BVI News

Civil Registry & Passport Office nationality fees revised

Cabinet has approved a major change to the fee schedule for various citizenship services. This fresh fee structure, set to start on June 1, originates from a Cabinet resolution on November 14, 2023, and marks an endeavour to guarantee the Civil Registry and Passport Office meets certain UK benchmarks.

In some instances, the changes reflect a direct conversion from Sterling to US dollars as the office continues to upgrade and streamline Naturalisation processes in the territory.

Registrar General, Tashi O’Flaherty-Maduro stressed a commitment to modernisation and efficiency in a brief comment about the change. “We continue to strive to modernise our systems, and work towards processing applicants as efficiently as possible,” O’Flaherty-Maduro said.

She explained that the fee update will allow the Civil Registry and Passport Office to build upon the progress made thus far, and forge ahead with delivering a service to its clients that is on par with regional and international standards.

The update outlines the costs for various applications. For adults seeking British Overseas Territories Citizen status, there’s a $650 naturalization fee and a $100 application fee. Children under 18 pay $275 for registration and $75 for the application. Adults in specific registration categories pay $400 for registration and $100 for the application. Status Letters cost $100.

Adults looking to become British Overseas Territories Citizens through naturalisation will now have to pay a fee of $650 for the process, in addition to a $100 application fee. The registration fee for children 17 and under is set at $275, along with an extra $75 application fee.

Adults who qualify for registration as British Overseas Territories Citizens where the adult is eligible to apply under registration, are required to pay a registration fee of $400 as well as an application fee of $100. Additionally, there will be a charge of $100 for issuing Status Letters.

The Civil Registry and Passport Office said it remains committed to providing a high level of service to its clients while effectively creating and managing the civil records, nationality matters and passports of residents in the territory.

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  1. Bull says:

    Putting financial pressure on expatriate
    Why dont cabinet modernize in seeking justice for work
    Permit holders who pay into social security and NHI only to find the employer is not doing due diligence. So hundreds of people are keft with nothing
    cannot get
    When these peoplebtalk they are threatened with their job . This IS NOt Modernization but slavery
    Then we call foul on the white man .

  2. Desmond Hodge says:

    At Bull. You really need to shut your dam mouth. You Expats want every thing for free. It’s cost to live in a foreign country, Any fireign country. Go set up Shop in Trinidad. You Expats have options.

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  3. Jack says:

    Another way to drain the expat who could barely survive from eating in tortola,$46 dollar a day,$6 dollar taxi,12 lunch that’s $28.00 a day forget if you have children,these are the punishment the bvi government giving to the expat that they solely depending on for for the work force because their own people can’t do the work.

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    • @jack says:

      This is an interesting comment. You can’t survive in someone else’s country then go back home. Only in the BVI . The Government actually need to institute policies where work permit applicants need to show that they will not be a burden on the country (tax payers). The Government knows that one cannot Everyone knows that one cannot survive in the BVI off of $6 an hour considering the cost of living. Also, they’re complaining about getting the immigration/migration issues under control. They will continuously have to be giving out belonger status because there’s no cap on the length of time a person can remain in the country for work. It makes no sense that a person can enter to work perpetually (automatic renewal every year) and then end up a citizen. There will be nothing left for the people that actually belong. Now go say that I am from the BVI (which I’m not). Countries cannot sustain this madness much less the BVI. It’s untenable. But the people of the BVI did vote in the politicians that have no back bone to fix the root issues instead of stirring up contention between “expats” and “locals “ trying to fix the laws to suit their own personal needs instead to thinking about the country and its future.

      Like 8
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  4. Watchers says:

    They need to aporove all visas and stop denying people for no reason. The fee asked to pay is more thatn what people are bern paid. The country cannot make money because everybody they deny

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  5. Bloody Dump says:

    Everyday I thank God for allowing me to take everything I could have gotten, from what is quickly becoming a cesspit of crime, and to give that place the middle finger. There are great people in the BVI but the few prejudiced, xenophobic inbreds, with a special love for scr*wing their cousins make you want to stay clear of that place. Thank you for all you offered me and thank you for all you did not offer me because if you did I would not be aware how much better it was back in my country and how much more the wider Caribbean region has to offer.

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  6. LoveMyBVI says:

    Whatchers, You good in your head?

  7. Down2earth says:

    To Bloody Dump:

    “Everyday I thank God for allowing me to take everything I could have gotten, from what is quickly becoming a cesspit of crime, and to give that place the middle finger.” What an interesting comment!

    1. What all did you get?
    2. What are you really thanking God for?
    3. What was and is still being dumped?

    The God that I serve never slumbers nor sleeps! I wish you all the best and may your bread fall on the buttered side.

    A native Virgin Islander to the Nth generation

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