs are going to have the start doing the dirty work that those persons now do or go hungry.
Skilled African’s have no preferential rights – not even the AG, or the skilled charter captains from South Africa!
Your comments give away that you are a racist!
Shame on you.
They cannot be trusted to leave. BVI have plenty who should have left but wont leave.
Would you prefer if we use the word NATIVE instead of Indigenous? Or will you turn around and tell us we aren’t natives either? But whatever the name, you get the point of what the person was saying don’t you?? So let’s not nitpick on names. The message remains the same…
You just being darn racist.
Stop this nonsense. If every time you see a white person in trouble you want to kick them because of what your ancestors went through, karma will kick you twice as hard.
Every time you see a down island person in trouble you want to smack them round the head, God will keep you in the agony you clearly suffer.
BVIslanders occasionally lose out from incomers. But many more reap great benefit from these people coming on and doing jobs we don’t want to do.
Many others reap dirty profit from helping bring people in to do jobs anyone could do, and treating them almost like slaves – taking fees for giving them permits, keeping a large % of their wages etc.
Some of you all want it all ways. Retribution for ancestral wrongs taken out on any white regardless of what they ever done to you. Use and abuse of the system and human labor for your own profit.
And none of ayo seem to understand that in the real world the BVI is RICH country compared to many!
Be decent, fair and even kind – then your agony may end.
Maybe the same Karma you speak of is coming back to kick them for what they did to our Ancestors as you said…God/Karma will punish us twice for our resentment of how our ancestors were treated?? Murdered, brutalized and forced to work without being paid for hundreds of years? You all are really some nuts. The world is indeed round. I’m not doing to debate Native and what it means, Indigenous, local, born here, expat, foreigner and all that bullshit. Once again, you get the point. You don’t like how we are running our country and the decisions we are making, please leave.. Leave us to fend for ourselves since you all said that we can’t! What better punishment???
Native means ‘born in f a place’.
Indigenous means something completely different.
By your logic we could use the word alien, or bicycle or flamingo.
Yes it matters that you choose to be stupid and at the same time offend and make invisible people whose culture was almost entirely wiped out – the indigenous people and f the islands.
When I say belonger with no ties I meant people who does not have generational ties to the islands. People with generational ties should be placed first.
I do know BVI law does not have skill Africans or caricom citizens with any preferencial rights . I said by lack of availability of vislanders these are the groups of people we should look out for. The BVI is an associate member of Caricom and most of our ancestors is from Africa, hence my opinion. European countries have that same kind of mindset I shared here on this article.
Correction! Many Anegadians carry the blood of Indigenous Amerindians. The Norman, Faulkner, Wheatley, Creque & Knight Clans carry this bloodline! #fact
The first settlers intermarried with the matriarchal leaders to gain the wealth & prosperity of the land. They may bare the name of these men (settlers) but carry the blood of the “Indigenous”.
On Tortola, the Fahie and Smith clans are also “Indigenous” to the island. Fahie means “foundation”! Why would both Dutch & English settlers call a group of people “foundation” if they didn’t rightfully belong to the land? A group of people so large that their clan had to be divided in two!
The same thing can be said about the Smith Clans. The fact of the matter is many Smith’s were known as “Red Smith’s”, as in “Red Skin Indians”.
Taking it a step further, why do you think the Smith’s & Fahie’s are basically one big family? They’ve been preserving their bloodlines throughout the generations!
Many of the Ancestral houses of the BVI hold Indigenous blood. When coupled with the fact that the same can be said about many other islands, I think it’s time to start challenging the narrative that’s been forced upon us by those who sought to control us!
Who defines this word indigenous? I say…destroy the statues of grandeur white man… we will not be cross-referenced in the context of colonial definitions. You will not put your knees on our necks any longer. We are indigenous to the BVI bottom line! Just like Caribs were not cannibals or barbarians and deserved to be destroyed and displaced, which was a law you created to remove them from their country and take over their estates in the Caribbean. Now you come with your definitions to define occupancy in the black mans lands. Enough of this white devilish evil! We have had enough of you! Shame on You!!!
