BVI News

Cindy Rosan: Gov’t victimising me and ZRod Radio


Talk Show host Cindy Rosan is claiming that the BVI Tourist Board and the Dr Natalio Wheatley administration are victimising ZROD 103.7 because of statements she made on the radio station.

Rosan who co-hosts the Morning Ride radio show with radio personality Queen Don, said the station usually airs a disclaimer at the start of her show that says the opinions expressed during the show aren’t those of the radio station.

Despite this disclaimer, Rosan claims the BVI Tourist Board (BVITB) has pulled an advertising contract from ZROD, a move she believes was made because of her affiliation with the station. Rosan said she is also holding the Premier accountable because the Tourist Board falls under his ministry.

“They’ve pulled the contract from ZROD because I believe they’re saying, we’re not willing to do business with you. This is really not about ZROD because there is a disclaimer at the beginning of this show. If you have a personal problem, you need to go home. You can’t use the government’s office to victimize people, businesses and organisations,” Rosan said on the Morning Ride show yesterday.

She continued: “The four of them – the Events Manager, the Director, the head of the [Tourist] Board and the Premier are responsible for victimizing ZROD in an effort to victimize me and get me off the station.”

Rosan, who was formerly employed by the BVITB, also said she has examples of other corporate entities that refuse to collaborate with her, out of fear that they will lose their business with the government.

Back in 2020 when former governor Augustus Jaspert sat in office, he revealed that his office had started investigating reports of intimidation and victimisation in the public sector when former Premier Andrew Fahie was leading the territory.

Former Governor John Rankin, who succeeded Jaspert, told BVI News that his office had received reports of intimidation and victimisation under the Natalio Wheatley administration.

At that time, a spokesperson from the Governor’s Office told our news centre that “people say they feel unable to safely raise matters elsewhere and fear further retaliation on themselves or their families.”


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  1. Absolutely says:

    I will not do business with anybody that associates with Cindy.

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  2. Huh says:

    Good for the Government, and we should all follow its lead. If BVI News does not stop running stories about this awful woman then I will stop reading it.

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  3. A slippery slope says:

    Once the elected politicians start abusing their power in ways like this, it’s a very slippery slope to more abuse.
    In a place this small if we have three radio stations they should all get an portion of the BVIITB Radio Advertising budget – proportionate with their listener numbers.
    The bigger issue is of course the government trying to silence people who don’t toe the party line. It’s a short move from impeding a journalist, to burning books and imprisoning voices of descent. Human history shows us this time and again. Don’t think that it can’t happen here because we are too nice.

    Like 24
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  4. Roger Burnett says:

    The same fear of victimisation leads most commenters to hide their identity behind a pseudonym.

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  5. Cindy girl welcome to the club says:

    But remember every dog has his day…..The Premier and the VIP wont be in there forever

    Like 31
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  6. Eldread says:

    Well! Well! If BVI was independent you would an have full dictatorship like antigua and Dominica, Cindy reminds me of a man of intellectual acumen none other than Tim Hector, people was afraid to buy his news paper because of the government, that man got cuban scholarship organized and had doctors etc. and the government then following the dictates of USA hegemony would not allow doctors and engineers graduate from Cuba to practice in antigua, but before Tim hectors death the government ran with the idea and now boast of having doctors and engineers out of cuban university, Cindy you will become a giant in the BVI history to come, sometimes I listen to the talking points and other shows, these guys sound so lethargic that when excerpts are taken from them for news, it sound like someone sleeping and babbling, they are not serious it’s just an academic discussion, but cyndi put the BVI vernacular to her forums so it touches, just go on cyndi because the vissitude of time will absolve you, as how the Andrew Fahie factor shock the the BVI.

    Like 25
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  7. The turth says:

    BVI people do not have a mind of their own. Once you tell them to do something they will do it. Cindy is a ring leader and instead of using her power for good she chose revenge. The person she should be fighting with is in jail. She is messing with the governments money and she thinks that she is an elected official. The people need to boycott her. She needs to be removed from ZROD or clean her act up. She has a family. Young ones too. Stop causing embarrassment for your children Cindy. Stop yourself now.

