Cabinet increases stipend for BVIPA, BVITB board members

Government’s Cabinet of the Virgin Islands has increased stipends for the board directors and members of two statutory bodies – the BVI Tourist Board (BVITB) and the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA).
This was indicated in a statement from Cabinet’s December 18, 2019 meeting.
The statement said: “Cabinet reviewed and approved the resolution submitted by the Chairman of the BVI Tourist Board to increase the stipends paid to its directors as follows: chairman — $1,800 per month, deputy chairman – $1,500 per month, members — $900 per month.”
Cabinet further agreed to pay the same respective amounts to the BVIPA’s chairman, deputy chairman, remaining board members.
The BVITB is responsible for promoting the BVI brand while the BVIPA is responsible for the welcoming and safe arrival of seafaring passengers. The Ports Authority is also responsible for the reception, handling and security of the cargo and sea-based trade in the territory.
The aforesaid boards were established to govern the affairs of the entities.
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and the reckless spending continues…smdh
The stipend is nothing. How much do they steal through crooked deals? You know $1,800 month for the chairman ain’t enough kwon. He be looking for 10 times that a month
@Really are you stupid, $1800 and $900 a month is no money especially for a chairman and that’s after it was increased.
What do you mean it’s no money? First of all these appointments are not forced on anyone, they’re asked to serve and can turn it down if they feel it’s not worth their time. While it’s fair for persons to be compensated for their time, what ever happened to service above self? Service for country? Why now? How often do they meet? What have they done so far? With so many other things to do in the Territory, why this? The Chairman’s raise alone is an increase of $7200 per year. BVITB/BVIPA could’ve used that for some other purpose.
VIP is finally on a roll! Let the money flow even without audited accounts and NHI deficits!
Don’t forget to mention the continued decline in financial services. This is down right distasteful.
I am blogging with a very heavy heart this morning. What is really going on in this place. I read an article on another site about something that apparently Hon. Myron had said recently. I honestly thought he made some kind of statement. Then I realized that it was something on his Facebook page. I went to his page and read what he wrote and my God! I said to myself that something is wrong. Why would that other site write up such things off an innocent inspirational blog written by this man. Then I had a flash back. During the campaign the same people associated with the other site came to my home and said the nastiest and untruthful things about Myron. I got soo confused and worried. Why are they soo afraid of him? Whenever something with Myron comes up the same usual suspects like they get a belly ache – C****e, other site and the others. It must be something. Something is not right somewhere. Hope my blog get posted.
Some people wish Myron was there all now. Life is funny eh?
I wish he was still there to be honest. I know Andrew and his gang would have been on their toes constantly. That is why whenever Myron name come up they behave so because they don’t want him around. Look how a little facebook post from Myron had the other site sh**ting bullets.
A lot ah people. Myron was one of the few who you could have counted on.
Fatten the pockets of their cronies continues! Let another party had done this, that fat man woulda had the party to kill in HOA.
These board members have a regular JOB right??
pretty sure there are a few NDP supporters and one that ran for the NDP in there, so your very wrong
Here we go again! The VIP top brass being feed big big……WOW!!
The VIP gang is far worst than before. Me I done wid dat
Before the current officials got elected, most were saying “the government was broke.? Have the government that much money that quick to be able to pay for all those non producing contracts this and others?
Now, one can can fwhy they cannot find enough to pay the hopeless needing employees their badly needed increments, but can to pay those who really might need an increase, but they are no where gravely in need as the bottom feeders of the lublic secto, the same one who chose which government they want to serve them.
Clearly, the populace becomes important only when the political job is being sought. After being given the job, the populace is rendered back to wanting, wanting, needing hoping and praying for a penny to fall from the sky.
At no time in our political history is this notion being felt so brutally as it is today.
Hence, the question must be asked, is there a total human dysfunction and or disconnect between mind, morals and political self advancement.
This is what you all wanted. You wanted Walwyn/NDP gone so bad you didn’t know what you were getting. Buckle up motherf***ers, the ride has only begun!
Yes!!! More gravy!!!
We got to halt this VIP runaway gravy train and we only have 36 months to derail it
I hope now people are seeing what the VIP nasty behavior was about during elections and even now. It was about them getting the only thing they were interested in “money’. C****e, W*****k all of them had one interest. C***in has nearly 10 contracts with government. Sh**p get the entire stage for east end, carrot bay and Virgin Gorda. All VIP members on boards and now their pay increase. being on a board is about carrying out your civic duty. Not about lining your pockets. Buckle up people. Much more to come.
