BVI News

Controversial same-sex case to get underway today in BVI High Court

The BVI High Court will today begin hearing the controversial same-sex marriage case that has triggered an impending referendum in the BVI.

The case involves BVI residents Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome, who were issued a marriage certificate in the UK in 2013 but were denied one in the BVI.

The couple claim they were unjustly denied a marriage certificate because they are both women and are asking the court to declare their marriage valid under BVI law.

The Attorney General is representing the BVI government and are joined by the BVI Christian Council (BVICC), which has been listed on the court documents as an interested party.

The controversial case, which has sparked much debate in the BVI, was set to be heard last September but it was delayed after the BVICC was granted more time to prepare.

Now residents will be watching the case closely to see how the court will rule in a territory that still appears to be largely against same-sex unions.

Last year, as the couple geared up to take their case to the High Court, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley announced that a referendum will be held in the Virgin Islands to give residents the chance to defend what they believe is socially and morally right.

In a brief address to the nation last week, the Premier said a resolution on the planned referendum is expected to be brought before the House of Assembly for a decision very soon.

The referendum will be the first in the history of the Virgin Islands.

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  1. Reality Check says:

    If God is The Creator then he intended the freedom to choose a partner, else there wouldn’t be any attraction between same sex people. To believe anything else is to believe that God isn’t omniscient.
    Hypocrisy is alive and well as exemplified by the BVICC and its openly gay and bisexual members!

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  2. Awful says:

    The Minister gloss over adultry and fornication and familirs are ask owledges same sex marriage … then we turn around and blame the white UK folks fot tarnishing christian principles.
    We are too double standards . Give God the glory and stick to christian principles we cannot have it both ways . Compromosing nation

    We are too bias God does not compromise his word

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  3. Dem goin win says:

    because this is discrimination to the highest degree

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  4. Too early for the nonsense says:

    Simple. It was not granted because it is not BVI law. The courts do not make the laws, the legislators do. If marriage is clearly defined by law, then anything outside the definition is not legal. Again, the courts do not make the laws, the legislators do. It is not in the courts jurisdiction to contradict the law and to act against the definition would be acting ultra vires. Separation of powers between the judiciary, the legislators and the executive branch is a well established system that has not failed because the integrity of that system has been well respected and preserved for many centuries in many countries. They know why they got married in the UK – it is because they are fully aware that it is not allowed here. No one gets married in one country and then goes to another country to ask for the marriage to be recognised if the ‘marriage’ falls outside of the clear definition. There are polygamous marriages in other countries that are recognised in those countries but simply would not be recognised here. It is not a question of human rights in either situation, whether homo or hetero or WTH ever. They need to return to the UK so their so-call marriage can get all the recognition they need. Sickening.

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  5. @Reality Check says:

    It’s either God’s perfect will or God’s permissible will. God does not lie. His intentions are clear from creation. Woman and man. However, if people wish to mate their same sex it’s their choice; it should not be made law of any land. Let people live in peace as they wish; we should not be their judge, nor should their choice of living dictate how our laws must be written. For a man shall leave his mother and father and find his wife.

    You free this case, then free marijuana.

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  6. Real Macoy says:

    Very well said. They need to get back to the U.K with their belief. That is not for the B.V.I.
    How can two woman or men multiply? It have to be a man and a woman.They trying to depopulate the world.

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  7. The courts is rightly where this case belongs.. says:

    Any success for same sex marriages will not happen under a pretentious referendum with a forgone conclusion, but in the courts of law.

    The constitution of the VI will be on trial today as much as the plaintiffs and defendants. Are all citizens equal under the law?

    Based on everything I am aware of in this case, I see no legal reason(s) why this married couple’s marriage should not be recognized in the BVI.

    The constitution guarantees equal treatment under the law for all citizens. The relief the plaintiffs seek is marriage equality, and I am really looking forward to hearing the legal argument against doing so.

    On a side note, let it be known that the Christian Council has no legal standing in this case. They do not speak for all British Virgins Islands.

    So many ills within their churches, but you don’t hear them speak out on those ills or other important matters in society. You certainly don’t hear a word from them about the over 70 plus unsolved murders here in this tiny territory also.

    Last time I checked, Thou shall not kill is still part of the 10 commandments.

