BVI News

Civil Service Association being revived after years of dormancy

The body that represents the interests and welfare of government workers is being re-established after years of dormancy.

The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) will have its first meeting on September 11 to start the revival process.

“The re-launch of the association is part of the activities to diversify Public Service Week 2018. Past and interested members of the committee are invited to attend,” the Office of the Deputy Governor said in a media release this week.

Permanent Secretary in the office, Carolyn Stoutt-Igwe said she was not sure why the VICSA became dormant.

But, she said she was pleased the body is being re-activated and described the initiative was important.

She told BVI News there are currently 2,600 active civil servants employed to the Government of the Virgin Islands.

These do not include employees of government statutory bodies, Stoutt-Igwe said.

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  1. Reality says:

    Not sure what this will change? most people feel the civil service has always been pretty dormant and will continue to be so…the numbers of staff employed is quite frankly ridiculous for the small island we have!….

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    • Rubber Duck says:

      So 2600 civil servants for 30,000 people or maybe 25,000 post Irma. Anyway let’s say it’s 26000 because it makes civil servants a straight 10% of the entire population.

      If the UK had the same ratio it would have about 7 million civil servants. It has 427,000.

      • James says:

        The Civil Service is bloated. There are lots of civil servants who do very little yet the Government pre Irma continued to hire civil servants. Now it’s out of controls.

  2. Wally says:

    7 years without an increase in salary. Under this government no increments for workers. Workers of the world unite.
    The cost of living is real for everybody, not just politicians and private sector workers.

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    • Candi says:

      I understand what you’re saying, but why are you on the private sector workers? Local private sector workers don’t get a large pay like most people think.

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  3. private sector says:

    How about cutting deadwood staff out of the service, redefine jobs, improving service, and through those savings and improved services increase pay wages to be more in line with efficiency and good service? Novel idea in our sector that must make money to survive and pay taxes to keep Government afloat, but probably not so much for you civil service folk that sit on pensions along with all sorts of other perks and benefits and whine about how hard you have it. Good luck with your little Union movement. I am sure it will not be long before you boycott and sit home for all the injustices you suffer through.

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  4. Hmm says:

    How about me start with price control on clothing food and rent

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