COMMENTARY: Where are BVI’s env’t-friendly initiatives to reduce climate change?
By Dickson Igwe, Contributor
The world is facing huge environmental and ecological threats and a climate change narrative that is changing the culture and way of life of geographically and ecologically vulnerable communities and societies.
Communities in the far north, like the Inuits of Canada, have seen their environments change, more dramatically, in the last decade than in a thousand years.
This is the result of melting polar ice caps, and rising seas, the result of a depleted ozone layer. In specific regions, especially in the tropics, warmer and rising seas are changing fish migrations and depleting fishing stocks, wiping out fishing communities, even moving inland, and generating flooding disasters.
Mangrove and coral habitats for sea life are deteriorating rapidly, wreaking enormous havoc on Caribbean fishing and ecotourism.
A number of these changes are subtle and cannot be readily attributed to climate change.
There is famine and desertification in Africa. There are hotter summers and warmer winters being experienced worldwide. There is the greater intensity of hurricanes and the heavier tropical rains during the hurricane season.
Weather patterns are changing. The preceding geographic variables pose mysteries for scientists.
The Sargasso grass that has inundated Caribbean shorelines and coastlines is impacting tourism by making beach and swimming destinations less attractive and less desirable for travellers.
Less well defined, wet and dry seasons, and even changes in bird migrations, and the behaviour of wildlife drive the climate change narrative.
The Virgin Islands are very much part of the preceding environmental story.
September’s floods, and hurricanes Irma and Maria, arguably, were part of climate change.
Consequently, any Virgin Islands economic vision for the next thirty years must above all else pursue sustainability and an environmentally friendly ecology.
Rebuilding without economic sustainability as the driving theme is simply a waste of time.
Smaller carbon footprint
A much smaller carbon footprint than what is the present footprint is critical if mankind is to successfully and sustainably interface with his world.
A new sustainable global culture is evolving: it is a new way most aggressively pursued by Scandinavian Europe. It is a culture that will deliver a better quality of life for mankind when all countries and nations understand the present threat to human existence.
The new prosperity must be about humankind, existing within an economic and social culture that places a pristine geography, and sustainable living, at the highest level of priority.
A new economic idea must drive a new culture. Man and his environment can and must exist in perfect harmony.
The new economics of environmental sustainability will drive prosperity and human welfare into the middle of the 21st Century, and beyond.
Follow the Scandinavians
In Scandinavian countries the pursuit of a sustainable economic model has been underway for decades.
Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are well ahead in the game with bicycle lanes, car-free zones, clean fuel public transportation, renewable energy, clean energy, and recycling and reusable products.
Scandinavian societies including Switzerland possess the highest quality of life metrics on earth. Ok. The British Virgin Islands has barely begun to rebuild after the devastation wreaked by hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017.
There remains a sense of denial which is simply natural after such a terrible disaster. The extent of the destruction after the September hurricanes is massive.
Foot by foot and yard by yard of Virgin Islands ground shows evidence of the battering the country received in September 2017.
Residents remain shell-shocked nine months after Irma. Rebuilding will take five to 10 years.
However rebuilding above everything else must be sustainable, green, and ecologically driven.
To be continued
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The BVI doesn’t give a F…k about the environment, for decades its ripped roads through the hillsides with zero concern for the silt run off which has now practically killed off most of our lovely reefs near the shore line – for example Brewers Bay, Smugglers Cove, Cane Garden Bay to name a few…It allows a fire to burn relentlessly for over a month emitting toxic smoke into the air. It continues to use the seas surrounding our Islands as toilets discharging raw sewage straight in leading to some of our most popular beaches having to be closed periodically because they are unsafe….
It is believed that government does care about the environment. The problem is, government cannot micromanage every single societal issue.
Often, it subordinates and department leadership that fails to execute for the desired outcomes.
However, though hillside run offs and some sewerage do enter our waters, the greatest polluters of our pristine waters are the yachting industry.
That industry is severely un-managed and under regulated.Look at Village Cay Marina, for example, or any other area where `yachting is dominant and one will see the same filthy water.
Therefore, critical and fair analysis should taken and results found before uninformed biased opinions be pout forward as facts.
The BVI residents from the top come down don’t care. There are only two comments in this post, that’s major example of not giving two hoots about our environment. The minister of natural Resources…. he doesn’t care, environmental health, solid waste, public work…. these slobs only do the bare minimum…Ecological threat? And elections coming up? Plus this whole deal with our financial registers? Please leave that up to Branson.
The people who you expect to know little to nothing about these stuff, are the one’s who Government needs to turn to. ITS OUR SENIOR STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. These individuals know a whole lot about environmental factors and climate change because there constantly studying it in Sciences and Geo Classes. Some, being very passionate about this subject.
AGW ( man makes the climate change ) is the biggest pile of horse manure since the Charge of the Light Brigade.
The climate has always changed. There have been hundreds if not thousands of ice ages and warming’s throughout history.
Without any human “ carbon footprint” to affect it.
Switzerland is not in Scandinavia. If you can’t get that simple fact right , should you really be publishing these articles.?
No one asks you to read Igwe’s stories- please go get yourself a life