BVI News

Cline slams economic stagnation

Bishop John Cline

Clergyman John Cline has criticised the BVI’s lack of economic progress and called for a comprehensive national development plan to address stagnation.

Speaking on the Eye on the Future of the Nation radio show, Cline argued that the BVI has failed to move beyond the devastation caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria seven years ago. “The current state of the economy in the Virgin Islands is at a stagnation point,” he said. “There’s no expansion of the economy. There’s nothing on the horizon as far as I can tell.”

“It’s been seven years since Irma and Maria, and while they significantly impacted our business environment, we have largely recovered. Yet, there is no economic expansion or substantive plans on the horizon,” Cline insisted. 

Cline’s concerns echo those raised by BVI Chamber of Commerce Chairman Shaina Smith-Archer, who recently highlighted the economic impact of frequent flooding on Road Town businesses.

Cline was critical of the territory’s over-reliance on the financial sector and questioned the long-term viability of the tourism industry, citing a lack of infrastructure to support increased cruise ship arrivals. Due to ongoing international pressures, Cline suggested that reliance on the financial sector is unsustainable. He also noted the lack of progress in other sectors like tourism, agriculture, construction, and the blue economy.

“The bible talks about if any man wants to build a house he first sits down and puts a plan, count the cost, and then work the plan,” he said. “I think we are void of a plan. I think we are void of an economic development plan.”

Cline’s concerns come amid broader discussions on the BVI’s economic direction. Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has highlighted the government’s efforts in planning, referencing the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) passed last year. This plan, developed with support from the United Nations, aims to address urgent priorities such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education.

However, Cline argued that these plans need more effective implementation, pointing out that successive administrations still need to follow through on consultancy reports and research. He called for a national plan independent of political parties, emphasising the need for a stable oversight body to ensure continuity and accountability.

Premier Wheatley acknowledged the implementation challenges but cited the government’s focus on strategic and systematic fixes rather than cosmetic changes. 


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  1. My plain view says:

    The problem when you hear some of these people like cline speak is that you don’t know what their motive is. There is always some hidden agenda which leads right back to their pockets. Very often these mouth champions are not speaking for the benefit of the country and the people most times it’s about something they want. I want to see the BVI turn the political page from the likes of these people and get a fresh, more progressive, selfless and competent set of leaders and influencers. It’s time for these opportunists like him and others to disappear. I am tired of them.

    Like 31
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  2. DO THESE says:

    Holy men of CGB communicate with eachother ❓️ OR ~ are they WORSHIPING the same GOD ❓️ IT will be interesting to have all (3) on a talk show with someone who has INTEGRITY and is very knowledgeable ask them the same QUESTIONS about JESUS – first – and what’s going on in the COUNTRY/ SEEMS LIKE ALL 3 HAVE JUST AWAKEN OR WERE LIVING SOMEWHERE


    are you playing ? With all the killings-drugs -guns there has to be

  4. We need a moses......not a lil boy to lead us says:

    The wrong person is the leader of the country….never sold a pack of peanuts yet…always running his car outta gas

    Like 16
  5. maria louisa varlack says:

    in 1988 i borrowed $12,000 from development bank of the virgin islands, ministry of education and culture, bvi education and culture, road town, tortola, british virgin islands. i entered the usa legally and lawfully with a visitor visa and with a student visa. i attended valencia community college in orlando florida and i earned a total of 48 college credits but i never did graduated. in 1992 i attended h.l. stoutt community college in the bvi and i graduated. in 2002 i was awarded $15,000 from unesco in the bvi. i entered the usa with a visa visa and with a student visa. i attended seminole community college in sanford florida and i earned a total of 24 credits but i never did graduated. in 2010 I attended Mildred Elley in New York City and I graduated. i attended farmingdale state college in farmingdale long island for one semester but i was unable to graduate with a bachelor degree in nursing. i am a British Dependent Territories Citizen/British Overseas Territories Citizen. I was born on the island of Tortola British Virgin Islands and I have a British Birth Certificate and a British Passport for The Virgin Islands. I have never had a us green card/permanent resident card/alien registration receipt card. it is perfectly understandable that the bvi was destroyed by two hurricanes and now it is a slow recovery for the territory. since 2002 i have been homeless and jobless and penniless. since 2002 i have been poor and needy and downtrodden and unemployed. it is understable that business is slow in the bvi. how many people in the bvi sleep outside on the sidewalk for seven years or sleep inside of a homeless shelter for 22 years? it seems to me that everyone in the bvi is constantly complaining while there are others around you that are suffering and have life far more difficult that you do and have more hardships in life than you do.

    Like 2
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    • @maria louisa varlack says:

      I am sorry to hear what you are experiencing. I read your posts all the time, but had no idea you have been having a rough go.

      How can I reach you you? Are you on social media whereby I can IM you?

  6. This is What happens. says:

    Such is what occurs when we put people who do not the first letter about economics.

    This is what happen when we put the economic portfolio in the hands of rookies and incompetents and more.

    THis is what occurswhen weput the running in the hands of people whose only intent upon gaining election victory is to rob the country.

    This is what we must fix next election.

    Like 10
  7. Reality Check says:

    You caused the loss of the BVI being considered for “destination weddings” with your vitriolic opposition to LBGTB’s and same-sex marriage, not to mention your misogynistic retoric.
    Try actually being Christian and accepting of all of God’s children!!

    Like 10
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    • @Reality Check says:

      Beware of those who protest the loudest against gay marriage or unions. When people go out of their way to condemn others, in my life experience, there is always a reason beyond what they publicly protest.

      Like 2
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  8. Don't Worry about it says:

    Why is he still speaking on matters pertinent to the Territory when he should be in jail?

  9. The cook. says:

    Who in the kitchen feels the heat.

  10. Ausar says:

    I’m confused!

    Soo, the Bishop is suffering from economic hardship?

    Is he homeless?
    Is he penniless?
    Is it, that he no longer owns businesses?
    Is it, that he no longer travels, on exotic vacations?

    Is it, that his children, their children, and their spouses, are no longer gainfully employed, are homeless, and penniless?

    Is it, that his spouse,or whosoever he dates, is homeless, penniless,and without business, or other sources of income?

    I, Ausar, am confused!

    What, or who, or to whom, exactly, is he talking about?

  11. Patriot says:

    It pains me to admit that pastor clone is right.

    Like 1
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  12. Why the h says:

    Yes, as a people and country, we must and will evolve. But totell we have to change our cultural norms and practices to import and legalize a prctice that has never been an outward cultural practice of ouricultural political dictatoship being forced upn us by the rich and oerul.

    Why is it they do not put th sme political cultuarl demands on Saudis Arabia,Susan and others.Why do they fell entitled to force their political cultural desires on countries such as Kenya, Uganda, BVI and others? Is it bcause they are politically and economically weak?

    Why the hyocrisy?

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