VIP has never changed and will never change. The people of the BVI may not change either. We love gossip, melee and lies and that is exactly what the VIP feeds us and make us make stupid decisions so that they and their cronies can get to suck the government. We get what lies bring.
In hard times like these we are giving raises to party supporters rather than cutting back
Is this governor gonna sit back in the white house or drive around in his brand new expensive lexus and witness fahie them slaughter us while saying or doing nothing?
The Gov is sitting back laughing at the direction of the U.K. which is waiting for the BVI to implode. All other Caribbean Islands are in the upswing except the BVI. It is only the result of one thing….CORRUPTION. As the Territory goes into total disarray the only thing that will save the Territory is marshal law. Royal Marines providing safety and the Governor ruling. GET READY PEOPLE!!!!!
Where the heck is the opposition???? I done know where the short lady with the bag is. She is where all the action is….She joined the feast….lol
Essentially the Chairman of both boards have their stipends increased by $600, why? While we have roads, schools and so many other things to deal with. I’m also guessing the Chairman/Members of other boards will follow suit.
And you have some cronies on more than one board so add up and you will see how much money some of them making. But the VIP will be in power for a long time. I like marlon as a person but he is not leadership material. He just don’t have it. He is no match for the Brown Bummer. None at all!
He need to give it to fraser because fahie fraid he
Undoubtedly, boards, commissions…….etc are needed to develop and set policies for administrators to carry out in administering the various functions, ie, BVIEC, BVIAA, BVIPA, BVITB……..etc. However, paying board members, ie, chairperson, deputy chairperson and regular board members $1800, $1500 and $900 per month, respectively, is way too generous to put it mildly. How often on average do these boards meet, ie, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually……etc? Is the rate paid per meeting and if so who sets how often a meeting is held? If the chairperson is absent and the deputy chairs the meeting, is she/he paid $1800 or $1500?
I will take a wild a..s guess that most of the board(s) membership is a reward for supporting a political party. Don’t have a major problem with this, for to the victor goes the spoil. What is problematic though is an incoming government kicking the current board to the curb and staffing a new board with handpicked people. This action is counterproductive to the current and longer-term effective functioning of the board; it is not in the best interest of the proper functioning of the board. All the corporate history and working knowledge should not be chased out the door at once.
Moreover, the boards are probably staffed with patriots. Nonetheless, how many would volunteer to serve on a board if there were not an attractive stipend? In other jurisdictions, people volunteer to serve on boards, ie, plumbing, electrical, park, airport, planning, marine, drainage……etc and are not paid. They volunteer to serve the community, to give back to the community, to acquire experience ….etc. IMO, service on boards should be voluntary, applied for, paid small stipend, approved by HOA with term limits, and membership staggered.
This article is incomplete without the initial amounts of the stipends. The person above seems to know what the initial stipend was, but for a news article to print that there was an increase and not indicate how much the increase was is poor.
The chairman position went up by $600 and the assistant chair went up by $300 and the remaining board members went up by $200.00. Let’s keep things in perspective, it’s not all that bad.
Most boards meet once or twice a month unless there’s an emergency or big development which doesn’t happen every month. At minimum the Chairman is being paid $900 per meeting, deputy $750 per meeting and other members $450 per meeting. All of these organizations have executive bodies in place (Directors, senior officers etc.) so the board does not need to meet often each month.
and ayo say these people love this country?
Once it is an increase to people in the BVI it is always a problem. The man for RDA made nearly half a million dollars and no one said a word. A set of hypocrites in the BVI
…..And because it was NDP that did it everyone got upset. If NDP increased the stipend of boards it would’ve been a problem and Hon. Fahie would have been the first to complain about the increase with so many other things that need funding. This place is shameless and in a race to the bottom. Don’t you guys realize all the decent expats are going back home to their flourishing countries/islands and we are now attracting scum? Pay attention.
I hope we getting our increments tomorrow cause them promise it to us in a meeting In December 2019 saying we will be paid our increments at the end of January. This is a developing story as the time ticks and many staff are waiting to be paid their increments…#WeHoldingYallAccountable…..and if them ain’t give us our increments tomorrow why ayo cancel our Christmas party!???
It’s my money and I need it now!!….can’t let Ms. lake go with all the money and we still ain’t know wen our increments coming