BVI News

COI findings are simply recommendations, Premier assures

Premier Andrew Fahie has sought to assuage the concerns of residents about the Commission of Inquiry’s (COI) findings by emphasising that its report has only produced ‘recommendations’ for the BVI.

The territory’s leader stated this fact repeatedly at a recent press conference while insisting that his government stands ready and willing to strengthen and improve the BVI’s governance systems and legislation.

“The people of the Virgin Islands is due the report and I too agree. I’m waiting to get this report that is not only due to me but also to the people of the Virgin Islands so that the people can know what kind of recommendations have been made,” Premier Fahie told residents.

“We know that by law, the Commission of Inquiry is not a court case and the Commissioner’s findings, based on whatever methodology is used are ones of recommendations,” said Fahie; suggesting that his government can opt to not follow them.

According to the Premier, both Governor John Rankin and the UK Overseas Territories Minister, Amanda Milling have already agreed on moving to an action plan once the COI’s findings have been discussed.

“The government has respectfully communicated to the governor and the UK government that we would like to discuss the findings and the recommendations — and we must make it clear, they are recommendations — so that an action plan can be agreed as to what needs to be done to close any gaps in governance systems,” the Premier expressed.

“That is what our focus will be when we obtain access to the report and when we discuss it with the UK officials,” the Premier added.

Premier Fahie further sought to reassure residents that although his government has thus far not been privy to the report, discussions have been ongoing with the governor on the matter of concerns that persons may have raised about the COI and its report.

And while noting that the governor has already issued two statements on the subject of the COI report’s release, Premier Fahie also took the opportunity to emphasise the BVI’s autonomy.

“I’m looking forward to the recommendations and be mindful that we have a constitution that gives us certain autonomy and we have to make sure that all our actions are guided by such,” he stated.

“As Premier, I wish to reiterate that I am willing to put all perceived political differences aside to ensure that we work as one Virgin Islands people, so that we can further strengthen our systems, legislations, constitution, and any other areas, solely in the best interests of the people of the Virgin Islands, without compromise – and without experiencing any retrograde step to the historical aspirations of the people of the Virgin Islands as outlined in the constitution, and without experiencing any retrograde step with regard to our political, financial, and constitutional advancement,” the Premier added.

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  1. Hmmmmm says:

    This is from T&C CoI in 2009 –

    “Pursuant to the Commission’s second Term of Reference, I find that there are systemic weaknesses In legislation, regulation and public administration in the Territory, in respect of which I have made *recommendations*, largely confirming those made in my Interim Report of 28th February 2009.”

    Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security F*T A****T – those recommendations come with teeth.

    Like 27
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    • Lmao says:

      So wonderful to see the Belongers at BVINews censoring and deciding which comments to publish. Free speech is gone in the BVI along with laws. Only thing that remains is lawlessness, drug running and very corrupt politicians. And the Foy is worried about image. Lmfao.

    • Our report says:

      Listen, Where is our report? We are not playing games with you. Tell the Premier he is not leaving here without the people understanding what is in it. We do not want any water down version.

  2. Reality Check says:

    Is it not true that a recommendation could be to file criminal charges against individuals for their actions and cancel the constitution to take direct rule and then set guidelines.

    A commission of inquiry is serious Business when we saw certain people around this party during elections it should have been a red flag to the people. But you can understand why the people did not want the NDP again.

    The BVI is between a rock and a hard place perhaps direct rule is needed. A sought of timeout and reality check.
    And in the next 2 -5 yrs when the people get the Government back we will have candidates of good character to choose from.

    We are lucky a lot of countries especially in the Caribbean wish they had an intervention to stop the corruption that destroyed their country.

    Like 27
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    • Anonymous says:

      What crimes were committed? A bad contract is not a crime, hiring friends and associates is not a crime, giving stimulus is not a crime. It takes more than these actions to charge someone with a crime plus the COI was not a criminal investigation so they have no knowledge of anything other than the answers that they received. They don’t have secret evidence of text messages or bank statements that can prove a reasonable suspicion of any crimes. What we saw in the COI was proof of bad governance, stupidity and carelessness.

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      • @Anonymous says:

        Oh really what about in 2004 when the FS and others were incarcerated. It’s obvious you are doing PR control.