You selfish as f*** what if the islander want to do it you all will get what coming to alyo in time
You have to be a blogger that enjoys instigating racial unrest!
Are Chinese, or Russian by chance?
Hold on – am I racist for saying that too? 😉
White and black better stick together because we going to be the dying breeds pretty soon if we don’t stop bickering at one another to the satisfaction of China, Russia, and probably India!
We need each other more than we know!
Skilled Africans? What are you – racist? Some people say BVI is the most xenophobic country in he world, and you surely and you surely make that seem fact.
Funny, that’s exactly what Trump says and he’s labeled a racist. Go figure?
Why is ok for BVI and the USA?
Maybe he has the skill of knowing the correct use of grammar. He could teach you a thing or two.
Your comment is disgusting
What’s a skilled African?
You’re the very definition of racist.
Disgusting words from you
What’s a “skilled African”?
If you look at the picture in the article you will see this man does indeed have a real skill, a skill that not many people anywhere could replicate. But if there is a BVIslander that could do that job then certainly they should be given first refusal on that position. It’s rough but that is the law…
his comment about the uk are so wrong! takes about 2 weeks to get back onboard and signed for eveything-
I was thinking the samething. That is not the process
i doubt that. every country has a time frame to be able to access full benefits of being a citizen. and i’m thinking of healthcare as 1 of them.
You are misinformed. You cannot get all your stuff sorted out in the UK in 2 weeks when you have been away so long. Telling you as a fact! Been there, done that.
These are the unfortunate circumstances of many at the moment. The BVI government doesn’t care though.
Who is BVI government supposed to care about?
But why cant people at least come to sort out there belongings and their life that they had there..then leave
At least that man
They cannot be trusted to leave. BVI have plenty who should have left but wont leave.
Same here smh
The only skill the locals have is sitting under a shade tree, getting women pregnant and then leaving and selling dope. The man is a skilled carpenter. There are no locals that are skilled carpenters. All the skilled men are down islanders. Stop your racist crap and thank people like this man that want to live amongst you awful excuses for people.
How are you any better than the person that made the racist comment? You also have hate in your heart as you made very negative comments about Virgin Islands that might only be true for a few (just as in other countries).
FYI there are many Virgin Islanders who are well educated, skilled and work very hard for their money. The false stereotype that you choose to propagate about Virgin Islanders makes you a bigot. Look within yourself before you choose to criticize someone else for the very same behaviour that you have displayed.
The only skill the “local” hater has is hating on and being jealous of the “local.”
You are clearly one of those that wants to replace the “local,” his birth rights, priviledges and humanity with yours. Those are the sympthoms of an envious and dreadful spirit.
So far, you are only succeeding in proving how ignorant you are.
Hope you were not and are not successful in making any children here.
I thought people who had been in the Bvi 5 years and less are the ones who have to leave the islands when changing jobs???? The few persons who are locked out are the ones paying the price for all. Imagine they tell you that you cannot return because of no jibs yet your co workers who never went away are still in the BVI not working just like some who are locked out.
I am a virgin islander,and i think he has a point. plus how many of us do what he the way he is one of us, he is from the UK,i can go to the UK and i don’t need a permit.surely his process should have been somewhat different.since he has put forward his permit by now someone should have contacted him by email already.Let the man know something.being over in SXM spending unnecessarily money and have a apartment here.clearly the employer still wants him so whats the problem.
I agree
Is this man and his story filled with truths that are lies? Why he won’t return to the UK is suspect and many here are like that. Cannot go back home because home would grant them a … because of their reason for running. Plenty c*******s here hiding.
What are truths that are lies?
Why not just say lies?