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  8. STOP IT!!! says:

    It is sickening!!! She is the reason why the Premier is the Premier when she encouraged Lorna to join the vision-less incompetent party. She needs to STOP IT!!! Give the tongue a rest and stop costing ZRod its bread and butter. Silence!

    Like 17
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  9. Pat says:

    It’s about time the government grown some balls the lady is crazy she hates her own she talk hate speech and division I no longer listen to zrod fm

    I ask my rum company to pull there ads

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  10. Voter says:

    Cindy, stop trying to feel special, you are one of many who are being victimized by this Administration, this behavior has now become the norm in the Virgin Islands.

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  11. Swag says:

    Big up Cindy…only one with sense on the island…rest of yall don’t know or want to know anything

    Like 12
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  12. @ wigo aka( hur - pat- voter - turth &stop it says:

    usin all bthe
    fancy names for blogging charade is just showing your evil mentality , and as you say , using ( Huh ) you should stop reading bvi news , because you cannot handle the truth . You is a pit bull on your yello site by writing and blogging to what you write and to what you blogg by using
    different names to fool the readers ” you can fool some people sometimes but not all the people all the time ” ( it’s called deception ) that’s an art you have perfected , or if I may say , that’s all all you good for, now seek the lord while he may be found , the devil won’t save you

    Like 5
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  13. my2cents says:

    Seems like a reach by Cindy to find something else to blame the premier for. Cindy expects to call for a boycott of a promotion that the Tourist Board is doing, while on a platform that is in a partnership with the same Tourist Board. And to her, this is someone else’s fault. Ok then. The views shared and discussed here are not necessarily the views of this radio station but tune in tomorrow for more of it. I think the Tourist Board doesn’t like boycotts from media partners, but that’s just my guess.

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  14. Real Simple says:

    The Tourist Board is free to advertise where it pleases. Free speech is not free from consequences.

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  15. Fat boy says:

    What about the victimization by crazy lady calling innocent people’s names on the radio every day?

    They not in her political evil so leave their names out as this is a form of victimization but Cindy your day will come just watch as the world is a circle!!!!

    Like 9
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  16. El Demonio Negro says:

    Get rid of her Z- Rod! You can’t lose money over Stephen King’s SLEEPWALKERS you just can’t.

    Like 5
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  17. Just so says:

    Just let us kill the prime minister just like Hite send the chicken to it’s rost

    Like 2
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  18. butterfly effect says:

    All these foolish petty things will come back to bite those in power. Look at Andrew Fahie, steady talking about policing ourself yet I guess that didnt apply to himself when he was tempted. Atleast he had thick skin,

    We need to be fair & help the people even if they are chanting your ideas down. Not everyone will agree but use the critic to learn & do better, do not victimize the people!

    Cutting off finances is a low blow.

    If you have thin skin please come out off politics.

  19. Guest says:

    You are using your platform on ZROD to effectively rail against the Tourist Board and its leadership, what did you reasonably expect.

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  20. Local says:

    journalism at its worst fueled by, paid for, sold and published by the United Kingdom.

  21. @ The Turth. says:

    Shouldn’t it be Truth? Anyways, You had my attention for a few minutes until you said She messing with the Government’s Money. Wa effing Government Money you talking about? This Government continues to mess with the Peoples Money and Think that they answer to No One.

  22. Deh Watcha says:

    This is how the BVI system works.

    I’ve blogged it before…..Persons want the big job, the big title, the big pay, the big office, the big house, the big ride, eating at the big restaurants. They want nothing but big praises heaped on their shoulders, to be upfront for the photo-ops, Ric Flair styling and profiling. They want all the accolades. But don’t dare question or comment on anything that they do. Because it seems only they can do.

    The guts, come with the glory.

  23. Reply says:

    I applaud the bvi tb for pulling their ads Cindy needs to be taken for mental care

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