BVI to enter ‘soft curfew’ next week | Borders will reopen to residents in a month

It appears that life in the British Virgin Islands will return to some degree of normalcy when the territory-wide 24-hour curfew comes to an end in the next few days.
Health Minister Carvin Malone gave that indication during an interview with Carib Update media on Monday, April 13.
The minister said there would be a “12 or 13-hour soft curfew” beginning from 6 am on Tuesday, April 21, after the current 24-hour curfew is lifted.
“During the day, we will try to reintroduce critical businesses, and then after the first seven days, try to introduce more of the businesses,” Malone explained.
Border to remain closed
The Health Minister said that despite the soon-to-be-implemented soft curfew, the territory’s borders will remain closed for 30 days after the current 24-hour lockdown is lifted.
“After the 30-day period … we will then be able to reintroduce our citizens and our Belongers and other persons into the territory, but this will have to be done in a phased approach,” Malone explained.
He said the phased approach is to facilitate returning residents being ‘properly quarantined’.
“[This is] so that we don’t retard the progress that we made over the few weeks,” the minister explained.
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Curfew ends Sunday evening according to present legislation?
Are we getting a day of Monday madness before restart on Tuesday?
ching chong chang! ching chong chnag!!
Was this some kind of failed attempt to be racist?
no 1di0t. it was me being a troll and feeling happy. ching chong chika ching chong chang
I guess you haven’t seen the news or read the reports… They are evicting blacks and not allowing them to buy in restaurants… At this point its fair to say Negroes are hated by every race….Even the mixed ‘Spanish people’ who don’t realise Spanish people are from Spain and that Spain doesn’t claim them are quick to differentiate..We also hate ourselves but that’s for another day.. Let us now support our own.. and Strengthen the race.
No my friend. Guess again on who is hated by every race. I’ll give you a clue… favorite food is bat chow.
I guess thats why the blacks have to be airlifted out of china?… And tooth claw yes right now but will it change anything?… Some people like lies because the truth is too hard to accept.. And I said the race. I am not speaking on any one people in the BVI… I mean the race in its entirety needs to wake up and stand as one..But what the heck I can only dream it will never happen. When you hide a people’s identity and make the similar look like bush wanderers of course they will be despised.
Continue sleeping.. The US is now looking into if the virus was created in Chinese labs… lol… but the joke is they also have hands in it..Check the patents… I sure have.
I think you are being over zealous with this ethno-nationalism. Stop self loathing and take a big deep breath of fresh air. We’re all in this together.
I hope everyone stays healthy and well. The BVI and people are so incredibly warm and beautiful. We have a family sailing vacation planned the middle of June. Our fingers are crossed that we may visit during that time.
So I have to stay home another week?
Really do not agree with this approach. You went to the House to enact the mandatory quarantine act but yet you are not using it for its purpose? The Borders should be open to BVIslanders, Permanent residents, work permit exemption and work permit holders to return and place them in mandatory quarantine with mandatory testing. A no to visitors for indefinitely but we must take care of our own.
The fact that the incoming borders remain close, all the commercial airlines except for expensive charters have discontinued operations as it is not economically viable to operate one segment 1/2 to full. There are visitors who have been here for two months but cannot leave as there are no regular flights operating and then there are those who just want to leave as they are now laid off or furloughed.
In regards to the soft curfew I believe 8p- 6am is good for regular lockdown. Open up the regular businesses but keep close bars, clubs and restaurants(deliveries only). the regular businesses will be expected to implement the necessary social distancing measures. Schools can remain close for another two weeks.
I agree with everything you say except about schools opening in 2 weeks. I think schools should remain closed and utilize online classrooms until Summer break and reopen in September, when COVID-19 (hopefully) will be considered under control.
Indeed. Traditional schooling could be a hot bed for spread due to the near impossibility of social distancing. Schools definitely should be closed for the remainder of the school year. It’s a worthwhile partial sacrifice, since students could be taught online.
But if there are no positive cases in the BVI and borders are still closed,preventing any new cases to pop up, why deprive the children of going to school which also deprives a lot of parents from going to work.
Children need to spend time with other children and the benefit of trained teachers to ensure they are being taught properly and fully.
Closing schools until September would mean that the children will need to go to school for at least 1more semester than normal. If schools reopen now they can extend the year into July giving only August off as summer vacation to get them back on track.