    They have all their energy for this case as oppose to other things, while ignoring all societal ills. IMO, they need to butt out. This country is not a theocracy. The laws of the land are not based on any religious belief inclusive of their Christian faith.

    How they have inserted themselves in this case is puzzling because they are not being aggrieved in an way directly or indirectly.

    They just simply oppose because of their religion, and that’s simply not enough to deny this couple recognition of their marriage.

    They are entitled to believe in whatever they want to believe, but they have no legal right to tell other who may not share their belief how to live their lives. They need to find something else to harp on and move on.

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  8. El Demonio Negro says:

    Don’t bring the Creator Yahweh The Most High in this. We were created with FREE WILL if not we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Mankind is a perverted species that deserves it’s extinction. Other than that love who you want if you married one place then you should have all the benefits of that legal union in the OWNED territories.

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  9. VI gyal says:

    Does BVI law say that the marriage has to be man and woman?

  10. HUH??? says:

    Natalio, STOP letting these crazy people hurt up your head with NONSENSE! I was married here in the BVI, so I go USA to live I must get a marriage licence there too? If Lettsome and Forbes are married, y’all just be happy and STOP looking attention! Y’all married for love or attention? We do not need any referendum. If the law does not make provisions for gay marriages, it simply does not. Why do we always want to break the laws in the BVI and want people to bend over backwards and accommodate us?

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  11. Ooohh boii says:

    Which one IS the husband ?? In public restrooms— will she use the female OR male side ?? This is SOOOOO much bigger than you all looking at !! This shit wii affect the WHOLE. SCHOOL system as the wearing of “ locks ( hairstyle) was allowed —- DISCIPLINE In the school Has gone to the LOWEST level since the 1980’s ALL because some who felt they were above the law demanded it —- to what benefit??? Detriment to the whole territory—- A Nation of wanton /wutless/ corrupt and disrespectful young people ( and some NOT too young ones also)

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  12. @HUH??? says:

    You got this wrong dear. The Premier is not calling for this referendum hoping that gay marriage will be viewed favorably by voters.

    No, he is doing so hoping that voters will do exactly the opposite. He is counting on so called Christians to come out an vote No given in his delusions and others that the BVI is a so called “Christian community”.

    So understand what is going on here. That is why I say the results of the referendum will be a forgone conclusion, one that will not be legally binding and at odds with the constriction and the equal protection under the law of all peoples.

    Bottom line: The referendum will be a red hearing. The courts will decide this matter with the constitution front and center, not a referendum will built in bias from the get go.

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  13. Please says:

    No one including these ladies are expecting that churches here in the BVI will perform same sex marriage but they at least should have the same legal rights as a same sex couple. It’s so hard for them to have property etc together as the marriage is not legally recognized, that is wrong.

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  14. Really says:

    Laws are not set in stone

  15. Oh says:

    That’s why the man or the woman multiply with multiple partners:)

  16. @please says:

    Da mek sense? What is it on God’s earth that they cannot hold jointly? If I tell the land register I want me and you to hold my land jointly on the property deed at the land register, there is absolutely no requirement for us to be married first or at all. If i put you in my Will, who is to question if we married if i list you by your name? So what is preventing those two? I have never heard of anything that requires you to be married first in other to have joint ownership. They are not prevented from doing anything. That is a big UNTRUTH! What on this planet does your “etc” refer to? Tell me if it making sense!! They are just agents doing the devil’s work. Simple as that.

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  17. Social ills says:

    Legalize every social ill, that’s what some of you want, ungodly generation, have no respect for God or man, neither for the law of creation.

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  18. hm says:

    It wont be up to use but let us remember that god never put a fence around the forbidden tree. There is no free will without a choice.

  19. @hm says:

    Also, there is no free will without consequences. In the garden, the right thing was law. The wrong thing was never made law. The word was, if you do the wrong thing, you will surely die. Plain and simple. Spiritual warfare is real.

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  20. BLACK says:

    All they have to do is make a will and be done that’s equality to own each other properties. Where does the BS end? They are ready to open pandora box, are we ready to deal with the consequences?

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  21. Fact Checker says:

    You can not use the slogan ‘BVI Love’ if you do not love everyone I guess. But all jokes aside, it’s unconstitutional and the Legislation that speaks about marriage is very old. Section 13(c) of the 1995 Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act. 1995 people, how are we a modern day society and refuse to make the necessary amendments to legislations?

