BVI News

BVI unprepared for tourism spike — Flax-Brutus


Former Director of the BVI Tourist Board, Sharon Flax-Brutus, has raised concerns about the territory’s ability to handle a growing influx of visitors due to inadequate infrastructure.

Speaking on the radio programme Speak Out BVI, Flax-Brutus highlighted the ongoing challenges the BVI faces in tourism planning and preparation, particularly as visitor numbers are expected to rise in the coming season.

Flax-Brutus pointed out that while the BVI often boasts about its high visitor arrivals, there is a failure to address the needs that come with such growth.

“One of the major challenges that we have in tourism, and we’ve had it for a lot of years, is that we don’t plan enough,” she said. “We don’t consider all the factors. We tend to look at the pros but forget the cons.”

Reflecting on her time as Director of Tourism in 2016, she recalled the concern over the territory’s infrastructure when visitor numbers approached a million. “Our infrastructure could not keep up,” she noted.

“The challenge now, in 2024, is that we’re again approaching those numbers, and our infrastructure has gotten worse.” Flax-Brutus acknowledged the impact of events like hurricanes and the COVID-19 pandemic but stressed that other destinations had faced similar challenges and used those periods to improve their infrastructure.

“Yes, we had storms and COVID, but so did other destinations, and they used those opportunities to grow and fix their infrastructure during the downtime,” she emphasised.

The former Tourism Director also focused on the current state of infrastructure, as she questioned whether the territory was prepared for future growth, particularly with ongoing plans to expand the airport. She stressed the importance of considering how such developments will affect other key services.

“Are we looking at what the expansion of an airport is going to do to road infrastructure, fire and rescue, and ambulatory services?” Flax-Brutus asked. “These are things we have to plan for.”

She further urged that the entire community should be involved in tourism growth. She pointed to the famous saying of former Premier Dr D Orlando Smith: “Tourism is everybody’s business.”

According to her, the involvement of the entire population is necessary for the BVI to develop its tourism industry in a way that benefits everyone. “We’re small, just 30,000 people, so we need to think about how tourism affects our infrastructure and environment,” she said while warning of the potential impacts of global warming and extreme weather.


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  1. All talk says:

    Were we ready when she was the director of tourism?
    Always seeing the problem but could never show a solution
    Just talking to be relevant…..Chupes

    Like 20
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  2. Blah blah blah says:

    She was all happy and campaigned for the VIP to get in until they kicked her to the curb from the tourist board. Now everything is a problem. Opportunistic woman. She was all for Vincent and undermined Dr. O’Neal for the whole time he was our representative. Now Vincent and her sister fall out she have a problem all of a sudden. Those people are all about themselves. They have always been that way.

    Like 20
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    • @blah blah blah says:

      Was it that, or that she continued to be the realist that she would always be and won’t allow certain things to happen so they kicked her to the curb. Many persons received the hard whip of the VIP. It is not the genuine VIP but certainly the wanna Be’s.

      Like 6
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  3. Cindy says:

    We can read right through her pure politics no credibility

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  4. Qualified yes but... says:

    Mrs. Flax’s authority to speak on this subject is beyond question—she’s certainly qualified. What’s being questioned, however, is her sincerity. And that’s where she appears to falls short. As bloggers Blah blah blah and All talk have pointed out, there seems to be a perception of self-serving motivation. If that perception exists, then self-awareness is crucial in addressing it. Could she be valuable in an advisory role? Absolutely. But any leader, whether it’s an Premier or a CEO, needs the confidence that their team is fully aligned with the agenda that they believe serves the best interests of the territory. If this is a prelude to a 2027 run, the same applies. Many qualified candidates have failed at the polls. Some might argue that it’s not a popularity contest, and they’d be right—to a point. Running for office is essentially a job interview with the public, and qualifications alone aren’t enough. There needs to be chemistry and trust that the candidate can work well with others and be a team player to achieve outcomes that benefit the public. That’s the reality, like it or not.

    Like 10
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    • @Qualified says:

      What are her qualifications? Has she ever started or run a business of her own? It’s easy for people to look good when working for others but what has she pioneered? Tell us one thing that her name is on, like “SHE DID THIS/THAT!”.

      Like 8
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      • Vision/experience says:

        I believe that she has a vision of what she would like to see for the BVI and I believe it comes from a sincere place . I think that executing that vision would be challenging because of her management style and getting her Team aligned behind with her. She has executive experience and she is particularily skilled at communicating at higher levels. I think the challenge remains flexing that communication style to all levels.

    • @Qualified Yes but says:

      The first qualifier is the understanding that you’re there to work on behalf of and fight for the people.

      • I agree says:

        I agree and that why it would be difficult for her to run for Public office.She would first have to understand exectly what you pointed out.

  5. Respectfully.... says:

    Outside of her stint at BVI Tourist Board, what are her qualifications and accomplishments really? Everywhere has issues and BVI is no different. We will be fine if everyone does their part. Politics will destroy this little place. If she was still at BVITB and BVI at this exact space, she would be singing a different tune. This place is sickening. Nothing is wrong with calling out ills but the level of bulls**t lately is just tiring. Let’s move the place forward and stop the s**t talking daily.

    Like 7
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  6. @Qualified yes but.. says:

    UK all up our Butt Hole neatly posting every thing about us. Who do they not have data on? Nobody! Do they have a spy network here? Been here forever.

    What are we doing about it.

  7. 1st district original says:

    And them two newly appointed college grad DONT HAVE A FIGHTING CLUE ABOUT TOURISM!!

  8. Well... says:

    I think she has a point.

  9. inadequate infrastructure says:

    If indeed there has been an increase in tourists visiting the BVI, it will not last long, the lack of infrastructure means very few will not return for a second visit.


    from the pen of JUDGE WIGO , this dude is getting crazier by the day , please stay on your YELLO SITE AND PLAY WITH YOUR WIG

  11. SMH says:

    The Tourist Board should have been audited after she left. She was exactly what she is complaining about now. Shake my head.

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