BVI News

Churches must do more than pray to help reduce crime — Bishop

Bishop John Cline

Following this week’s murder of 35-year-old Corey Butler, prominent clergyman Bishop John Cline has noted that while ‘thoughts and prayers’ can go a far way, the local Christian community can do more to help reduce crime in the territory.

Towards this end, Bishop Cline said the local churches can engage in community support programmes that target young men.

In an interview with BVI News, the bishop said the Christian community must recognise that it needs to do more.

“Praying is essential but if we must get involved, we must reach people where they are. Sometimes the Christian community, we can be isolated between four walls and think that’s doing it but that is not what Jesus did. Jesus went where the people were. On the streets, in the ghetto, wherever it is. You are not going to win all but you are going to win some. Then you need to have programmes,” Cline said.  

“For instance, this weekend, we have something called Male Call at our church. We have guys coming down from Virgin Gorda, guys coming down in the community, and that is designed to bring fathers and sons together. We have one basic question for the young men: “how can you be a better son? How can you be a better citizen? How can you participate in the future you will inherit in terms of nation-building? That is going to happen at Save the Seed and we have a bunch of activities, and we invite them to church on Sunday,” the bishop added. 

Cline also noted that it is not just about having young men in churches on Sunday mornings but it is about having them in a setting that is safe and peaceful. He further said church leaders can impact their lives and allow them to think on how they can do better and become a better citizen of the territory. 

Shootings reflecting badly on BVI

Meanwhile, the clergyman condemned the killing of Butler and indicated it reflected negatively on the territory that is a tourist destination and a service-driven jurisdiction. 

“When you have things like gun violence, it can only impact the country in a negative way. Sadly, another mother has lost her son. I don’t know if the young man had any children but probably another child has lost his or her father, or maybe a girlfriend or wife has lost their partner. When you have those types of things in our society, one [feels they] can only be very prayerful, but we need to be more than prayerful,” Cline said.  

“We ought to continue to do whatever we can to give young people an alternative to the lifestyle they have found comfort in. That lifestyle only leads them to prison or to the grave. This needs a holistic, concentrated and intentional approach to change the tide and the direction of these young lives and give them a reason to live and give them a reason to want to do right and if we do that, hopefully, we can save some in this generation and many more in the next generation and on,” he continued. 

More stop-and-search police operations needed

He added that he believes the police are doing the best they can with the information presented but maybe they can do more randomised search operations to recover illegal firearms. 

“They (the police) have offered amnesty, but people are not going to willingly give up their weapons if they feel like that is their protection. For some it may feel like it’s their power,” Cline said. 

“What the police needs to do is do stop-and-search and once they get a tip, they should follow through with it and get as many weapons off the street as possible. So, I don’t think it is a police thing, it is a community thing. I think it is a family thing. I think friends and relatives must encourage their loved ones to not live this life. That will only land you in trouble and in the grave,” he added. 

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  1. Dwayne says:

    shut -up

    Like 43
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    • Exactly says:

      Only now he want to look a lil spotlight. Where was his voice when the others were gunned downed over the YEARS???????

      Like 31
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      • What is it ... says:

        with you people. If he did not speak you would have a problem. He spoke, you have a problem. You all make me sad with this kind of attitude.

        Like 1
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      • Pastor Grind says:

        …so yuh gonna organize a March/protest for ALL the unsolved murders and souls that cannot RIP?!?! The hypocrisy in this 2×4 home of mine is astonishing. Pardna you ain’t never had the time or consideration for those persons slain in cold blood regardless of the circumstances and social standing. Go sit tha heck down and seek that what ye does not have.

        Like 9
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    • Bishop? says:

      Where he get Bishop from? The Pope make him a Bishop? This man is a f**e just as what he preaches. By the way if he a Bishop then I a Knight. Call me Sir when you pass me by.

      Like 16
  2. talk that says:

    Plenty criminals on the pulpits

    Like 40
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  3. YES TO UK says:


    Like 29
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  4. Sounds good says:

    Really Bishop, I believe that you mean well, i really do. Can i make a suggestion to you sir. Reach beyond the rhetoric. Why would you send a clarion call to young men to invite them into the same mess that is out there on the streets.

    Honestly speaking you should desire to invite them into a wholesome environment. I could understand if you have a member who is dishonest in your congregation but sir to have a known dishonest public person sitting on the seat of leadership is not the kind of environment that I would want to welcome young sons into.

    How could you encourage them away from certain vices and then allow them to read in the COI reports blatant falsehoods and dishonesty looking from the pews into the eyes of these young son.

    Dirty water sir can not clean dishes. I would like you to think about your program it sounds good but before its introduction and implimentation please clean the house first. No malice sir expressed or implied. Just believe as a fellow Bishop I should share with you some godly wisdom.

    Like 21
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    • Well, well, well says:

      That is the difference between you and Jesus sir. He did not come to save the believers but sinners. He did not distance himself from any one he kept company with all who was in need of salvation.

  5. Remember says:

    This so called bishop will walk pass you and don’t greet you but hear who’s talking.

