BVI News

Cabinet declines RDA’s 3-year extension request, orders wind-up plans

A three-year extension that would have seen the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) remain in operation up till December 2026 has been declined.

RDA Chairman Ronnie Skelton was the one to seek the 2026 extension. The Cabinet has instead decided to give the RDA a lifeline of two years and eight months. This means the RDA will now operate up until December 2025.

According to details released in an October 5 Cabinet meeting extract, the RDA was asked to prepare itself for a transition that would allow its operations to be folded into the government’s Public Works Department and other entities.

According to details disclosed from the Cabinet meeting, the Premier’s Office was expected to instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to prepare an amendment to extend the period of the dissolution of the RDA. That amendment was then expected to be brought before the House of Assembly at its next convenient sitting.

Cabinet further decided that the RDA should not take on any new project where the completion date would exceed the extended life of the agency.

The Cabinet further requested that the RDA develop and execute a plan to transfer its knowledge and skills to the Department of Public Works, and any other relevant agency in collaboration with the Premier’s Office.

Cabinet also decided that the RDA should report on a semi-annual basis to the Cabinet on progress made according to the Cabinet’s latest directives.

The agency must now develop and present to Cabinet a winding-up plan in conjunction with the Premier’s Office by the end of November 2024.


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  1. Absolute insane says:

    The island is still a mess, roads are a mess, ports are a mess, finances are a mess and yet the UK loan guarantee (issued at historic low rates at the time) and the RDA is to be cancelled?

    Criminal behavior of politicians towards BVI citizens continues..

    Like 35
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  2. Hypocrisy says:

    Why are our memories so short in the BVI. I remember the historic debate on the formation of the RDA in the House of Assembly after the hurricane. Ronnie Skelton was dead set against it. I remember him saying that some bridges are meant to be burnt referencing burning the relationship with the UK. He mentioned that the RDA was usurping the constitutional power of ministers so he could not support it. Fast forward now 5 years and the same Ronnie Skelton is the chairman of the RDA and now asking for a 3 year extension of it.

    The hypocrisy in the BVI is mind blowing. No wonder we are in the mess that we are in.

    Like 65
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  3. What!!! says:

    So instead of allowing 2 years plus 12 months ( 3 year) extension goverment agreed to a 2 year and eight month extension big deal.

    Like 27
  4. Joey says:

    What have they done??????

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  5. Nonsense says:

    And you are a headline reader. His challenge was with the structure and reasoning for UK forcing it down our throats. At at a time when our economy was crippled and we wouldn’t be able to repay any monies. And that was 5 years ago. People aren’t allowed to change their approach if new information or a new environment presents itself? Without being a hypocrite?

    I guess you have never changed your position on something. Chupes.

    Like 6
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  6. Rubber Chicken says:

    Our politicians should focus on joining the BVI with the USVI. That would put an end to all of this nonsense.

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  7. Anonymous says:

    Same difference is all I haveto say

  8. VI Gal says:

    Same difference is all I have to say.

  9. Demand an explaination says:

    To the Media, ask the Premier “Why????” We still have a lot of work to be done. “So why?” “How is the work going to get finance?” “Educate us on why the RDA…whatever”
    Oh, be sure you sent the question in before you ask it.

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  10. @nonsense says:

    It got rammed down our throat until it’s in our belly now. So what is your point? Change mind? Opportunistic comes to my mind.

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  11. Gweny says:

    Stop chatting shyte! Joining the USVI does not solve our problems! Furthermore the USVI told you they want us?? You asked us if we wanted to.

  12. @Hypocrisy. Wow says:

    Good call. I really really like your pointing out the hypocrisy of Mr. Skelton. Amazing.

    I was not aware of his position on the RDA back then, but to have taken that position and now heads the same RDA is the definition of hypocrisy to the highest order.

    The only explanation here I can think of to explain this hypocrisy is he money.

    I heard on this forum some folks saying money buy land. Well, it appears it can get you from going from a No to a Yes, and and big Yes too.

    Hypocrites and Parasites. Bob Marley sang about them donkey years ago. His words still pertinent in todays times.

  13. YES TO UK says:

    @ Rubber Chicken you are talking nonsense, you must be someone who want to become an American

  14. Reality Check says:

    Public Works is a disaster, accomplishing almost nothing, with a gross lack of professional management starting with the Minister. It would likely be impossible for the professional people at RDA to transfer knowledge with the lack of professionally trained personnel at Public Works. Given the quality of their work there aren’t any civil engineers with real world experience or we would have real roads and infrastructure that lasts. There also aren’t trained quality control people given how poorly the contracted projects look when supposedly finished. I suggest you keep RDA and close Public Works!

    Like 7
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  15. ? says:

    Is there any money left to managed.?

  16. Rubber Duck says:

    Stupid. Go back to sleep.

  17. trickster says:

    That one looking out for heself and his family concrete plant

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  18. Money says:

    You really think Ronnie Skelton, Chairman of the Skelton Group of companies need the two pence stipend the chairmanship of the RDApay? That’s not a paid position. It’s service to country for which you get a lil ting to put gas in u car and lil power. Money is not the explanation here.

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  19. Your Father says:

    F.Y.I the U.S. is a over glorified sh!+hole.I should know.I live here. Your idea sucks. If anything; the both the U.S.V.I and B.V.I should go independent, then merge as one Virgin Islands with exclusive trade with the rest of the Caribbean and Africa. We dont need anyone else.

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