BVI tops OECS in CXCs again

File photo of Myron Walwyn outside the House of Assembly with Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Dr Marcia Potter.
The British Virgin Islands has once again topped the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) by producing the most students to pass five or more CXC subjects in one sitting this year.
This achievement has caught the attention of the Glenroy Cumberbatch, the Registrar at CXC, which is stands for ‘Caribbean Examination Council’.
“Of those that did five subjects in one sitting [last year], 95 percent of them actually got (passed) the five including English and math and, this year, the same statistics happened again,” said Cumberbatch, who noted that the BVI is still relatively new to the regional CXC exams.
“The students have been doing extremely well and we look forward to that continuing every year. We remember the BVI started doing CSEC subjects very recently as opposed to many of the other countries and they have really hit the ground running.”
Education Minister Myron Walwyn also recognised this year’s batch of CXC students who have made the territory proud.
He said their achievement is even more impressive considering the difficulties they experienced because of the September 2017 hurricanes.
“We did it again … Despite all the challenges that we faced after Hurricane Irma, we still had a 95 percent pass rate. God has been good to us,” the minister said.
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However Cumberbatch then said this year’s CSEC results were actually better than last year’s.
“This year we had over 60,000 candidates doing five or more CSEC subjects and 59 per cent of them gaining acceptable grades.” He said Grenada had exceeded the regional average by having 63 per cent of pupils gain acceptable grades.
Well done Dr. Marcia Potter and Minister Myron Walwyn. despite the storm we have achieved excellence.
Thank the kids…..geez ayo wutless
They did well it’s myron…They did bad it’s someone else
Actually it’s the other way around for people like you. Can’t take Myron getting credit. Myron has performed!!
Myron did nothing but leave the buildings crumbling. Trust him and I have an island to sell you.
You better not be selling none of our islands.
I also want to THANK YOU MYRON, The proof is there in black and white and the haters is still sipping from the haters pond. Good job Myron.Thank You.
When our students win the whole country wins. Kudos to the students, the teachers and the entire Ministry of Education.
Man Andrew is the one who did that. He got all this sorted long time. Let me hear the choir— 1,2,3 Go! Walwyn didn’t do a thing. Let me hear the song. Lol. Foolishness. Congrats Hon. Walwyn and your team.
What did Walwyn do? Did he sit the exams? I want to say congratulations to the students who did well inspire of…… Congratulations to the hardworking teachers who prepared the students even though they have to work with little or no supplies. Congratulations to those parents that go the extra mile with assisting their children.
Let the students had performed poorly and we would have heard you self blaming Myron. When things go bad you are quick to blame Myron. When things go well you are quick to divert the credit to seomeone else or Andrew Fahie who didn’t lift a finger.
It is because of the new education policies and programs why things are improving. The principals and teacher carry out the policies through instructions to the students in the classroom. We never performed at this level before. never! Kudos Myron and your team.
I don’t know why we are soo bad minded in this place that we can give credit to our people.
Oh, so when the bathrooms are filthy it’s Walwyn that did it but when the students succeed under his leadership, teachers and programs it’s not them? Thanks for clarifying, now we know how the bs goes.
Congrats to all the Students, parents, teachers for succeeding even in rougher times.
“topped Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) by producing the most students to pass five or more CXC subjects in one sitting”
The accolade is for making the most students sit the exam at once. haha Why is this a major accomplishment. Of course bigger countries like Trinidad and Jamaica will have more students sit the exam than BVI but it would be in multiple sittings. I commend our students for doing well but lets stop trying to SPIN these things. Do all students take this exam or only the ones that they think will pass? When I was in school only students likely to pass were encouraged to take CXC.
They passed 5 of more examinations in one sitting!!!! Of course it’s something to be happy about, are you kidding? You are the one that needs to read and understand.
All the other islands it’s mandatory to sit 5 or more subjects ….you don’t have a choice but here in the bvi they choose only who they think will pass ….
Do you work in education? Clearly not. This is not about Myron. It is about the achievement of the STUDENTS ! Stop being so full of hate for one man that you cannot see the BEAUTY of this. Let’s do better! Stop tearing down accomplishments.
If you use to follow the news, you would know that it is mandatory that all students sit at least 5 subjects, so that you would not be here asking dumb questions and talking p1$$.
If you use to follow the news, you would know that it is mandatory that all students sit at least 5 subjects, so that you would not be here asking dumb questions and talking p1$$.
Is it the most students Or the
Or the highest percentage pass
Keeping them honest: Grenada was the top performing country at this year’s CSEC exams, with 67% pass; which is higher than the overall regional average of 63%.
This is public information, which can be sourced Online.
Statistics CAN in fact be manipulated to MAKE them say exactly what you want them to say!
The headline would be great but doesnt reflect the comments made by Cumberbatch or the that Grenada topped the list. it may be that 95% of those that sat the exams passed but the missing stat is what % of the school year sat the exams.
This is not true
Congratulations to all BVI Youths & Teachers!
With that said.
REALLY! This news should not be divisive, it should bring all BVI Islanders (parents, educators & administrators) together to start prepare for the years to come. So let InI (us) be better living examples for them so they can then be/do better.
I am seeing the minister in this photo but i am not seeing him in the photo with the messed up bathrooms up in the VG school
You damn lunatic. Whoever you are, it is time to release yourself from behind the mule’s behind.
So when are we going to put up the devoted teachers and the dedicated students pictures and remove the minister’s reflection? I tired of it!!
All who talking crap bout the Minister, he was the first Minister to host the big teacher gala and prize giving for ALL teachers, even when everyone said it was a waste of money. What a set of hypocrites we have living among us. Be proud Mr. Minister, we are proud of you, your Ministry, the teachers and especially the students for their success. Continue to look out for the youth and prove all these bad minded selfish naysayers wrong.
@Facts, thanks for your comment. Hypocrisy is at a all time high here in the BVI.
The people had MYRON to kill when he mandated that CXC be taken by any student desirous of a scholarship. Now the students have lived up to their potential and we still complaining. BAD MINDED. give the Minister, his staff and the students some praise and stop being negative.
You all ask like passing CXCs with flying colors just start happening. Go back in history because this happening long time. Great job parents, students, and teachers and thanks MEC for doing your job. Politicians in or out this will
Continue to happen. Stop making everything too political. Sick ah this now man.
@Umm: Exactly. I graduated in 1988 and did six and passed all six with flying colors including maths and English. Not sure what makes now different.
Can the minister disclose how many students in the Territory were eligible to sit CXC and how many students actually sat? Also what criteria was used to quality those that sat? For those students that didn’t sit CXC, what’s next for them?
Not taking away for the success, however we need a full picture here.
I would like to know what the good gentleman Mr Cumberbatch meant by noting this, ‘the BVI is still relatively new to the regional CXC exams.’ Haven’t we been doing CXC since Rock of Ages? I did them back in mid 80s and I know persons who sat them prior to that. What are we new at? I also recall that some did ‘O’ Levels back then as well.
Forget the political rhetoric guys…Congrats to our children, they have done us proud. Keep pushing against the odds.
Most countries focusing on A and O levels. Only who can’t atrain those do CXCs.
Not true!
Only a small amount of students take the exam and only those who will pass so naturally the pass rate is going to be high and at a higher percentage. That’s cheating.