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        • Anonymous says:

          This comment is so stupid. That was already investigated and the guys served their time. I don’t even recall that being a part of the COI other than when they briefly questioned B***s about his criminal record. Secondly why would I do PR control when I have no special interest in these matters. I’m just a guy with a bit of sense that is sick of people acting like the COI uncovered crimes when this isn’t the case. Plus how is that good PR when I made it clear that we saw bad governance, stupidity and carelessness in government.

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        • @@Anonymous says:

          The issue was that he didn’t protect the government purse from the others. He trusted them too much and definitely did not see that coming.

      • @Anonymous says:

        So a bad contract is not a crime, but the bad BVI Airways and the ESHS Wall bad deals were?

        The the COI was not a criminal investigation yet our elected officials have already gone through 5million to defend themselves from squandering our money?

        We have to do better! But in the BVI it is not what you do but rather who do it, then we decide if it’s right or wrong!

        Like 8
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        • Anonymous says:

          If you go on the COI’s official website they make it clear that it’s not a criminal investigation plus the COI does not have such powers to criminally investigate anyone. Nobody has been charged with any crimes with BVI Airways or the ESHS wall. That is a fact. Investigations were done, the police had the report but it is obvious there is nothing concrete to charge anyone since it is about 5 years and no charges. Like I said where is the crime nobody can name the crime plus if there was a crime the police and prosecution must be sleeping because the police blotter made no mention of no crimes relating to anything uncovered in the COI.

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          • @@@Anonymous says:

            Stop arguing, the result of the COI will be criminal investigations. Ministers building big houses and from where did the funds originate? This will bring most of our politicians, past and present, to answer.

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  3. PT09 says:

    These are Andrew Fahie words: We know that by law, the Commission of Inquiry is not a court case and the Commissioner’s findings, based on whatever methodology is used are ones of recommendations,” said Fahie; suggesting that his government can opt to not follow them. This statement alone should tell the UK and the people of the BVI what we are dealing with. I hope one of the recommendations is that they take you out try you in a court of law, and you are not able to run for office again. You have taken the BVI to the lowest point it has ever been.

    Like 13
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    • Contradictions says:

      Yes, then he followed with :“The government has respectfully communicated to the governor and the UK government that we would like to discuss the findings and the recommendations — and we must make it clear, they are recommendations — so that an action plan can be agreed as to what needs to be done to close any gaps in governance systems,” the Premier expressed. If we don’t have to follow the recommendations then why is there a need to discuss how the close any gaps? He talks at cross purposes, constantly contradicting himself. He’s sounding as confusing as the Hon. CM.

  4. Dreamer says:

    The Premier’s ‘suggestion’ to opt out of any CoI recommendations is only in his dreamland mind.

    The 40 recommendations are compulsory. How the 40 recommendations are established then enforced in the BVI is the next step in the process which is now in the well experienced hands of Governor Rankin.

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  5. Smack dat says:

    Andie, we are an overseas territory which means that the constitution can be unilaterally changed at the pleasure of the Crowne by the Governor. I don’t feel safe and confident when we have people try to patronize me. If you mismanage our resources and misuse the power of office that brings on a COI and then trying to drum up support for your bad decisions, let’s be honest.

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  6. Jokes says:

    This man a real joker – has he even read the report yet? Our understanding is that he hasn’t o what kind of foolishness he talking?

  7. Big Richard says:

    Make room at Balsam.

  8. AskingForAFriend! says:

    Which of these phrases from the T&C CoI do we expect to hear again?

    a) clear signs of political amorality and immaturity and of general administrative incompetence
    b) systemic corruption and/or other serious dishonesty involving past and present elected members of the Legislature
    c) a high probability of systemic venality

    Yes – the answer will clearly be D.

  9. Hmm says:

    This man a walking contradiction.

    “We know that by law, the Commission of Inquiry is not a court case and the Commissioner’s findings, based on whatever methodology is used are ones of recommendations,” said Fahie

    Yet still millions done spend on legal representation.

  10. The real world says:

    If what you say turns out to be so, AF, then you would have made a mockery of the UK and their COI process. And you would have set a precedent for the other overseas territories to follow.

    But honestly, I don’t think you really believe what you said. Even if your mind wants to believe, your bones are telling you something different.

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