BVI News

CGB’s temporary sewerage solution working well, Rymer reports

Kye Rymer

The interim measures implemented to alleviate the troubling issue of a malfunctioning sewerage system in Cane Garden Bay is working well, Works Minister Kye Rymer has said.

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Thursday, the minister said: “Some remedial measures have been taken to bring some immediate relief. However, a more permanent solution is required, and work on this is in progress.”

“In the meantime, in order to mitigate against any present effects from the current state of the infrastructure, the Ministry of Transportation Works & Utilities and the Water & Sewerage Department have retrofitted the Cane Garden Bay treatment plant, which is currently treating sewage.”

Rymer said his ministry has procured eight lift-stations and have installed four of the pumps to lift the sewerage to the retrofitted plant. The said pumps, he explained, are being placed in deep wells to prevent overflows and to significantly minimize the need for the use of a pump truck.

“I am advised that, to date, this temporary system is working well and when the remaining four pumps are installed over the next week, these will address the remaining areas identified,” Rymer further said.

The ministry is now inviting contractors to bid for the contract to provide a permanent solution to the sewerage issue. Following the conclusion of the tender process, submissions will be evaluated then a recommendation will be forwarded to Cabinet for the selection of a contractor.

Other areas receiving attention too

Meanwhile, the Works Minister said there are other areas also receiving attention.

“Attention is also being given to the Road Town main pump station, which is located next to the O’Neal’s Gas Station by the main roundabout. This facility will be undergoing some structural and infrastructural works to improve its reliability.”

He told the House of Assembly his ministry has developed the scope of works and will be taking the relevant documents through the necessary approval process to get specific specialized equipment in place.

“I expect that works will begin on this asset by the end of the year,” he promised.

“These works will improve the functionality of the pump station. Malfunctions will be significantly reduced and contained, and it will present an esthetically pleasing facility,” Rymer added.

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  1. vip heckler says:

    Exemption was already given to a certain minister so we already know what the outcome will be

  2. School of Hard Knock Engineer(SHKE) says:

    These temporary fixes are needed but we need to go all out thinking big or go home. The VI classified itself as a developed country (territory) so its system(s) should reflect this status. Its sewerage/sewage system is definitely not First World; at best it is a tad above Third World. A number of buildings in the BVI still use septic system (primary treatment). In developed countries, septic systems are used in rural areas and in remote locations.

    The BVI should wean itself off the piece meal approach and go for the whole hog. It needs to commission a territory-wide comprehensive sewerage/sewage system study. The study should deliver a phased approach to treat sewage at the tertiary (advance) level. The BVI is striving to be a top or the top, small tourist destination in the region with the SEA being its prime attraction. Consequently, it should be managed, protected and cared for. The BVI needs to ditch the process of treating sewage at the primary level and dumping it the sea; go for the tertiary level. And let’s not forget about the hundreds of yachts dotting our extensive coastline and moving from island to island. Enforce the holding tank requirement.

    Like 10
    • ?? says:

      Headed in that direction

    • @SHKE says:

      @ SHKE, now, now! That is an ambitious proposal given that the BVI struggles to effectively treat sewage even at the primary level, the most basic level. Septic systems are improperly designed, constructed and maintained. Building owners are permitted to construct septic system that are under size for the use and occupancy of the building. The exposure to raw sewage poses a serious risk to residents. The foul odor from pump/lift stations is sickening and degrades the quality of life. Nevertheless, as you noted, it is time for a comprehensive sewage system programme.

  3. Father Time says:

    I’m still not going in that dirty a** water.

    • E. Leonard says:

      @Father Time, got you. The BVI cannot kill the golden goose that lays the golden egg. The sea is a core element in the tourism sector attraction; tourism is 1/2 of the BVI economic twin pillars; financial services, the other 1/2. Both bare boaters and land lubbers are attracted by it.

      The BVI, its residents and visitors must make it their mission to protect it. Action must be taken to control the quality of runoff from land, discharge from sewage plants, dumping of trash/debris/chemicals, along with the discharge from marine vessels, into it. Maximum effort must be exerted to keep it healthy and safe for the use and enjoyment of residents and visitors alike. Residents and local must have a high level of confidence in regards to quality and safe jumping into the sea for a swim.

  4. watch says:

    As someone who lives in the Bay ….. you cant be serious . And the same antiquated system will be used again because this deal is long set .

  5. Ok says:

    This man would kill his own so that his in-l** can eat everything and build wealth for all outsiders.

  6. E. Leonard says:

    Growing up in the BVI, the only fear we had of jumping in the pristine water (sea) was of sharks, “kongo”, barracuda and sea snakes. With growth and development, we are in the process of slaughtering its pristineness, health and safety on the altar of a few Benjamins. Consequently, as other countries, we have in some cases polluted and contaminated a vital resource— the sea. The sea is one of a few vital resources that the BVI has and it must be protected now before it is too late and gets to a point of no return. Growth and development and protecting a vital resource can co-exist in a healthy state.

    Moreover, the sea is a major tourist attraction. It is a strength and opportunity that if not protected will become a weakness and threat. If it becomes the latter, visitors will move on to a competing destination, adversely impacting the economy and the standard of living and quality of life of rain residents. As noted in another comment: The BVI cannot kill the golden goose that lays the golden egg. Further as SHKE so eloquently stated: “ The BVI should wean itself off the piece meal approach and go for the whole hog.” Second that motion. It must go all in.

  7. CW says:


    All you do is cry about the issues and when a solution arrives you cry about it as well. YOU CANT CRY ABOUT TAXES AND YOUR GOVERNMENT DOING NOTHING WHEN YOU B*TCH ABOUT THEM DOING EVERYTHING

    • @CW says:

      @CW, identify yourself and be courageous and say who you throwing shade at. You talk in circles and cryptic. Express yourself and be clear if you want to be a player that is taken seriously. Common on man. Grow a pair.

  8. Ausar says:

    I think its time for a city sewer system, much like what we have in the US Virgin Islands, where sewerage runs underground, and is collected by pump trucks like the Lew Henleys of St. Thomas.

    To have walked the roads in the Bay, without as much as spotting a heavy brass lid stating SEWER, says to me that the system is byzantine.

    Who among us of the engineers is qualified to provide such a comprehensive plan, I do not know.

    But what I do know, is that unless there’s changes at the embryonic stages, we will continue to get what we are currently: Incessant and continued, copius runoffs!

  9. Truth says:

    Nothing was working until that little man with the hat came down here. We were sitting at the bar and the sewerage bubbling up they went to get him and whatever he did fix it. I buy him a drink

  10. Truth says:

    Nothing was working down here until that little man with the hat fix it. I see them leave go pick him up and when he finish that thing stop bubbling. I buy he a drink.

  11. Dman says:

    I’m a long time BVI visitor but I think I’m stopping at St. John until things get cleaned up and quiet down. Sorry.

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