    Another thing, the Government has far more pressing issues to deal with rather than pumping resources and money into a referendum that serves no purpose to anyone nor does it enrich our lives.

    The Legislation will not trump the Constitution and folkways and norms will not either. A true leader will see to it that an Amendment needs to be made not rushing to hold a referendum because you seek to satisfy the Christian Council and not the people of the BVI.

    Maybe we should pump someone money and resources into CCTVs in an effort to solve these murders. Maybe the Christian Council will like to encourage encourage persons to stop the gun violence?

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  22. Interested says:

    God gave each person the freedom to choose whether they want to live by His laws or not
    He will not force us,
    The fact is they are just plain nasty. How do two women have sex and procreate as God intended .

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  23. @fact checker says:

    Have you ever visited the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah. I encourage you to go there, check your facts and then come back and talk. Blind trying to lead those who can see. It is a sick world. Look at what is going on in America right now. It started off with gay pride now it gone to unimaginable levels with every single letter of the alphabet being used to describe the anti-christ community. Grown men and women being interviewed by congress cannot say whether or not a man can get pregnant, cannot define what a woman is, cannot say if it is ok if an 8 year old decides to be a girl today and a boy tomorrow and be put on hormones accordingly. For the confused sickos, Science told us xx chromosome is woman and xy chromosome is man but yet grown men and women in America cannot answer this. The US tax money is being assigned to conduct gender reassignment surgery on children and administer to them irreversible puberty blockers under the lies that these actions are reversible and yet they are saying that it is not the public’s business. Another money making scheme. Many who went too far are regretful, depressed and suicidal but they will not publicise those cases. Many who went through phases are glad their parents remained the wiser. Can you imagine your NHI money paying for puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgeries for children who are being fed confusion? This is where we are headed. It starts with this demonic case. The underworld is laughing at the buffonery that is taking place right now. They know you are the chosen ones and the only one that can cause a frig is yourself. The only one that can mess up that covenant of protection over the country is you. Do the right thing!!! To all the young women out there, not because you can not get a man mean you suppose to be with a woman and the same vice versa. Everything will happen in the right time so stop being impatient and learn to love yourself first!

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  24. Guess What? says:

    Those of you calling Christians Hypocrites are indeed ‘amazing.’ Assuming Christians are hypocrites, does that justify your quest for same sex marriage? Of course, there are Christians who are not living right but for you to carpet everyone as hypocrites speaks volumes about a mind akin to painted sepulcher. Now let’s talk about this same sex marriage. This has always been an issue over the centuries. These two ladies have the right to do whatever they want to do with themselves. That’s their cup of tea but they should not bring the public to be part of their choice.
    The same sex marriage movement of today isn’t the same as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. What you see today is a pure political movement seeking to rule the world and make it a place of their choice. It is a global agenda meant to depopulate the world. The replacement level fertility rate to sustain any nation is 2.1 childbirth per woman in countries with low child mortality and high life expectancy rate.
    The new world in the making wants a reduced population. Same sex marriage is the first pilot stage of population reduction. The second stage is processed foods which will reduce life expectancy drastically as well. Of course, plant foods with mRNA vaccines are in the making. Fish made by 3D technology is ready for the market, courtesy of Israel. The third state is the medical and pharmaceutical industry control over life as they did worldwide during the covid19 saga. The fourth weapon is the elimination of morals and values. Evil will soon be renamed as good and good rebranded as evil. This is the reason the bible is being attacked ferociously.
    Same sex marriage folks are not seeking any right. They are after your right. They do not want a heterosexual relationship but want everyone to join their bandwagon. They are on a worldwide conversion crusade which is the reason they don’t want the Christian Cross on public buildings, but they would fly their rainbow ribbons and colors anywhere. They are changing school curriculums. They want all students and pupils to dress gay-gay or join in the LGBTQ parade as witnessed all over Europe and America.
    A Godless world is what LGBTQ is pushing for, where the conscience is fatally corrupted. Where there is no God, no marriage, no family, no father, no mother but a disaster waiting to happen.
    By the way, animals have more legal protection in Europe and North America than humans – more value placed on animals. Here is what will happen if we do not refrain from this evil agenda. Man will abandon humanity. Folks will choose to marry animals – a practice called bestiality. Ultimately, the godless minds will resort to cannibalism: Humans will eat humans and with the help of AI, artificial humans will be created. Is this the path you want to thread?

