BVI News

Committee distances from Cline’s ‘boycott Queen parade’ talk

Decision March Committee members Bishop John Cline, Zoe Walcott-McMillan (top, right), Ayana Hull

Members of the outspoken Decision March Committee have distanced themselves from recent comments by a fellow member, Bishop John Cline, who said he will be boycotting the Queen’s birthday parade slated for Saturday, June 9.

Since making those comments at the Decision March last month, Bishop Cline has welcomed others to join his boycotting campaign.

But Decision March Committee members last week said those were solely the sentiments of the bishop, who has been attracting a considerable amount of media attention in recent times.

“First of all, let me separate Bishop Cline’s comments from the committee because it was not the committee’s decision to say that,” said attorney-at-law and committee member, Ayana Hull.

Other members of the committee, namely Zoe Walcott-McMillan and Angelle Cameron both agreed.

According to the trio, they would not be attending the upcoming event. However, it will be because of ‘personal’ reasons.

Cline remains resolute on the boycott  

However, Cline maintains he felt disrespected by the Crown in relation to the ongoing public registers controversy between the UK and British Overseas Territories such as the BVI.

“I just saw it as the disrespect to the highest level and my position is; until they are willing to hear us and have representation from us and have an input on these matters, then we need to take a stand and stay out of things like the birthday parade that we have so faithfully participated over the years,” Cline said last Friday.

“Whoever wants to join me, I welcome them to join me in sitting them (the UK) out.”

He said the boycott would not mean BVI residents no longer recognize the Crown as its sovereign.

“We are an Overseas Territory, we still honour our relationship with the Crown. But at this point, I believed we are taking a stand,” he said.

“The Queen had to assent to this decision (the public registers policy). It went to the Queen on the exact day of the march for her to sign off on. It is hard for me at this point to show honour to someone who is disrespecting us.”

Dr Pickering only supporting parade as gov’t official 

Meanwhile, in a separate public radio appearance, pro-independence legislator Dr Kedrick Pickering impliedly said he will attend the Queen’s parade only because of his official obligations as Acting Premier on that day.

Premier Dr D Orlando Smith will be abroad on official business.

“My view and my position as a government minister are not one and the same. Let me also hasten to add that the Premier will be travelling and I will be Acting Premier on that day, so I will have an official position to play. So I will attend the Queen’s birthday celebrations … If you asked me personally if I had a choice then that would be something completely different,” he said during a previous airing of the weekly Honestly Speaking radio programme.

Venue change

In the meantime, a government advisory said the official ceremony for Her Majesty the Queen will now be held at the AO Shirley Recreation Grounds in Road Town.

It was previously held at the Road Town festival grounds.

The route for the parade of paramilitary organisations, uniformed bodies, youth organisations, schools and service clubs will be announced shortly, it said further.

Persons who have been honoured with medals are asked to wear their decorations, and “all are invited to attend”.

 The public registers controversy

The BVI has been at odds with the UK since the British parliament passed a Bill that is forcing the BVI and other Overseas Territories to implement what are known as public registers of company beneficial ownership.

Effectively, beneficial ownership is a legal term where specific property rights belong to a person even though the legal title of the property is in another person’s name.

Public registers mean the BVI is required to publicise the names of beneficial owners of offshore companies registered in the territory.

Publicising the names of these beneficial owners could discourage them from doing business with the BVI as it relates to financial services.

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  1. SMH says:

    Really? Why don’t we just boycott the ——-. What is he really doing except raking in at the c———– p——. Why does he feel disrespected? I didn’t know the crown targeted him directly? B——-, why don’t you really do something for the territory, not to mention your c———– besides t—–g t—— —- and – them —— on the believe of the great heaven up in the sky. Don’t let’s get started on the ——– rumors.

  2. My Question says:

    Was the good Bishop accustomed to attend the Queen’s Birthday Parade in years past?

    • Stepping razor says:

      ——- doesn’t have nothing to worry about, every Sunday — still collect — tights and offerings, people don’t let that — lead you’ll — —- more than — is already doing under Christianity…. do not be fooled by these — they already made it for themselves, what the UK is asking for would not hamper the business — have invested in especially the c—– please be careful of the S—–who leads — flock —-.????????????????????????????

  3. Stop it! says:

    This sh-t just getting silly. Do we really expect the international community and potential investors to take us seriously with this behavior? For the past few weeks all we see in the news is nonsense instead of a unified approach to our issues. Everything is a new panel, committee etc. etc. and what are the desired results?

