Cindy strikes back! Refutes asking inappropriate questions
Media personality, Cindy Rosan, has shot back at critics over questions she directed towards Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley at a recent press conference.
Rosan requested information about recent government hires — some of whom are expatriates — and asked Premier Wheatley to address allegations of inappropriate relations with two of them.
Premier Wheatley, after responding to some of the questions, said Rosan’s last question about the allegations was inappropriate and suggested the question was based on ‘reckless rumours’.
However, the Premier has thus far not categorically denied having any inappropriate relations with any of the persons mentioned.
While appearing in a social media video yesterday, Rosan suggested that she was contacted about her line of questioning to the Premier and chided for being out of line.
But Rosan defended her questions, arguing that they were par for the course and said it should be expected of journalists who seek to hold elected officials accountable.
“My question to the Premier was not personal, it was about our office, and if you are using our office for favours,” Rosan said.
“There is nothing inappropriate about my question,” she continued. “There is no time and place for such a question. Given all that we have gone through, especially again in the last year, we have to hold the pride of the BVI up high and we have to be able to question those that we have put in leadership comfortably.”
In the meantime, the Rosan also suggested that some of the criticisms may have come from the fact that persons did not have the full context of her line of questioning and were based on ’sound bites’ and short video clips of her exchange with the Premier instead.
“A video was shared with my last question to the Premier, and it gave off the effect or the misrepresentation that I, just out of the blue, asked the Premier about his personal life,” Rosan said.
Rosan argued that even though she does not care about the Premier’s personal life, Premier Wheatley sits in an official capacity and residents should be concerned about everything that he does both in the professional and personal aspects of his life and how these actions ultimately reflect on the territory.
She said her questions about the government hires to the Premier at a previous press conference and her subsequent queries to the Government Information Services (GIS) staff, Governor’s Office and government HR department were unfruitful and she was ‘ignored’.
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Having the ghuts or balls to speak out doesn’t make you strong and effective in every situation. Sometimes one must think clearly and progress in a manner that is not demeaning to one’s self or others. It’s not because people egging this person on with her information she must come forward in such distasteful and ugly manner. We sure don’t need this type of Individual representing anyone much less Women in the House of Assembly. She needs to stop being vendictive and try being informative and supportive of her views in relevance to the Community.
Stop wasting our time with this woman
Cindy for Premier!!!
Schupps. People taking politics for a joke.
She is a pa***ite in this community now! Empty barrel making useless noise! She needs to just go away from the public space. She is never wrong and continues to double down on her ignorance. Just a n***y piece of work abba thinks it is funny and gloats in her venom.
Both of them needs to go
“Nothing will be swept under the rug under my watch”
Cindy needs prayer. We will continue to pray for you to get the emotional and mental support you need.
My advice is the public does not need to hear who anyone is mingling with. This is a small community and everyone knows everyone’s business for the most part.
If you need to confirm it for the record about someone’s personal life go see them personally and ask the question.
The question was inappropriate for the setting. PERIODT!!!!
she was asking about a subject which she knows plenty about herself (for once)
And if someone exposes her and her nasty ways they would be the bad guy!!!
In God kindom there will be no exparts and take note also where satan dwelling place there will be no exparts also all will be equal see them fighting for power cause they know not the hour.
…Mental health needs to be taken more seriously around here. This is all I can say on this!
How does she know who is sleeping with who? Is she spying on the premier? lol
Total jack a**
I believe her other half was drinking champagne and caviar when them was separated mehson….
She’ll be glad to sue them for slander, I’m sure!!
Thanks to Cindy for letting us know what we didn’t know
Why all aryo killing poor Cindy? We need people like her to expose those nasty politicians
This woman is awashed in her pittance of updeislun demeanor and character which she parades in an effort of futility to gain the unattainable of “fitting jn”
She need to snuggle herself in the roost side by side with Wiglox and self appointed his holiness Bisop
An embarrassing public nuisance to the BVI and BVIslanders.