If I was from England and wanted to wait a month for paperwork I wouldn’t go to the expense of going to England either. Just take a cheap trip to St. Maarten as it’s nicer than St. Thomas and fewer racist Americans.
“This man” is me.
I didn’t go back to the Ukraine because,1, I left the territory in February for what was supposed to be a few weeks whilst my new work permit was being processed. Before lockdown.
I didn’t expect to still be waiting 5 months later. I don’t have sufficient funds to go back to the uk, and once I arrive there, then what. No possessions, no money, no place to live?
Because I have been away from the UK for over 22 years, I no longer have the use of healthcare services as I’m not registered with a doctor there. I’m not eligible for unemployment benefits because I lose that after 15 years. I don’t pay any national insurance (social security ) in the uk.
I pay social security and NHI contributions in the BVI And have done for the last 12 years.
My possessions, my car, my home that I pay rent on, my pets. My tools for work. All in the BVI.
Your insinuation that somehow I am running from the uk because of something sinister is totally wrong and stupid
The most of we young people agree with the vip government on this move and many others. How do you explain that we the young people can’t find jobs in the BVI(and we are looking) but new work permit and old work permit holders stuck outside are pushing government to let them in the BVI to work? This is foolishness.
Your name should be young a** if you are really a youth. What jobs will there be if businesses close as a result of this Government’s lack of planning?
Just because you are young and looking for a job doesn’t mean you have the skills to do a job.
How else are work permit holders getting their work permit. If you have the skills, diploma’s and experience you can easily apply and you will get the job.
However, if you have nothing to show for… a work permit holder is needed.
What the hell skills are you talking about? Many novices, dish washers and chefs come to the BVI get trained in the financial services sector by those they claim have no skills. Work permits are issued regularly to people with absolutely no skills in the areas in which they seek to be employed. I am sick and tired of reading lies about work permits being issued to skilled workers when I witness people on the damn jobs learning skills they claim to come with.
Do you think this man can go to America and publish this nonsense? Why every Tom, dick and Harry feel they must speak out against or try embarrass the government and then live in the BVI? Look at that ***+++ foool news reporter on …. Do you think BVI people can go Guyana with these nonsense. In cayman work permit holders must leave after a certain time. It to show you some come to stay and fight off locals!!!! Then some stupid locals feed them for political mileage then trash them!!!!!!! Stupid news day ms.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to go to America? I’ve heard it’s a cess pit of racist, covid riddled grasping, insular red knecks.
Um correct me if I am wrong but the gentleman doesnt even currently hold a valid work permit. His application is still being processed as i understand it when you apply for something there is no guarantee you will be approved. Therefore whilst I sympathize with his situation I do not think he can be classed with those that are stuck outside with work permits that are still valid. He is in a whole different situation and may have quite a bit of a wait because even when they begin letting work permit holders in.. If his work permit still is not yet approved… He cant come in
Very good point…
A refreshing read. Someone with actual common sense to see the main point. Some are so busy to jump on the hate BVI campaign that they can’t see the obvious.
That doesn’t change the fact that the man has all of his belongings here and prior to COVID there was nothing barring him from getting his permit. The point is whether the permit is approved or not, the Government needs to put measures in place for persons to return either with test results or mandatory quarantine so that they can deal with their personal belongings/business in the BVI. The man lived here 12 years and you expect him to just say ah well let me go somewhere else, while there’s employment on the table in the country where he has spent the last decade? It’s not like he was coming to the BVI for the first time.
I am certain in due time he will be allowed in to recover belongings (if that is what it results to). However, it doesn’t appear to me that his intention is to simply return for belongings. I may be wrong but what I gather from this article and comments is that many feel that because a person resided and worked in the BVI for X yrs…. They are entitled to stay here forever and have permits renewed without a need to qualify for status or meet certain requirements. It’s all just crazy to me. I doesn’t work like that anywhere in the world.
What about if the local not qualified to do the job..should they still b given the job just because they local? This is an honest question
It is Their Country and not yours to decide.