    • I agree with STOP IT! says:

      This is getting really juvenile now. Is this even newsworthy?? Give me a break now please! Who cares who the hell attends what? I read the Bishop’s comments, and I didn’t interpret that he was speaking on the committee’s behalf. Just let this shyte rest now.

      • CW says:

        None of this has ever been newsworthy. These are c——— looking to either be f—— or gain w—— or p——. Not i——— in helping the BVI grow or recover. Only interested in growing t———–. People like that keep the BVI recovery — while the rest of the Caribbean is open for business. S————–

  4. Uncle Buck says:

    The self or——– bishop b—- for both sides. Hardly worth taking anything he says s———.

  5. Wow says:

    What a motley crew of mis—-.

  6. Report it says:

    I’m glad to hear the other side of the story. John spoke at a committee function in a leadership capacity and I’m glad the committee has distanced themselves from his f——– comment.

    I for one will be attending this event as the two have nothing to do with each other. The UK distributed a significant amount of aid to our rescue after the hurricanes and in appreciation of that I will show up to the Queen’s birthday celebration.

  7. all about dem says:

    When you look at it, all who telling you do this and do that, go independent, boycott, protect, they either have their greencard or U.S passport or that of a stronger nation to back them up when sh…t hit the fan. When Boris Johnson went up people head promoting Brexit, the first thing he did was went U.S.A with his U.S. passport

  8. divorcees sada boy & psycho says:

    Go back to all you regular duties law abiding citizens. I so shame to watch the news these days. Set of j—-. Unbelievable mis—-. All you serious or think this showbiz.

  9. Lordie says:

    They just trying to be politically inclined with their words but same c— while the r—– pastor is behaving like an o——-.

    Who is leading the flock???

    UK is coming for all of you.

  10. Cardinal Rubber Duck says:

    Her Majesty rang me to say how devastated she is by this junior churchmans approbation.

    She can hardly sleep.

  11. Jack Idiots says:

    Slaves of the 21st Century…celebrating the queen’s birthday. What a set of idiots. Y’all dumb a–es will suffer until you learn sense. There is a saying that goes ‘ when you find a jackass ride it’.

  12. Interested says:

    This is bordering on the ridiculous.How mNy are going to follow h– like the pied piper ?

  13. BVIYoungman says:

    How dear we as British citizens boycott The Queen’s Parade! Mr. Cline is setting a — example to the young children and young adults in the BVI man. To DISRESPECT Her Majesty The Queen like that?! NOO SAH! STUPIDNESS!!! (-_-)

    Glad to hear the committee distancing themselves.

  14. See says:

    How about leaving all this ego crap behind and just fix the country you fools . Just look around at the junk the sewage the smoke the schools the roads the homes and the lacK of visitors … soon to be A LOT less

  15. Inevitable says:

    I wish the UK would cut ties with the BVI and let you fend for yourself. The country would be bankrupt and in disarray in no time. Sold to the highest bidder and overrun by expats all moving in and buying up land.

    There is no way the country could last without the support of the UK. The world is far bigger than the BVI and the reasons for the decision on public registry impact the global community. Sorry so sad but other countries want to catch their criminals and not hide them from the authorities. Just like the BVI gets angry with expat sending their money out of the country to support their families other countries get angry at their rich hiding their identities and money behind foreign businesses set up in offshore locations. Global communities are coming together to keep their tax dollars at home. The BVI doesn’t stand a chance in this argument. Instead of fighting the inevitable and boycotting thd Queen’s birthday celebrations (like she’d give a sh$t anyhow or even notice or be notified of the protest) you should be coming up with a new msrketing plan to continue to sell the BVI corporate registry as a wise business decision and show the clientelle why they should incorporate. Either that or find some other way to attract foreign dollars.

    • CW says:

      I have said this for months! Exactly! The BVI could lead the transition to transparent banking and put themselves on the map by doing it the right way. But hey March in the heat 4000 miles away from the people you’re protesting against. I’m sure they heard you hahahaha. We saw what will happen if BVI is left on it’s own- last time it took a ship full of Royal Marines to restore order. If you think that won’t happen again within a year of the UK cutting ties, then I suggest you study more history lol. All avoidable of course, but: “the life you want might cost you the life you have”

  16. Eagle eye says:

    —- triangle decissions

  17. Lookatthat says:

    Only evil people wish the worst for others. Constructive criticism is in order but your comments are laced with bitterness and resentment for the BVI. I am sure you or your family or friends are here benefiting or has benefited from the BVI at some point. Unngratefulness seem to be the order of the day for many who come to the BVI to live. This place has its issues but you still should not bite the hand that feeds you.

