Counselling to be provided for students psychologically affected by COVID-19

Students in the British Virgin Islands who are psychologically impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will be able to seek virtual counselling from the guidance counsellors at their respective schools.
This is according to Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley who made the statement in a recent session in the House of Assembly.
He said: “Recognizing the psychological impact that this period will have on the students, guidance counsellors in all schools will provide psycho-social support for students. These sessions will also be conducted remotely in this first phase.”
“Sessions will be conducted in small groups, class groups or on an individual basis,” he added.
Dr Wheatley, in the meantime, said he believes the local education system should lead in demonstrating adaptability as it transitions from traditional teaching and work practices to the virtual platform.
“I know that this may be scary for some teachers and students alike because this is not the traditional approach. But even before COVID-19, we have been discussing the integration of technology into teaching and learning for some time,” he stated.
Confident in achieving goal
Despite the expected obstacles anticipated from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Education Minister said he believes both teachers and students will work in sync to make the transition a success.
“While there will undoubtedly be challenges in transitioning to a fully online format, I am confident as minister that we will achieve our goal of ensuring a continuation of education, during the Coronavirus pandemic,” Dr Wheatley further said.
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Kids are fine! It’s the parents who need help!…. Like getting food and paying the bills? A.. H…
FYI, College Students Are Not Fine. Everyday An Assignment, Project, And/Or Test Is Due.
I Swear I Does Get Assignments At Least Twice For One Course, And I Am Taking 5 Courses. So Let’s Say Minimum (Because Some Teachers Even Give Two+ Assignments Per Day) 10 Assignments Per Week, Plus Testing.
And I Know I Am Not The Only Student Stressing Over These Assignments. Can’t Catch A Break.
Does this issue call for counselling or does it call for communication with the teachers who probably have no idea how much work is sufficient for the home learning environment.
Kids are resilient yes…but there are some who may have developed anxiety due to what’s going on around them. They may also see their parents stressing out because they can’t meet commitments and sometimes lash out on or withdraw from kids. We all have to preserve our mental health whether young or old.
And who giving counselling to the child who was violated when their teacher forced them to shake pine sol in their mouth. What was the outcome of that investigation. Oh let me guess, keep it hush hush until people forget. BS.