    Like 20
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  6. David says:

    Most of us politicians, pastors, bishops, customs and those people in high places are the ones supplying them with with the d&##gs to sell for them.

    Like 16
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  7. Rubber Duck says:

    One of the biggest crimes is selling religious claptrap to the ignorant and stealing 10% of their income.

    Like 27


  9. Davie says:

    The reason why them two fake bishop and pastor always on the UK is because they want to continue with their co**uption.

    Like 10
  10. lol says:

    Churching in the BVI is one of the most lucrative tax free businesses in the BVI next to dr**s. That industry hopefully will soon be severely curtailed. So a good start to reducing crime will be to stop enriching the church owners off of tithes.

    Like 11
  11. @ Well well well says:

    Don’t get it twisted…there’s a difference between Jesus being amongst those he was seeking to save. Jesus wasn’t partaking in their sin.

    There are too many people in this community claiming to Christians yet more focused on gaining validation and approval/likes from others instead of God busy out there singing, dancing, engaging in filthy conversations/worldly activities that are ungodly knowing fully well it goes against God’s Word

    Reality check – can’t be professing Christianity while promoting secular. GOD IS NOT MOCKED!

    Ephesians 5:4-6

    1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

    2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

    3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.

    4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

    5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

    6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

    7 Therefore do not become partners with them;

    8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

    9 (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true),

    10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.

  12. LookSee says:

    The upper Caribbean is and has always been saturated with murders killings and all types of crimes as a cultural habit. Densely religious and synonymous evil,it is a phenomenon we refuse to acknowledge.
    The Bishop with genetic ties to this phenomenon could open a discussion with the island country of his parent and relatives,start a discussion that could eventually delve into the scientific and genes of his people for reasons and source.
    Only then an effective remedy can be applied.

  13. truth says:

    maan,, your so right with that,, because all we doing is praying while person’s are not in order , no turn from there wicked dirty nasty unrigthious habbits ,, so you can’t hear voice of God ,my God ,, and thats why your here ,, yes you will hear a voice but its not God, people needs to speak truth, act right, live right according to principles of the God word , because scrpt said every liar is a murderer, so the more lies you tells is the more murder, but honest its starts with you because your not in order. your just a believer of God , you don’t believe God,, listen the word of God is right, all that Jesus did who was God in the flesh was done in truth , and he said the things that i do, do them too, and greater, are you doing following is command, but you/people are not doing them how do you expect to get result, listern people needs to be save the right way , repent of there sins, baptize in water calling upon the name of Jesus Christ over them and they shall receive the gift of the holy which lead them into all truth ( and not no sinner pray that is not in the scrpt bible ) listen you need to study the book of Acts to see the results ,when your in order , God is a spirit , the words that he speak are spirit and are life,,listen i don’t want to preach , but many here in the bvi are so deceive and are becoming more deceive , the word of God is simple to unerstand but its takes the HolyGhost which is God himself to brings understanding of his own words , so prayer not going to do it there must be a change of heart , spiritual transformation sanctification , the problem with the BVI is just a bunch of church goers members of organization that follows tradition of men that following principles constitution of a holy rightious Holy God ,God honor his word he has no one to swear to , listen if are when we follow the order principles OF God he will rewards us jus be obedient

    Like 1
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  14. Pope says:

    Call me Ismael, call me Pope. What makes this man a Bishop? BTW, during the great reform we need to reassess our need to call our elected leader a “Premier.” Our future leaders don’t need bodyguards and expensive cars. They are there to serve us. We are not here to praise them or fear them but to support them in leading us to escape from the narco state that the last generation of leaders drove us into.

  15. $$ says:

    What did you and your church do with the money given by government during the pandemic, sir?

  16. don't forget says:

    Why we cannot respect our pastors? We are human too and. Jesus is the way! who don’t believe it will feel it, this is not the end its only a bend.

    Jesus is Lord

  17. don't forget says:

    Jesus is the way! He is wroth but compassionate and give us chances, when we going to repent? when he burst the cloud I hope not to late will be the cry remember the flood they were ware 125 years they help built the ark but did not enter they call Noah all sorts of foolish names . But when God close the door no one could open it . The next will be fire and worms…

    Jesus is Lord

    Like 1
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  18. Licker and Sticker says:

    Where did this little t**d appear from. He needs to go back there.

  19. Redstorm says:

    In each community program there is a need to find the root cause of the problems. When we have strong positive leaders in the home our schools, church and communities will benefit. It hard to tell young people don’t go for the Tommy Hilfiger brand, Mavado watch, fancy this and that to put it on babies that send a message that you are trying pretty hard to keep up with the Jones.

    Help them build characters, mound them by showing a better example. Tell them how we are counting on the for a better future, show them how to solve problems with valued resolutions. Engage them to participate in what you are doing. Keep bringing consistency.

  20. VIGILATE says:

    Build God’s way not man’s way which spells destruction. Be the example you need them to be and not a hypocrite.

  21. Fyah says:

    What started wrong cannot end right.

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