I agree. Even in the US, you can’t stay permanently on an L1 Visa. It’s only good for 3 years and renewable up to 7. It doesn’t mean because you lived in the US for the maximum allowable time, and you like it, that you just get to stay. There are immigration laws in every county and the BVI is no different.
Why did they ask him to leave the country if he has been here so long? They should have just deny him the work permit and have him sell his stuff and leave the country. We as Tolians have to be very careful how we treat others especially UK nationals. Do not forget that we are using their passports, can live in their country and reap benefits.
What was there to dislike wbout this post. The fact the poster posted the obvious truth. My goodness not even factual statements can stop person on their gang up on the BVI rants.
Why is he being dishonest about his right of benefits from the UK.
Because they take BVILanders and its Gov for fools.
who can verify the person making those racist comments is a BVislander?
What I realized it is only people with those kinds of thought do respond and always using similar racist context
I’m sorry, but just how he moved from UK to wherever before moving to the BVI, FOR WORK, then he can move back to the UK. While I sympathize with his situation, he has NO entitlement or right to be in the BVI. 12 years is not a long time and for me does not establish that the BVI is his so-called home. The BVI is home to where he works. The UK is his home.
As for indigienous, then I guess only the dinosaurs and animals are indigenous. They were here before the Native Indians were. Indigenous speaks to the people and practices that shape and are at the core of TODAY’s society. So yes I am indigenous. It doesn’t mean that I, or my ancestors were here first, but it does mean that my ancestors are at the core of the cultural, social and political constructs that shape our society today as we experience it.
U is a c***
ia a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
To many use that word, “racist,” simply because they can read enough to recognize and write it, and to defer their own racist guilt upon others..
Racism is not synomymous with Black people history or their culture, ancient or current. It is so with the european, his culture,practices and history.
These are the historical facts of mankind/human beings.
So go and show how much the truthful facts really hurt with the dislike button.
I was required to leave the BVI while a new work permit was being processed even though I had been living there for the previous 10 years because I was not employed for 5 consecutive years by the same employer!
maybe a lawsuit is needed. Any lawyers interested in a pro bono case?
Law suit on what grounds? He does not have a valid permit and I cannot see where a legitimate expectation of approval of his work permit would have been created. As harsh as it may seem, he just needs to either look alternative employment or seriously consider moving back to the UK.
For seizing his property
Who seized his property? He can have some one pack them up and ship them to him at any time.
The real headline should be man without valid work permit eagerly awaits decision on its approval. Whether there was a Covid or not he would have to remain outside the territory as per the procedures before the pandemic. Trying to expedite it by going on the community board and BVInews can backfire if the powers that be are petty and just decide to outright deny the request.
Let’s pretend as if we didn’t see the part about him being here for 12 years working already.
And him being here for 12 yrs already entitles him to automatic approval of his work permit? It’s an application and by the very nature of what an application is… Approval is not guaranteed.
How are you any better than the person that made the racist comment? You also have hate in your heart as you made very negative comments about Virgin Islands that might only be true for a few (just as in other countries).
FYI there are many Virgin Islanders who are well educated, skilled and work very hard for their money. The false stereotype that you choose to propagate about Virgin Islanders makes you a bigot. Look within yourself before you choose to criticize someone else for the very same behaviour that you have displayed.
These comments are truly reflective of my two other comments in previous articles..As soon as articles such as this is published, you see how ignorant and backward some BVIslanders are..They just sit on their butts, lazy, and ready to jump and air their voices just because they are the locals..I so wish if all the expats can leave that expat-hater BVI and leave you guys to look after your sick as*& and teach your own children..This is the kind of reward one gets after living their so long..Where do you expect the gentleman to go, after paying taxes, rent and all these things after 12 years??? I don’t know about other expats, but expats, listen and listen carefully..They do not need you guys there..They Just USE you..wake up and see the light, because when the fury comes along from God in the form of natural disasters, God forbid, see where your small islands stand..It is so disgusting to see some of these comments each time I read an article such as this..I could have taught there, but I chose somewhere else where locals value our efforts..Wicked set of people (some persons)..he who has EARS, let them hear..Please be safe expats, and know that you are not alone, and continue doing what you love, while earning your livelihood..