Just my opinion
I do understand your concern. My concern though, is based on the reasonable expectation (God forbid) that we would have imported cases once citizens start returning from USA and Europe? Where would they be quarantined? It only takes one misstep for a child or teacher to be infected, then we have a wild fire. School is the one venue where humans are gathered in a most concentrated and interactive manner five days per week. An ounce of prevention is……
If you ease up now anything you achieved will be for nothing.In the next two weeks its gonna be crazy..carribean wide.Nothing has started yet.We ain’t get away.?+it aintveven heat up yet…plant food or suffer.The States will.probably ban all most essentials being exported..You’ll be buying from we island ppl whether you like it or not.
Work permit holders? There is not much job opportunity here as before, ’ or elsewhere in the world for that matter’ and if there is, the citizens of the BVI are to occupy those jobs. That’s the law.
Unless they do not have the necessary skills or qualifications, in which case (as always) work permit holders are required.
Numbnuts – if the job is still here so will the work permit holder be here. We are all rightly locked on here for now but many are working* long hours to keep our two main industries open in trying circumstances with the global economic issues. So yes, as the BVI has so far missed the opportunity to grant PR or naturalised to long term bastions of our economy, they remain on permits and paying into the government coffers that takes care of us all.
Hell no! They have made the right decision. Opening the borders will carry great risk for the spread of COVID-19 here…the virus has shown a demonstrable incubation period of up to 27 days…some people are asymptomatic…also for those who had it…it shows that it can be in your system for up to 37 days… I’d rather be safe than sorry…who out tough luck…hunker down and keep safe….you people don’t know what you are talking about!!! You see what happening in USA and UK and all around…we almost lost the British PM…is only prayers saved that man’s life…I know what I am talking
The BVI recently implemented a quarantine act to legally quarantine persons. Enforce the law and also require that all persons be subjected to testing.
There is no need to continue to deny persons who have the right to enter that right. They have obligations too Work, mortgage, rent, utilities.
It was professional medical care that saved Boris’ life, not prayers.
@ It is this fear mongering that will lead us off the precipice! Where in the earth did you hear that there is an incubation period of 29-37 days?
An incubation period is the time between when you contract a virus and when your symptoms start. Incubation is usually between 1-14 days after exposure but most people see symptoms within 4-6 days. The period when it can be most infectious is 1-3 days of incubation and 7 days after symptoms begin so that is 10 days. I don’t like people being disingenuous just to get their point across.
Why you think that all scientists are recommending 14 day Quarantine and that has become the standard? It is your kind of scaremongering that is doing more harm than good. I want them to shut down until November for another flu season then we go lock down again.
Again I remain with my point that persons should be allowed to return and placed in quarantine and mandatory testing and re-testing. Come 2nd June they will still have to go through the same process!
The BVIs (and all other countries) cannot remain isolated and cutoff. This virus is not going to just go away one day. The BVIs need tourism to survive so it is only a matter of time before the borders must be open. The key question is how to do that in the most speedy but safe way.
The tourist season is already dead…. so whether the borders open or not it makes no diffrence…. Most of us in this industry are out of work till next season which is October…. Thats the harsh reality of this pandemic..
U feeding these kids cause no jobs equal no pay….wa wrong ayo set of jack sparrows…..feed tge ool kids then we will stay home
They don’t have no heart I thought Irma and Maria taught them lessons. But it seems not.
Tuesday is the 21st of April…
Make no dam sense. It’s either have a 24 hour curfew or no curfew at all when it comes to disease control.
Will the virus be hibernating during the non curfew hours?
Given that there is no more cases, but an end to the curfew.
Careful dont give them no Lord it ruff already. 1 case left where is the high threat with the borders closed.
is the reason. Don\t worry, you cannot know everything when you provide your comments so freely..
How long do you want to remain a virtual prisoner in your own home, is the key? People won’t stand for a complete lockdown for any longer than they have to, the economy can’t endure it, and many countries have shown that a managed curfew does work to prevent the virus from spreading out of control.
They could probably reinstate the curfew when they open borders but at this point I don’t actually see the point of it.
This is bullshit. Open the country businesses if the border close how will the cases raise if the one confirmed case is confined to his or her place of dwelling you all taking this f*** to far now your f***ing money sure when the month come it have ppl who have to work to eat and pay Bill’s you stupid sk**t came and speak 14 days is what the expects say is needed now you talking s**t about soft curfew mean whiles businesses getting vandalized and you to blind to see its businesses that sell food ppl getting low of food and patience now. The same expect that create this crisis is steering you right into they hand. You all trying to fool ppl but the truth is you all getting information misguided information. I read somewhere where the world heart organization predicts that cases will raise in the Caribbean in the coming weeks. Now I didn’t go school for s**t, to predict how things going to work or play out for a better lack of better words you have to have control of what’s happening or a miracle and like how God not on or part of the World Health organization I not buying the crap people listen if u getting $450millions to monitor disease and health scene with access to classified information and means to create diseases what you think. I was backing you all but now soft curfew nah the border will be close where is the new threat tell me. You all f***ing around now crime will increase I have you have the royal army on speed dail them jokers u have in informer cant handle what’s to come. Ridiculous and the think that upsetting me is that the f***ers not even sure talking about 12 or 13 hours soft curfew when you look it back to 7 more days of 24hour curfew.
