BVI News

COMMENTARY: When is it right to lose our rights?

Alred Frett

By Alred Frett, Contributor

Bear in mind that whether it is school’s education or religion’s indoctrination, the best way of planting that seed of information is to repeat the process over and over until it becomes ingrained in the recipient.

This technique of repetition is the same one we must use in order to replace bad lessons and doctrines by good information.

Detractors call it boring but progress finds it necessary.

Today we are faced with challenges where everyone wants to get to heaven but nobody wants to die just as everyone wants to be a politician to manage the money they say does not exist but no one says whether their intent is to beg, steal, borrow or sellout our birthrights to the highest bidders.

These are questions to be asked and the more we play blind the more we are willfully left behind. Unfortunately, political blindness is universal so, the president’s wife carried a message on her back, proclaiming that she did not care and asking if you cared.

However, rather than believing our own eyes, we accepted alternate facts and lying excuses from others … No wonder we are in trouble and until we demand real answers we will accept any old talk from bad leaders.

Let the questions be answered and solutions be found

We fail to ask how can it be reasonable that even after your work permit is renewed you are forced to wait until you time has expired so you could be charged additional monies by Immigration?

Meanwhile, your local employers are suffering as you waste day after day trying to complete a 10-minute process. Is this government’s way of destroying local companies and robbing the poor?

We fail to ask why exempting China from the hardship we impose on our Caribbean brothers and sisters should be considered reasonable when China’s world record population is encouraged to double and they have already displaced citizens in Africa and many West Indian countries.

Yes, China needs space to expand but our leaders objective must not be to displace our own citizens. We fail to ask why government regulators are hell-bent on destroying local health care with impediments even as they refer our people/patients to places from which they refuse to accept the credentials of the same healthcare providers to whom they now export our people/patients.

Are ministers being foolish or simply misled by persons who have no interest in our people and country?

We fail to ask ourselves why government would want to have persons pay multiple times for the same NHI benefits even as government plans to remove the choice from children and seniors to access the healthcare they wish in accordance with the conditions previously mandated by government.

If they succeed, then who would be next to be denied healthcare of their choice?

Your health care should be our commitment

I promised to keep you updated as regards the progress of B&F Medical Complex and both the staff and I thank and appreciate your support and words of encouragement in relation to the recent difficulties imposed upon us.

It is only because of you that we continue to remain open seven days per week while steadfastly working on new locations in which to better provide services for your care.

You seem impressed by the progress we have made but it’s not over yet and you may be mistaken if you think the matter has been resolved and that government has been assisting us.

Fact is, the eviction notice from the landlord still stands and we have never asked government for help nor have they ever given any.

On the contrary, they continue with steps that could hurt, harm and hinder us.

Furthermore, the information provided in the article ‘We know who defends the rich but who will defend the poor’ is all true and there is no doubt that the actions against us were designed to destroy our services to the people.

Fortunately, the same staff that worked so tirelessly to curb Irma’s devastation still remain faithful and hopeful even in the face of threats and pressure.

It would seem that the ways of the wicked is fixed on destroying whatever they perceive as good or in the best interest of the people.

Nonetheless, the objective of B&F Medical Complex is focused on securing a long-term place and space that will better allow us to deliver quality healthcare at an affordable cost while ensuring the ability to serve a majority of the population in times of crisis.

Irma will never come again but who knows what other unexpected disasters may be just around the corner?

This is not the time to tear down but to build up and I am thankful for your support and encouragement but this is not about us individually.

We are all in this together and if we fail to help each other during good times then we will certainly perish together during bad times – help!

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    thank you so very much for the fine commentary…thank you and thank you…

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