How do you know it’s a local posting those comments? You use that as an excuse to tell us how you really feel right? So all BVIslanders are unqualified, lazy, dunces just hanging around right? And all white people that come here are the saviors, well qualified with zero problems right?
I do not use this to say how I really feel..You know how your fellow locals feel about expats..It doesn’t only open in the BVI..The locals in Turks and Caicos and Caiman do the same thing..If there is an issue, the idea is to get it resolved in a matured and logical manner,not for persons to rush with this whole belonger thing in front of everything..It is about time locals realize that their turn can come around sooner than later..I never said the whites are more qualified and all the locals are lazy..All expats need is just a level playing field..
… and will your country grant us the same? A level playing field. Let’s just be real people. The world is in chaos and every country is looking each way but up to God! So is the nature of Mankind!
My country is always opened for anyone..In all of my 39 years alive, I have never heard my countrymen saying so freely online that foreigners should return to where they came from after any and every issue..We have all kinds of nationalities living in my country, peacefully..We have people walking freely from India, China, name it..The field is level for everyone..You can drink rum and walk freely without having to wonder next day someone will write in the comment section here that the expat is drinking rum and needs to return to his country..One love BVI, and do honestly hope that we all can live in harmony in our global village..Peace
Let me clear up the issue about having to leave even though I have lived there 12 years. You can only stay if you have stayed employed with one employer, doing the same job for 5 years. I haven’t, I have changed employers before, the last time being just after Irma.
I agree with point made that yes, because my new permit hasn’t been processed, then I’m not allowed back, but why is it taking more than 5 months to do? I understand delays will happen because of COVID, but 5 months and still no progress? My new employer to be still has the vacancy for me, still needs my skills for his company.
I’m a skilled worker, I’m a fine carpenter with over 20 years of experience, go to trellis bay sushi bar and you can see my work. Go to foxys music school and see my work. Go to foxys old years night party and see my work. There is no one on island who does what I do.
As to the first post by Mr “ Indigenous”, you and likeminded folk are the reason why the BVI has a terrible reputation regarding the treatment of foreigners. Because I’m not “baaaarn ere” I’m somehow second class. Like with all job vacancies, my position was advertised first and offered to belongers and when no indigenous applied, I was then offered the position. Your post oozes racism, you obviously have issues with white people.
“Because I’m not “baaaarn ere” So you’re trying to get approval to work in the BVI and using bigoted stereotypes? Are you serious? I do hope that someone with power is reading this to see just how some people think about the BVI. I guess you also think that the reason why you are the only one on the island capable of doing your job is because the locals are lazy people that dont want to work.GTFOH
Says a White foreigner to a black local ha tha ha ha…you bleeped devils are really mucked up !
That’s disgusting! Mismatching pillowcase and cover.
Oh, the humanity! Somebody help that poor man.
The poor man need to asked for help in getting a ticket to his country of birth. The man is without a work permit so the best thing for him is try and get to the UK. Six months now he out and the only place he ever know is the bvi and only living here for 11 This man is fifty plus yrs old and because he spend eleven yrs here it becomes his home?? Where did you spend the other 47 yrs of your life??why not try to get to the place or places you stayed longer than the bvi. I know this guy very well and most ot the times he … This island is really a free for all. People out there with valid work permit can’t get back in as yet but this man without a work permit want them to let him in because he have an old car here and few pieces of tools. chartering a plane to come get you to come home to England.
Let’s get something straight. All MY possessions are ther in the BVI. Yea , a car yes, ALl my tools which I need for my work, All my clothes, All my books All my photos and sentimental items, All my musical instruments and equipment.
