BVI News

Aunt allegedly involved in attempt to abduct nephew, court hears

Alanah Chalwell (left) and Daren Fahie during their court appearance last week.

Alanah Chalwell was allegedly said to be a behind-the-scenes player in the attempted abduction of her nephew on August 4.

Prosecutors said Chalwell – who was the lone female in the reported abduction operation –  went to at least two stores in the days prior to the incident to purchase two blue overalls, cable ties, a tarpaulin, and two cellular phones using a false identity.

Chalwell, as well as Nyall Giovanni George and Daren Fahie, were jointly charged with attempted abduction with intent, unlawful possession of a firearm with intent to commit an offence, unlawful possession of ammunition, and obliterating or defacing identifying marks on a firearm.

The accused trio are now on remand and is scheduled to reappear on October 25.


The court heard that Chalwell’s nephew – who is a boat captain – leads a barge from Tortola to Anegada and returns to the Chawell Marina at the same time every week.

His routine was the same on August 4.

When he disembarked the vessel, he made his way to his parked vehicle located near the marina. And just as he was about to open the door, he was allegedly held at gunpoint with a .45 high point semiautomatic pistol by Fahie, whose face was covered with a stocking.

However, the reported victim resisted and attempted to grab the gun.

Fahie then shouted to George for assistance who was allegedly hiding under a tarpaulin.

A scuffle ensued.


Crew members of the barge who were still around witnessed the attack and alerted family members of what was happening.

The victim’s father accompanied by his two brothers came to the rescue, the court heard.

Seeing that they (the accused abductors) were outnumbered and George was already captured by the victim’s rescuers, Fahie reportedly attempted to flee. However, he was pinned to a wall by a vehicle.

He sustained serious injuries to one of his legs as a result.

The two men were arrested on the spot by local police and taken to the Peebles Hospital for medical attention. They were later charged.

Chalwell was arrested two days later.

The accused woman and Fahie made their first appearance in court last week while their co-accused George made his appearance on a previous occasion.

Magistrate Hakim Creque denied their bail application.

Defence attorney Patrick Thompson is representing Fahie and George while attorney-at-law Israel Bruce represents Chalwell.

The reason behind the attempted abduction was not immediately known.

Daren Fahie limps from the courtroom on crutches.

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  1. Dear Mr Fahie says:

    Look at you looking like an a**

    Like 32
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  2. LMAO says:

    I don’t mean to laugh but look how thieving added 30 years to this guy’s appearance!!! Unbelievable the stupidity of these young people.

    Like 41
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  3. Hodgie says:

    Well they are all from here

    Like 24
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  4. Unbelievable says:

    Thanks BVI News, this is the first comprehensive report of the incident. Kenneth -her father- must be turning in his grave, having raised so many hard working and law obeying children — and one —— sheep. So very sad

    Like 25
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  5. Lol says:

    U was making jokes about me being dumb, now look at u looool

    Like 11
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  6. Concern West says:

    Some People wish them had a Gov. Job and some ppl wish they could have they own business. You had Both. Other young men used to admire you and wish you the best. but you couldn’t see the best in yourself. Young PPL be aware of Things that your friends or family put in your head .Think for yourself

    Like 43
  7. Woman says:

    Girlllll, you are so s——-, what made you think you Ren and Stimpy could pull off something like that. See how fast KARMA tap you on the back? No matter what drama is going down, children is OFF LIMITS. Your partners in crime got their A**es stomped, now it is your turn to get your A** stomped by the Judicial System.

    Like 13
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  8. Dirty spectator says:

    Y’all couldn’t wait for Daren to get In trouble …. morgue need filling up so break almost over, seeing y’all think the place gonna get better shhh

    Dislike 18
  9. Dirty spectator says:

    big cuz tell them haul them mother sk*nt lol… I gonna pull the plug on the island just now, no more sleep for tola

    Dislike 21
  10. Only abduction?...crazy says:

    The law needs consider the type of purchases made and probable intentions when laying down sentencing. What the hell you need coveralls and tarpaulin for?

    Like 11
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  11. Subaru says:

    Judgment will fall hard on the people of the BVIS, you have not meet hard and difficult times yet, The children of Israel were a rebellious nation too, and God send them into captivity in Babylon.. God will put rulers over the BVIS that will make life even more hard…
    the behaviour of BVIs people is deplorable, attitude is deplorable..
    you openly speak of things you do not know, you make assumptions about everyone, and pass remarks that burn the ears of God, and pierce His heart.

