Change the archaic laws! Too easy to ‘legally steal’ someone’s property in BVI — Fraser

Opposition legislator Julian Fraser is calling for a change to one of the territory’s archaic laws that he said makes it easy for landowners to lose their properties.
“As far as land is concerned, it is too easy for someone to steal other people’s property by acquisition through prescription,” Fraser said during last Friday’s sitting of the House of Assembly.
He continued: “A notice goes out telling Tom that someone has filed an application to acquire his property. If Tom doesn’t make that notice and make a protest, that land is gone. And, what I am told, ‘Oh It’s not Land Registry’s fault! It’s legal. The information we have on Tom hasn’t been updated so maybe that’s what happens why he didn’t get the notice’.”
Change the outdated law
In the meantime, the Opposition legislator said this practice ought not to be happening in the 21st century.
“I ask the question, under which legislation was this? When was this Act passed — 1970? That sounds to me like that was 50 years ago governing us? These were the days when posting a notice on a tree was the best way to go.”
Fraser said there is a need for a Public Bills Committee that would be responsible for scrutinizing the details of a particular bill following its second reading.
He said such as committee “is crucial in ensuring that these pieces of legislation are updated”.
“If that doesn’t happen, something terrible might,” Fraser said.
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I was told the celebrated deceased first premier use this and other methods to legally steal land in VG. Talk to some of them VG people and they will tell you about it. Family land that was held for generations, gone, forever.
Squatter’s right needs to be revisited too. When a family member build on your land without permission, just because they have been there for a long time does not mean the landowner intends to give up rights to his/her own property based on long possession. Also, if a landowner has gone away for many years with the intention of returning to build on his/her land to find out another relative has taken claim or attempts to claim part/all of his property, if it was neither gifted or transferred, the landowner should not have to go to court to resolve this matter. The rightful owner of any property is the person for which the land was gifted or purchased. I see too many times where family members infringe/squat on other family members land just out of greed and later down the line claim long possession. Unless the landowner signs legal documents to give a third party permission to build on his/her land and the land owner confirms that legal claim to that land build on will no longer exists, it will be clear cut that long possession claims cannot be entertained.
Squatter’s right needs to be revisited too. When a family member build on your land without permission, just because they have been there for a long time does not mean the landowner intends to give up rights to his/her own property based on long possession. Also, if a landowner has gone away for many years with the intention of returning to build on his/her land to find out another relative has taken claim or attempts to claim part/all of his property, if it was neither gifted or transferred, the landowner should not have to go to court to resolve this matter. The rightful owner of any property is the person for which the land was gifted or purchased. I see too many times where family members infringe/squat on other family members land just out of greed and later down the line claim long possession. Unless the landowner signs legal documents to give a third party permission to build on his/her land and the land owner confirms that legal claim to that land built will no longer exists, it will be clear cut that long possession claims cannot be entertained.
They should also look at some of the recent ones stolen in that manner and reversed the decision ..
This has been going on in the BVI for decades!
Many, in this country, the so-called “Who’s-Who”, have obtained land in this exact manner!
And the the legal fraternity, where one should look for justice against these matters, have remained silent or have been complicit on this issue!
This is an area where most have made their monies or even they themselves have benefitted!
Let’s see if Premier Fahie has the WILL to move forward on such a legislation, that will bring about TRUE reform in this matter!
Fraser is the man
Truths. Gone forever is that of my grand father, one of the largest land owners in VG at that time.
Hurts, in many ways, to this moment.
How can it be said that the deceased Premier “steal” land when it was the law?. That makes sense. Even if he did there was a law and he did what was required by law. He should be alive to sue your a** for defamation of character.
Have you not heard of legal theft??
Call it whatever you want,bamboozled,hoodwinked, but obtaining anything by deception is the same damm thing as stealing in my book.
I agree with the Legislative Official. This is a serious Issue that needs to be address immediately. People showing up on others property claiming they are the owners and brought land via their Lawyer. People showing Seeds they acquired via Lawyers unknown to family members who have been paying for property for Generations and knows the layout of the Property. Too much corrupted and greedy Legal Assistants and Lawyers are creating grave conflicts in selling people’s land without their knowledge and consent. Those who purchasing don’t even have commonsense to do an inquiry before doing such.The same dirt they claiming that we not going take to the grave,is the same dirt they illegally acquiring.
Thank you Mr. Fraser for bringing this issue to the attention of the nation.
It is now hoped that the current administrtion will act quickly upon this and resolve and secure all lands for our people.
Having lost all of our grand father’s land in VG in similar manner, it is hoped that no other family will have to endure such massive land wealth depravity we still live with daily after being born the offspring of one of the largest land owners in VG.
Today, we have not even a square inch or a penny.
Grandfather could not be happy about this and must be kicking up in his grave over this. He would have wanted his land to stay in the family or his grand children. And now it is gone out of the family hands forever.
It hurts, everyday, when you realize how far ahead you could have been except for wrong doings and the greed of others.
How come them aint beating up on fraser today?
This I hope will be one of the reform policies implemented especially with so many persons acquiring rights in the BVI, some of which are these very same crooked lawyers. Thank you Hon. Fraser. You truly are looking out for your nation’s wellbeing.
It appears that Mr. Fraser is doing a much better job in his now current position than he did when he was with the VIP.It appears that he does have a profound interest in the well being of the BVI and it citizens.
I do hope that the government abolishes that law which is from the dark ages.
This is truly serious and really needs to change. There are some thieving ppl in Belle Vue/Cooten Bay famousfor this. That’s why they andvtheir children will never prosper!
I am glad to see Bvi open their eyes about this land business. Family staying on your land paying no tax just living free. The lawyer charging you so much money and nothing is being done. My case is in the attorney general office going over a year.
I am glad to see Bvi open their eyes about this land business. Family staying on your land paying no tax just living free. The lawyer charging you so much money and nothing is being done. My case is in the attorney general office going over a year.
There is an opportunity for blockchain technology to revolutionize the Land Registry and all of its processes. A decentralized public record of ownership tied to smart contracts for purchases and transfers would stop this stupidity and theft once and for all.
I would like to acquire some land through this legal option. I will be filing applications soon.
…Any how I read an excellent Article on property rights.Like to get more such news items.The need of the hour is not just governance but a global level governance as envisaged by the Jeesus Krishna Temple Church movement.
Many of the modern day maladies can be rectified and the problems arising in different parts of the world can be solved by changing the modus operandi of governance at the UNO.When we link property rights directly to the franchise of governance,a globalized community can be created,to have a peaceful and meaningful life ,on earth.The Jeesus Krishna Temple Church movement is functioning to achieve this phenomenon.
Somebody in the house finally making sense instead of up and down the place showing off as if they in campaign mode