We are talking about 10’000’s of dollars worth of belongings.
On top of that I have pets there which you expect me to just abandon.
If your gonna spew s**t, at least get your facts right first.
Don’t know about a work permit in process but I have a family member who has a valid work permit a valid job waiting and can’t come to work nor be with her family.
You are correct, there are quite a number of persons with valid work permits outside the BVI now with all their Belongings in apartments they are paying rent for here in the BVI. They also have no income and I am wondering how they cope. This government is cruel and short sighted. I a wondering how foreign investors and trust companies are feeling being faced with this problem. It will be easy for them to bring their business elsewhere where they are not facing these problems. Especially considering how the Government is pushing Independence. The attraction for trust companies has been that the BVI is a British Territory. Then apartments will be empty and mortgages not paid.
Now this us the type of situation that warranted an article not a work permit in process. You should have your relative reach out to have their story told.
How can the BVI national sustain the country them selves. The NHI is 40M short each year and the Gov is putting their hands in their pockets to bail it out. The BVI need tax payers to sustain the country, Infrastructure etc. The only alternative is to increase the NHI Electricity and water bills etc.
If we don’t allow work permit holders back in to charter the yachts the entire tourist economy will collapse. The restaurants, supermarkets, Car Hire companies. Villa Rentals etc etc. The money pot is getting very small and you need tax payers here to fill the pot.
Its basic economics.
Basic economics will have a price tag attached to it.
Despite the above realities of financial short falls, caution must not be thrown out in the interest of money.Noone takes money to the grave.
The BVI is a tourist destination, and because of that, we have to be very careful. Trusting God to see us through will not stop the infection from being transmitted here by an unknowing or knowing tourist.Noone wants to live through another 24/7 curfew for another month or two. Bury greed and birth rationality for a while.
If not, all the restaurants, supermarkets, Car Hire companies, villa Rentals etc etc. will have to close doors once again.
This current world wide terrible infectious and killer infection must be dealth with wisely and cautiously. The same approaches must be applied to the economy. Spend wisely, and get use to pocketing and or banking less until better has arrived.
For those whom are out of a job and income, much sympathy is felt for them, but corona has caused much difficulty across the globe for millions and millions of folk, not just the regular and business folk of this territory. Keep faith alive and hope the virus dies away soon. Everyone wants to return to normalcy, but nature must take it course. Greed can wait.
Better broke and alive than a good bank account for someone else to squander.
It a type of flu. It’s doesn’t kill or even affect much the vast majority who catch it. It’s a panicdemic.
ching chong chang.
Holy damage makes a certain % of the heroes attack completely ignore armor, unlike armor break which just reduces armor before applying damage.
There are 2 different mechanics here: Armor Break % and reduction of Armor. Armor Break % basically ignores a portion of the the target and is specific to the Attacking hero with the stat. Reduction of Armor (like Rosa and Sigmund do) applies a debuf on the target that makes all attacks against it ignore a portion of Armor. Reduction of Armor from multiple sources stack additively (Rosa’s 20.4% armor reduction and Sigmunds 24% combine for 44.4% total reduction of Armor). Reduction of armor and Armor Break % stack multiplicatively (kind of), so if Sigmund applies a 24% reduction of Armor and the next attacker has 40%, that attack will ignore 100% – (100% – 24%)*(100% – 40%) = 100% – 45.6% = 54.4% of the targets Armor.
Your first sentence – therein lies the problem.
Persons like yourself have no regard or respect for the people you met in the BVI with BVI roots. Why is it that only BVIslanders are not to claim heritage of the British Virgin Islands? No one denies you of your national heritage of whichever other Caribbean island nation from which you and your family migrated. No one would dare to go there and tell the nationals how to refer to themselves. Why is it that the likes of you and others are hell-bent to become the “new colonizers” and attempt to treat BVIslanders like the previous colonizers did? Live in peace with us – just try.