I assume a soft curfew will be to let people go and food shop but then go back home . It will probably allow people to exercise and then go back home .in other countries we would not be able to go and visit friends or just hang out on the street corners. In other words you stay home unless you have a real need to be out and still maintain social distancing. It is our choice to continue the progress we have achieved during this 2 weeks or carry on like a bunch of jackasses and have a lockdown put on us again. The government can only do so much , it can’t protect us from stupidity .
Yes Chris, that is exactly what it means. We are allowed to go out for essentials. They are just asking us to wear a mask and gloves when we go outside, stay six feet from each other.
You are correct…
I have been constantly researching and watching updates with the Virus.
Day by day they are learning more and more about the virus..
It can easily be misdiagnosed/false test results.. can be infectious over 20 days.. social distancing now up to 3m… airborne particles and virus up to 3 hrs if not ventilated adequately…
The list goes on and on…
We need to relax the curfew a little but not relax our attitude to this extremely infectious virus.
Well said!!!
Cayman is doing just this. Keep distance, work from home, solitary exercise, school remotely at home. Seems to be working. It just takes people to act like grown ups and take some personal responsibility along with some police visibility and not letting off church leaders for flouting the laws. Keeping the traffic down at supermarkets and medical places is key.
You understand it’s crazy. Bunch of a** making decisions on out behalf. The borders reopen for residents in a month residents coming from where now???? Hammer had fool. I vex and I normally dont get vex but this is bull s*&t straight up.
Careful dont give them no Lord it ruff already. 1 case left where is the high threat with the borders closed.
Makes no sense. Borders closed. 2 of those found contaminated treated and recovered, Borders Closed; Where’s the threat? What is it going to take to begin to ease the burden on the rest of us not accustomed to being Locked U?
Given the facts above, would some one or more of our experts please come forward and explain. BVI doesn’t have oil wells, Pitch Lakes, Bauxite. Let’s keep that in mind. Tourism return to normalcy uncertain, Financial Services gasping.
Because there has been no overall testing here. Any young person can wander around with this virus with minimal symptoms. Just need to listen to our authorities [ie] medical and scientific folks. Not our time for crazy loons delivering crap via internet. Stay home and use the protocols that our Premier, Governor and officials are advising. Save yourselves and others…make a mask if needed and wash your HANDS.
reinstate curfew after open borders
I do understand your concern. My concern though, is based on the reasonable expectation (God forbid) that we would have imported cases once citizens start returning from USA and Europe? Where would they be quarantined? It only takes one misstep for a child or teacher to be infected, then we have a wild fire. School is the one venue where humans are gathered in a most concentrated and interactive manner five days per week. An ounce of prevention is……
You understand it’s crazy. Bunch of a** making decisions on out behalf. The borders reopen for residents in a month residents coming from where now???? Hammer head fool. I vex and I normally dont get vex but this is bull s**t straight up.
Why would the curfew continue?
Why would you continue to imprison us so?
Why condemn more businesses and individuals to bankruptcy?
The VIP and the Governor were given silent consent to the imposition of the drastic measures, taking away all of our freedom and liberty, because there was a real risk of infection (particularly as we continued to allow Americans to come in droves and cruise ships to unload their unhealthy cargo).
Now is the time to move forward. Keep the borders closed (generally), let BVIslanders and residents return home (but make them stay in government hotels for compulsory quarantine period – no, not Patsy’s place!%!), and let the BVI get back to itself and act normally.
Why is he telling a news agency before formal announcement?
The minister said there would be a “12 or 13-hour soft curfew” beginning from 6 am on Tuesday, April 21, after the current 24-hour curfew is lifted.
“During the day, we will try to reintroduce critical businesses, and then after the first seven days, try to introduce more of the businesses,” Malone explained…….
This doesn’t make much sense right now.
1- If they let anyone in the country, citizen or not, they must be quarantined or the 24 days of lockdown we just did will be for not.
2- The term Belonger is discriminatory
They just not ready. The residents and belonger talk need to go open the country cause where the belonger and residents coming from have cases the last time I check it didn’t have much case free places in the world and trying to trust ppl to be honest about there where abouts is like finding a virgin in crowd.