You obviously don’t have the first clue about conflict of interest. If the Premier interfered or intervened in the hiring of people with whom he is involved, that is a conflict of interest and also highly inappropriate. It’s like some of you have no idea how people in office should act.
stop talking froth. That question would not only have been asked in the US or the UK but there would also have been an investigation into the allegations and any impropriety on the part of a head of government.
Cindy.Keep up the good work.At times you come across a little raw,But I understand your frustration.Enough is enough.
she just looking to be notice and perhaps early votes but regardless of what he did, we have to respect the position and everyone in power does it we all know so let’s not us behave be shack, yes he’s the premier there are women who will and does throw themself at men in position, lets me be clear I am not saying that he’s right are do i condole it ,but there a time and a place for everything and for shore that wasn’t the time
honestly speaking ? ? ? doesn’t that mean ( the truth and nothing * BUT * the truth ? ? ? ? ( personally I don’t really care if he had an oil change , spark plugs checked ,or points set , so more the brother / player ?
This wasn’t tough questioning or being real or strong. She must be losing it if she really feels like she deserves a medal for this good community deed. This is her being a messy mouth, chatty patty, petty attention seeker. Not everything you hear on the streets is facts. If you weren’t there, heard or see it for yourself then just leave it on the streets. People lie all the time for no reason at all. People read things the way they think it is not how it really is. You smile while talking to somebody you must be screwing. Her ex-husband made claims against her publicly should we believe him automatically because he said so on the Community Board or should we wait for the facts.
She got the gall to bring up Bill Clinton case and compare to this which is hilarious. The direct victim spoke about her relationship with Bill to a third party and she gave them evidence of the relationship which was semen from Bill. This wasn’t hearsay, this was facts. There was lots of evidence. Where is her evidence? she doesn’t have any, other than what somebody told her which the judge doesn’t want to hear in a slander case.
If you are bringing accusations like that to the public, then you need to be armed with your evidence right then and there because once you do even if it’s not true then this remains a blemish on the person’s reputation. The next time she brings this up she need to bring her evidence so maybe BVINews or somebody should start to question her on her facts. If she can’t produce any then she just a messy mouth attention seeker.
Sickening how this fool has attempted to sully the charachter of local qualified ppl just to gain points in the political arena. what sickens me most is I wouldve voted for this crap.
Using legitimate concerns to inject unmitigated nonesense and undermine the character of these women. Shows how nasty women are to each other as soon as its convenient its girl power though…nasty individual! wish to never see her tired face in the news again!!!
Where they find this ja**et woman from. I thought that she wanted to run for office
I’m not her biggest fan but the question still remains… Is it true or not that certain people are getting government jobs as favors because of their personal debatably inappropriate relationship with the premier.
Parrasite is a word that needs to be blocked out?
I am aware of ‘Conflict of Interest’ What the hell this has to do with that? This individual just needs to revisit her character and progress with dignified attributes instead of running her mouth in such vindictive manner.
I would be shocked and very surprise if that happened with the BVI just coming off the back of a CoI and still under the scrutiny of the UK. That would be outrageous!
Sowande would be wrong and should resign if he did what he is accused of but accusations aren’t enough to justify the way it was brought forth. This rumor doesn’t even qualify to be called a rumor as it seems like only a select few people heard about this. Cindy herself is responsible for the mass spreading of this tale because now it’s a story covered by every local news site and Cindy hasn’t shown anything to even justify the speculation of inappropriate relations with the Premier.
cindy need a seed from Sodey
A trained journalist who is a professional in her job will not go to a press conference and ask such slanderous questions. She is no journalist, she has no morals. Just remember why she was fired. Working in a sensitive organisation and ripping it and its leaders to the public. I hope she is banned for future press conferences.
Kind of think Cindy is really Claude in drag? Ever see them together ?? Both have mouth running like broken toilet, methinks they is one and the same