This is nonsense, UK national should not require any work permit to work here in the bvi, these bvi people running and applying for British passport so they could go and live and work in the UK, the uk need to change this, they can and they should, the bvi is owned by the uk, uk citizens should live and work free in the bvi.
You have got to be kidding. You will not like the result if that. English people are not easy. We will bleed even more under their hands. You think unemployment is bad now, if UK residents were allowed to come here as freely as you are suggesting we would all be doomed. They are filled with silent hatred.
Total crap.
I for one have no intention of either living or working in the UK and I am sure many other natives feel the same as myself. Further more Cayman and Anguilla have the same UK passports and likewise british persons also need permits to work there. You know why? Whilst the UK has enough resources and land space to handle an influx of persons from its overseas territories… Our small islands could not handle the large influx of british persons that would try to migrate. Sometimes we have to think logically before we post.
Says a White foreigner to a black local ha tha ha ha…you bleeped devils are really mucked up !
This is a Totalitarian Government……(Tortola-ritarian…
I hope you all nursing staff and doctors to take care of u all and that NHI don’t go bankrupt because of you all hatred towards the people who help build all you country. The other day I went to have dinner at coalpot and not one BVI islanders were seen out that night as the place was filled up with non BVI islanders. may you wishes come true.
That is an untrue and prejudiced statement. If you have such disdain and think so low of the people you live around, why are you still here. Totally disrespectful statement. Your bitterness, hate and jealousy is glaring.
Covid is worldwide global issue and the well-being of the many is more important than the problems of a few. Sorry for the chap but it is what it us.
A****k is an over-priced store. Not good product either. Carib isn’t mu favorite beer either.
You see all the the bvi islander on here bring racists something worst is goin to happen something bigger than erma so instead of being here running down expirate you will learn this time when the country was damage you all call all over for help now u get help to build back the bvi this is how ungrateful you are look an see what’s gone happen in SEPTEMBER I urge all expat yo get out cause it gona get nasty
Same thing I say..God knows, that what goes around comes around..
Instead of you Two blogging word curses on the BVI and putting Jesus in your evil behavior you may want to step back and have a True relationship with my Lord and Savior. I believe it is time to repent.
The current laws prohibit anyone who needs a permit to go through what was mentioned.fine! Those laws should only be in place for foreigners(non British Citizens)
There won’t be nothing to fear interms of lack of work or pathways up the ladder for BVI Citizens within the job market if more laws and emphasis are being put in place for every business within the territory to make those practises apart of their employment mandates. Incase they won’t follow then there should face penaties.
In Wales for example or any other part Great Britain, for someone to get a job, you will need to apply, and then on interview day, you will need to show proof of your right to live within the country(passport,permanent resident card or remain to leave certificate), bank account information and proof of National Insurance Number.Many also ask for a utility bill that’s current.
My point is: without these, no matter if a BVI, OT Citizen or Citizen from the UK has the right by birth to live and work within their own country, if you can’t show proof of your bank account, proof of residence and NI number, you will not get that job or any job if any.It means that the said person has no place of abode, citizen,legal resident or not.
There is no way that because a huge number of citizens will have rights to move to any territory or vice versa,they will move.Where will they live? Without proof of addresses and local bank accounts,they won’t be able to accept local employments anyway so the term “Job Security” won’t be affected by overseas citizens relocating to any other territories that they aren’t from.
I don’t think it’s fare for a restaurant to hire a Sous Chef (where there is no local available from Jamaica,Brazil,Dominican Republic,Nepal,etc over a qualified and experienced, unemployed Anguillian next door to BVI for example, and he or she has the same passport as a BVIslander, which both are British Citizens.It happens but it’s not comprehensive Labour and Immigration laws in 2020 or the 21st century.Anguillians,Caymanians,Wales, Bermudians don’t need to move to BVI for example, to live and work to obtain British Citizenship.They are already fully British Citizens. You have the rights to outsource labour but outsourcing labour and not leveling the playing field for overseas citizens(British) who have the same laws on a daily to abide by isn’t a good enough image for the British nation worldwide.