    • Look at that says:

      The truth really hurts..
      I haven’t seen where anyone is bitting the hands that feed them it’s facts, to send money out of the bvi is all kind of circles to go around.
      Blame your leaders they are the ones who have the territory in all this mess, for all the years so much money pass trough this territory and nothing to show for it look at the infrastructure it’s in a mess even post Irma but every one wants to blame it on Irma my goodness. Now they want us to protest against the UK, protest for what? We should of been protesting against all the bad decisions they made in the past.

      They have no love for the people of thsee islands they take us for granted but what is in the dark must come to light people wake up from your slumber stop following these selfish politicians and rich business men there bread is already buttered JAH BLESS THE LESS FORTUNATE OF THIS LAND.

      • @ Look At That says:

        Your commentary borders on resentment, hatred, ungratefulness, ignorance and closed mindedness.

        Every country in the world, especially thiose governed by a democratic form of government have difficulties of many forms, your country notwithstanding.

        It strongly suggested that you leave this land.

        Truth is, you seem incapable of seeing truth even if it was staring right at you.

        You are of a hateful, ungrateful spirit, go home.

        • Look at that says:

          Go where I’m from here but people like you need to go I guess if you had a US passport or green card you would of already gone i have and is still hear I’m a true non parshall bvilander most of us don’t like reality.

    • CW says:

      Of all places to say “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” it’s on a thread talking about biting the hand that feeds you. I’d try to explain irony but don’t think it will help ????????????????

  18. Government says:

    I will not be going.

  19. Maria Louisa Varlack says:

    One day you are going to need Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. When a natural disaster strike the island only Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will come to your aid. In the time of civil war and civil unrest only the Queen of England will come to your defense. In the time of famine and pestilence only the Queen of England will offer you food, clothing, and shelter. No other country will stand beside you like the Queen of England. I want to keep my British/UK passport. I want to keep my UK citizenship. I do not want to denounce the Queen of England because she has not personally offended me in anyway. She has not personally attacked me in anyway. She has not insulted, embarrassed, laugh, mocked, scorned or ridicule me in anyway, so therefore, I have utmost respect for her. She has not made my life hard and difficult. I have utmost respect for her and if anything else I would not return to the British Virgin Islands to live, I would ask the Queen of England to let me live in the United Kingdom where I would be treated like a respectable human being in the way in wish to be treated. She would not put me in jail or prison or in a penitentiary. She would kindly offer me food, clothing and shelter in a dignified manner because she is a dignified lady. I have all the respect in world for her and I look up to her.

  20. Time will tell says:

    Hmmm…just like the Governor here cannot refuse to sign any law that has been debated in the House of Assembly and sent for his signature, the Monarch of the UK cannot refuse to sign any law sent for her signature. The Queen has no power to rule or decide anything. Parliament is supreme for hundreds of years. While decision march was a necessary ill, John and Claude are in——– and people need to see this very soon regardless of your political affiliation. Decide for your selves! Would either of them be b-tchin about Gov’t if they were both not fired? Curise Pier over run by million. Who was responsible for Ports at the time? The photo opts when it opened says a lot. It was all good back then, but now the same man who had responsibility for that and all ports, criticizes about the very thing he was responsible for without saying what his role was in the bigger picture!!Makes me sick!! Election coming now and the talk is thick.

  21. Keen Observant says:

    First and foremost, we should place emphasis on eliminating such vestiges of colonialism from our existence once and for all.

    Let us change our status so we can celebrate our freedom from foreign, absentee, lordship and domination from our lives, economic and political affairs.

    We have earned the right, by being human, to dictate for our own future.

    We are no longer cattle. We,. by nature of being human, was born with the inalienable right to chart our own human, economic, political destiny and
    create our own holidays.

    So happy birthday to all mothers of Afro descent who were born this month, and God bless my mother, grand mothers, aunts, sisters and girl friends.

  22. @ Lordie says:

    When they come it is fools like that will first to be chained and made to work for the rest of your life without pay.

    So keep praying for the demise of your humanity.

  23. Keen Observant says:

    To Maria Varlack. Knowledge is the path way to freedom, but most importantly, out of ignorance.

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