    Stop speaking of things you do not know, stop making assumptions based on what a corrupt police force says.. who pieced together a case based on a group of mob instigators..
    And if you cannot say something positive, do not say anything at all..
    Everytime life happens, the people of the BVIs crucify and speak all malice of evil about the person, and make up such terrible alternative facts, not based on truth but assumptions…
    For a tiny place, it is one of the worse places on earth in terms of narrow mindedness, corruption in every level, and ill feelings to other…
    The disasters that landed on the shores did not teach the people anything. Still the people continue in their wicked ways…
    Did you not notice God did not hear the prays to turn the hurricanes?
    Too many judges on the land…..

    Like 7
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    • Fact check says:

      This happens all over the world. Every place on this earth has this type of behavior. It is indeed the last days so stop spending time cursing the BVI and pray for the world.

      Like 12
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    • Observant says:

      The entire RVIPF is not corrupted but they have corrupted officers amongst the rank and file.

      Also when you want to play a prophet of doom and gloom ensure that your heart is spotless(which you or no one can) and they people that you seek to defend are of sterling reputations.

      • Waitaminute!!! says:

        Not defending the Police but what did they do to be called corrupt in this matter? Was a member of the Force part of what happened? Did they in anyway planned, assist or conspire with anyone in these allegations?

    • @Subaru says:

      Your plans gone awry so now your Jesus on the mainline while you blasphemy your friend the devil.
      Already like you are in torment rambling like a nut but sit tight. Tings jus start.

  12. Faultshoods says:

    BVIs news you will get a lawsuit for the false things that you have written in your tabloid piece.
    You have put forward nothing but lies in your story.
    You have written a piece filled with nothing but falsehood, sensationalization, misleading information and bias assumptions….

    As a newspaper you have crossed the line…..

    Like 2
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    • Observant says:

      Boohoohoo cried the sympathizer. Bvi news clearly articulated that this matter allegedly occurred.

      So if you lack understanding seek Wisdom. Don’t pappyshow yourself in public like that. You’ll become the village, correction, Territory’s laughingstock.

      You apparently are hurt by the events because those folks may be close to you. So be it though. If they’re innocent they’ll be vindicated.

      Like 16
  13. Observant says:

    The entire RVIPF is not corrupted but they have corrupted officers amongst the rank and file.

    Also when you want to play a prophet of doom and gloom ensure that your heart is spotless(which you or no one can) and they people that you seek to defend are of sterling reputations.

    Like 2
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  14. This news site.... says:

    I have a problem with how this news site is only publicizing this young lady while the other two are cast in the shadows. Very Bias and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Be fair. That’s all I’m saying. BUT ofc you won’t because this is all to distroy this young ladies reputation. According to what I have read from the beginning until now.. they were equally and more so involved . So why are you hiding them in the shadows. COME ON!!

    Like 7
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    • EE resident says:

      So let me get this straight she orchestrated a plot to abduct and likely kill her nephew and yet we should uphold her ‘reputation’?? SMFH

      Like 21
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    • Huh? says:

      Are you slow? They are presenting the evidence about her from the courts standpoint, how you get to blaming the news site that is reporting what was said in court.

    • R U DUMB @ "This news site.." says:

      I had never herd a stupider ting in my life. That GROWN WOMAN “orchestrated an abduction with intent” with all the materials to do someting to she nephew….and you wan ppl to be sorry for she?…U got to be cray and out ya dam mind.

      Ayo must be up she a** to be talkin someting lika da.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Scarred?? I have seen pana out p*** p*** pass. He is fine!

    Like 8
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  16. wow says:

    sleep?!! i laugh at that. wow bvi news. very bad.

    Like 3
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  17. Hmm says:

    I don’t know the story . But if she was illtreated by her fam . That’s serious .

    Like 7
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    • UNKNOWN says:

      Everyone has a family that has done bad to them in some way. That does not justify the actions that was displayed. Everyone should know right from wrong and no matter what family is everything cause they are the ones that is going to be behind you no matter what. Like now, who still has to assist in lawyer, FAMILY!!!!

      If there was an issue with how brother treat sister, its normal, happens in sibling rivery all the time. Every one goes through it in some point of life. She had everything that she wanted but probably not needed, but wanted. She could have turned to her mother whom she lived with and get it sorted out if it was bothering her soooo much to turn to this. For her mother is a woman of sharing and caring.

      NO EXCUSES for her actions. She was a PE teacher as well as i am sure if she wanted assistance in part time work in the family business, it would have been given to her. But who are we to judge. Look back at her past, was she always like this??????

      The world will never know. Remember she wasnt always living here. She came back after school. Read between the lines…..

      No body actions should reflect thier issues. Remember no one can get you angry or upset except you yourself. You have the ability to stop what ever you want to. No one else does.

      Like 3
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      • Family You Say says:

        You made some good points until you talk about that overused phrase Family is everything.

        Family should be everything but family is blood only for a lot of people.

        Don’t sugar coat it

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