I’m not forgetting the barrier though,that was in place against every citizen overseas from being in the Mainland in the 1970s because a tiny group of polititions had clever intentions but yet immigrants have made the mainland an attractive, multicultural society, regardless.Some of the policies in this first world nation don’t add up(UK).Those laws were all lifted almost two decades ago in 2002.
If they address those flaws with those immigration laws against British Citizens that’s not from a local territory(BVI) there still won’t be any chances of over crowding and competition for local jobs.
Nobody from any other territory or where else, that’s British, will be able to move to BVI or a Caymans or St Helena if they don’t have a place to live, even with rights to live there.
Within many companies policies that rent you homes in Wales,they ask for 6 months proof down payment if you don’t have a job when you move from any territory. The same can be applied to the real estate market in every territory for overseas citizens to ensure there isn’t over crowding and less competition for local jobs within these small island economies.
Also, if every territory place their own citizens on a very high pedastal and protect them with enforcable labour laws, they will always get first perferences in every business sector because the local economy in every part of a territory should always be mostly consist of the people who have been calling there home for decade.(BVIslanders)
If you think this can work and an influx still won’t happen you are naive and simply a british expat pandering to come off work permit.
Also,while at it, if you’re going to talk about protecting the current and future economic wellbeing of the very small local population of citizens(BVIslanders) from any outside forces,all while operating a comprehensive and fair labour rights system, then along with ensuring that the sale of (local crown land) always be sold to BVI Citizens(Indigenous) only.
The same can be specified for (selective sectors within the business arena) where only a local can get a license for a specific area of enterprise.
Those two areas will ensure you(Indigenous BVIslanders) won’t be disenfranchised by anyone from elsewhere.
He conveniently stated hes paying rent so the land lady can pay her mortgage. Hmm. I know this l*+*g dude. He need to get his act together. I dont see if hes been here for twelve years he had to leave to get a new permit. The law does not say that. Why he had to leave is the big question?
I had to leave because I had changed employees before, less than 5 years ago.
Law states that you must have stayed with one employer more than 5 years in order to stay.
Go sit to hell down and shut 2 F up
It baffles me why you would want to be in a country full of worthless and lazy people and then come on social media to complain. Sounds like your employer is from BVI from what you said. Guess they are lazy and worthless people too. Good never comes to people that bite the hand that feeds them. God does not prosper an ungrateful spirit.
The BVI law, if you are living here for more than 5 years and changing work permit, you don’t have to leave. You should of challenge them. Now it will be in your best interest to get a lawyer, you can take the government to court also as a UK citizen you need to write to the governor’s office. The Queen runs this place, so let them keep this up this I born here crap when she good and ready she can strip them of all their right and take back HER LAND!!!
All the best of luck to you.
He doesn’t have a case. He went out the country before application was made.
True, the law states that. After 5 years with one employer, I don’t have to leave, but then that whole thing starts again once you get another job, ie, if I change jobs again in less than 5 yrs, even though I have lived there 12, I still have to leave.
Read some this crap…. Totally understand all sides. Pease just live in piece, The government has the decision and the gentleman has a right to know what his next step maybe. This gentleman if offered to return should try and become a belonger and maybe see how that works out being an English citizen. Becoming a belonger gets him better opportunities.
The world is made for foreigners without expats no Island or country can survive on its own. None
Live in Peace Bvi Raised Brother
So it never crossed your mind, that your new work permit application could be denied. You left for St. Maarten with the assumption that it will be automatically be approved and you just waiting on the paperwork.
BVI I was about to ask the same question, why should a person coming from the UK need a work permit to live and work in the BVI
By the looks of the pictures of his work … he appears to have some skills…
You a resident not a citize Please sit down way in the back but yet dont come back