BVI News

Cops arrest accused teen burglars | Dishonest, says Matthews

Police Commissioner Michael Matthews.

Two additional persons of interest have been arrested in connection with the March-April commercial burglaries that had happened in and around Road Town, police have reported.

The two arrested persons include a 16-year-old male from Pockwood Pond and an 18-year-old Horsepath resident who has been identified as Rashawn Williams.

The accused teens are reportedly behind the recent iSmart and Infinite Solutions break-ins.

Police made the announcement following a BVI News report that a 16-year-old Elmore Stoutt High School student had been implicated in one of the aforementioned burglaries.

“The apprehension of those few, selfish individuals whose intent is to make a dishonest living from hardworking businesses trying to get back on their feet from the storms of last year benefits all of us,” said Police Commissioner Michael Matthews while commenting on the latest busts.

He further said he ‘appreciated the long hours’ his team of officers used to apprehend the two suspects.

In the meantime, police have said though individuals have been charged and granted bail, the community needs to remain vigilant.

Police further encouraged businesses to install alarms and camera systems for increased security.

Businesses and individuals are also urged to take photos of valuables such as jewellery. Police said if these items are found during police searches, law enforcers will be able to render the items stolen and the photos could be used as evidence against a suspect.

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  1. God don't Sleep says:

    Lock that williams boy A** Up.Whats done in the Dark must come to Light…

    • @God don’t sleep says:

      You have a Mother ???
      Well go s— yah mother !!!
      You know anything about any of them ??
      Ayo tola people just like be in thing keep the F*** Out!!

      • God don't Sleep says:

        THEM IS [allegedly] THIEVES & CRIMINALS !!!!!

        • @ God Don’t Sleep says:

          I know you Can Fu***** Read !
          That Fu** said the William boy got accused never said he did it y’all need to read and get some god damn sense

          It says the 16 year old basically involved in one of the activities

        • @God don’t sleep says:

          You don’t have kids to worry bout ?? Or D*** to take ??
          Than to be putting yah nose in stuff that don’t concern you !
          That sh– says the William boy was ACUSSED NEVER SAID HE DID ANYTHING !!! HE WAS B—— ACCUSED !!
          Ayo Need read & Fu***** comprehend ! Myfb!! What is he getting locked up for if he was acussed as you can see they have no proof ??
          Ayo just need to get a god damn life !
          From trying to ruin the youth man them life !!

      • for real says:

        my boy your friends them is thieves. You need to do what you tell god don’t sleep to do. You defending criminals. You must be one. Joker smoker. Why u defending criminals, ass….

      • excuse Me? says:

        pleaseee. WATCH your damn MOUTH! and be RESPECTFUL. Thank you -_-

        • Please says:

          Haul y’all a**
          Go feed y’all children from worrying about the wrong things !
          It have killers out there running free and y’all worrying about this?
          Which one worst a f*&*^&g gun man coming up in y’all house or thevies ?
          Yall know nothing about the young men so
          Go feed y’all ugly a** children

          • HHHHAAAAAAAAAA says:


          • HAAA says:


          • Hold up... says:

            It isn’t about which is worse! Neither should be happening. If these men stole – they need to be locked up. This whole mentality of people thinking they can take what is not theirs is WRONG – you want something – WORK FOR IT – don’t steal it.

          • @hold up says:


    • Williams Girl says:

      @God don’t sleep, You need to go and find something better to do rather than coming on a news site and using God name to cast stones at someone that 9/10 times you do not know personally.

  2. Question says:

    Why did the school that the 16 year old attend have to be mentioned?. Our school already get bashed from time to time and by mentioning it, you’re just bashing it as well. The school that the others attended wasn’t mentioned, was it?

  3. @Bruh says:

    The 16 year old is in school

  4. Idiots says:

    LMFAO Lock Them Up Yes!!!!

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