Cane Garden Bay renovation progressing well

Abandoned houses in Cane Garden Bay have been freshly painted.
Vice-president of the Cane Garden Bay Development and Restoration Group, Bishop John Cline has said the beautification project in the community is progressing well.
“We are just about almost completed the wall by the graveyard and we have started painting many of the abandoned homes and we boarded them up,” Cline said in an interview BVI News yesterday, May 21.
“We have also done some work in terms of the beachside, trimming some of the trees and getting that a little neater. So, we are excited. We are engaged and moving forward.”
The Ballast Bay cultural mural is also being worked on, he said.

The newly-painted cultural mural in Ballast Bay.
Bishop Cline said business owners have been playing their part to create a more aesthetically pleasing ambience in the Second District communities.
The project is a government and community collaboration to get Cane Garden Bay and Brewer’s Bay tourist-ready.
Roughly $1.7 million was earmarked to undergo projects in those two communities. These projects include cleanups, painting abandoned houses, and constructing vending stalls and restroom facilities.
Erecting safety signs, reconstructing the BVI Tourist Board’s booth, were other initiatives planned.
Government-run projects include work on the perimeter wall at the Cane Garden Bay cemetery and rebuilding the dinghy dock.
“It is not going to be overnight but we will pretty much be in good shape come the next tourist season,” Cline said.
Just recently, representatives from major cruise lines visited the destination to see what progress has been made since hurricanes Irma and Maria.
According to the cruise lines, the territory’s post-hurricane progress is encouraging but there is more to be done before major cruise lines can return.
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$1.7 million to put lipstick on a pig
A$$ this not GOV MONEY
What was the paint going to do? If these properties are abandoned…..the government needs to acquire them and raze them to improve the overall aesthetics of the CGB area!!!!! no amount of paint will help
We not seeing nothing happening in Brewers Bay or are we seeing the Representatives.
what do u want happen if yall are sleepin? tell me?
what smell? what bout the smell that happen down west end? did u call your gov? No!
The paint on those dusty/dirty properties will flake off in a few months time just in a nick for Hurricane season 2018! Because of familial ties and the risk of losing votes – imminent domain will never be used to improve the overall aesthetics and charm of these tourist hot-spots. Waste of scarce Government funds if you ask me; hey B—– – what exactly was the financial commitment by your group and those involved outside of using tax monies???
you have a lot of time on your hand and a lot to say meet me by the blue house lets talk. Sat 9 am good for you?
@ 2nd – litte girl/boy; if yuh momma would let your dependent backside out @ 3am I’d be more than willing to meet up. Seems like your Section 8 handout looking self want a good cut-arse & maybe some sense might seep into that thick neanderthal skull you’re struggling w/daily to balance on that short neck!
if your momma had tell you who is your daddy you would be a better person from on here talkin sh$t. No hand out here you need to get full infor on things before you run ya dirty fingers on the keyboard.And if you want to give me tha cut-arse check me please
Bust up vehicles are parked from one end of the village to the other. It looks like a junkyard. If people want to keep these vehicles they should move them off the public roads and on to private lands and if they cant the vehicles need to towed and the cost charged to the registered owners. The Wedding End of the village is the worst. Why is the police not addressing this? As for painting the abandoned building, without wanting to be negative, I am sorry but seeing them yesterday they look no better than worse than before and the time and money could be better used.
The —– house is a disgrace. BVI trailer park crowd living there.
you see it everyday but never one day stop and ask them to clean it up but you on here talking. Just stop and say Yo! clean up this s**t
I’m afraid nepotism remains alive and well in CGB as Uncle —- looks after things for Nephew – hope somebody is auditing the accounts as what I witness so far is nowhere near $1.7m worth of work! Those derelict houses should be bulldozed not hastily painted and boarded up – what a waste of money and they still look like S….t
so they look like the inside of your house.. thats funny lol
did the article say that is the 1.7 mill. the work is still in progress. Also all I see you guys doing is complaining. Some of your same families is what have those abandoned buildings. Govt can not just knock down the stuff.
No Gov Money Here people…. so yall upset that a group of people trying to make the place look better hmmmmm wow funny…..
The beach clean up and the house painting is Private money and being done by volunteers. We know there is plenty to be done and you are welcome to come and help at any time. Why do you think it is evil to attempt to make our home area look better? Is it the best solution for those houses? As long as the people who own them don’t want to do anything about them, this is the best that we can do. We should all be working together instead of tearing each other down. we should all be helping to get this country back on it’s feet. Small things matter and make people smile, which makes the world a better place.