The government has noooo idea how hard this has been. Stop it ! People are going to start going out no matter what you say. You keep changing it up, driving us nuts. How long Can the small businesses keep closed ?? How long can people go without work ?? Humans are social beings by nature treat them like prisoners they’ll fight back.
Are there no rights for the people? This place is looking like a dictator rule banana republic. Governor it’s about time London step in.
Very sad and disappointed in the vip.hear this people.we out here is the majority and we can’t let these nobrainers run our lives.when the 19 comes,come out on the road and protest,let them see that the people is not please.imaging 3 fishes telling the rest fishes not to patrol the waters or three birds telling the rest don’t patrol the skys.soft gunshot
You can go out on the road and protest all you want, but i will not be joining you.
I don’t get it. I’m going to be lockdown for 23 days except one day to shop for a 14 day lockdown that is now 16 days. That will be almost be 23. Now I’m being threatened by further lockdown if someone ill. Then what ? How long does it take to prove that no one here is sick ? Unless something is going on that they won’t talk about.
Oh we’ll have a 6 day lockdown. No wait let’s make it a 14 day. Wait have to add on 3 days taken up by shopping that you only allowed out 1. Wait let’s add another 1 1/2 so the end doesn’t fall on a weekend. I see a big problem in the Cabinet. Governor please help.
@reply @octagon Good point. Yes school can be closed until September. End of year exams can be facilitated online. My only concern is how working persons will be able to get that balanced any thoughts? Your concern makes sense.
Anonymous, your concern is light; much respect. I could imagine the nightmare scenario for working parents with (especially young) children. I suggest a collaborative approach between the home (including close relatives), the school, employers, the Ministry of Education and family/social services. Between these powerful entities,
viable solutions could be arrived at. Solution with an “s” since it might not be
“one size fits all”. We’re all in this together. We must be creative, cooperative and be willing to endure a certain degree of discomfort for the greater good: LIFE. As we ponder, imagine our children climbing over each other in the school canteens, crammed into our school buses, sitting shoulder to shoulder in our classrooms, handing scripts to a teacher, who will grade and redistribute after bombarding students with salivary droplets while teaching (NO OFFENCE MEANT). One infection brought from home, one sneeze, one cough, even from an asymptomatic individual, heaven help us all! This is based in reality, not paranoia. So yes, a collaborative approach to online schooling. I am certain that the synergy created among the entities named earlier could forge solutions and appropriate strategies. Best wishes, stay safe.
Y’all rich so wont overs what y’all putting ppl tro… we suppose to eat and feed kids… y’all lil Red Cross donation…y’all need to get some help from the man with a plan….Hon Frasier……. Y’all setting up ppl for a deadly disaster…..y’all send ppl home for two weeks without making sure them have money or food….y’all is the sickest s**t since slice bread wtf
So its the gov job to make sure u save a lil bit of your pay cheque for a rainy day… I bet yall cut back on the lavish spending and outrageous hairstyle now..((wah dont take half of ayo forehead)) and put your money where it matters..if the country was not in a crisis all this food money would have been in the club..salons..barbershops…bars… but because yall had to spend it on your houshold now its now the gov fault you dont have enough…. #getoutofherewiththiscrap
Premier, why are we getting this by 3rd hand news?? C’mon ya’ll got to do better than this. Rule #1, share with your people first. Who is Carib Update media??? Ok, I’ve calmed down; please live and learn.
Every business should be open, not some.
Everybody need to be up and going again.everyone is struggling to get back on their feet, so let every business open. It will be bias to open some busines and closed some. Let everybody be up and going to build we country and the community financially.
I think the Government need to be more open to allow hits people living abroad to return home, especially students who are away from their families, proving they can get flights out of places like the UK and the US. No country can deny its citizens right of entry. Everyone understand that they will be expected to self quarantine once they return home so why would you close your borders to you citizens? Parents are worried sick about their children yet Government doesn’t seem to be taking this into consideration. How many of them have children away at Universities? Very few I am sure. The British Government took steps and are continuing to take steps to bring their citizens home, even the ones who were on vacation. Why can’t the BVI Government attempt to make arrangements for their students to come home?
Who in stay in,who,out,stay out bvi is small antill further notice
If you ease up now anything you achieved will be for nothing.In the next two weeks its gonna be crazy..carribean wide.Nothing has started yet.We ain’t get away.?+it aintveven heat up yet…plant food or suffer.The States will.probably ban all most essentials being exported..You’ll be buying from we island ppl whether you like it or not.