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  25. Gary De Freitas says:

    BVI You given a centimeter they will eventually seek and take a kilometer or two. This is just to get a toe inside the door of your laws and customs.
    Two people of the same sex want’s to be together, Okay, then call it a civil union or sorts but not a marriage. A marriage is exclusively between a man and a women. Is the world going mad. That’s natural, historical and common sense. Let their union be called something else, for example ; “unions of the same sex” and address their issues, laws in this language and parameter.

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  26. Research says:

    We are sitting in a place of advantage where we can see what this is doing to those countries that have legalized this. Look and see what other underlying baggage came with it. This is not rocket science just do the research. We have the platforms to do so at our finger tips.

    Look at the points of attack. Children…. Are their focus because that’s the future. Their lifestyle can’t produce children but they’re eager to indoctrinate them. Why?

    There’s a now the LGBTQ2. The 2 stands for two spirits. ? ??
    Demons is what that means. They want to be called “They and Them “. Do the research!!

    To fight anything you need to know something about the enemy and knowing is only half the battle.

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  27. Hypocrites says:

    I was at a church fu…. A few days ago where the Pastor conducting the rites saw nothing wrong with partners living in sin . Glorifying the unmarried relationship between the partners

    . So if nothing is wrong with that what kind of Pastor are you . Marriage is between a man and a woman God does not change his word . So the BVI church is a hypocrite.

    The members hate expatriate, they only tolerate belongers so what is the problem here . They are xenophobia thinking we come to robbed them
    Of something when we also help to build the society perhaps we need affirmative action
    One of the Principal
    At ESHS hate expatriate teachers and students of belongers .. She tries to hide it but it comes out . This is awful
    God does not like discrimination
    Some of you even in sin thinks yoi are righteous sinners

  28. vi says:

    The couple — identified as Wesley Vultaggio and Michael McCarty — was married before a small group of friends and family on the Sir Richard Branson-owned private island.

    Vultaggio is the Chief Creative Officer and co-owner of the popular US-based iced tea company, Arizona Beverages, while his partner McCarty works in biotechnology.The wedding reportedly featured local bands and a gospel choir and it was reported that the couple’s two friends – Elena Scott and Todd Hawkins – officiated the ceremony. why the bvi premier did not stop or talk about this married that happen right here in the virgin island, i guest white people have different laws here in the bvi aslo sometimes i wonder if all the member of the churches don’t give offering or tithes for like two months would the pastor still preach every sunday these days church is an big business,dont get me wrong married should be betweeen an man and a woman but love is another story,some people love money, some people love matreal things, some people love to travel just saying we cant tell people in the time who to love or what to love.

  29. eastend girl says:

    best of luck to them. Let there be love

  30. Bvi son of the soil says:

    This does not look good at all..marriage between same sex was once punishable by death, the creator had to step in on more than one ocassion now every gay man can have g-string and thong sticking out their rear and ladies can rock baggy jeans and big shirt.# Free up the LGBT and increase the sun’s temperature to bun out their supports.

  31. @ Dem goin win says:

    Mehson allu must stop promote folly and ungodliness in the place, do the right things and not the wrong..#free will? yes but does that give you reason to commit any of these wicked acts?

  32. Unnatural says:

    Same sex marriage is an unnatural act because without the intervention of man, invitro. There can be no procreation. Rights and freedom are not without limits and boundries. That is why you have laws. On the other hand they are legally married somewhere else. They are living together, nobody restricts their movement, freedom or right to own property or operate A business. Like all families they can make a will to deal with inheritance of assets. So what are they being denied. There are many other same sex married couples living in the BVI that are not being denied their rights and certainly are not craving the attention this couple is seeking. They are happily living and enjoying their lives.

  33. Anonymous says:

    @ them going to win,

    If this is allowed, the people should be prepared to suffer the consequences of God. As, he will removed his presence from these islands and more immoral behavior will been seen. Much people did not understand the wrath ofGod. He does not joke,he hate when we missed represented him. And he shows Sodom and Gomorrah that he is God. Be careful people, he doesn’t show the same to us.

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