BVI News

Cruise arrivals may decline as Norwegian cancels BVI calls

Amid increased cruise arrivals for each month since the start of 2024, the territory may see a decline in May as Norwegian Cruise has cancelled some of its calls that were scheduled for the BVI in May and June.

Norwegian Breakaway has the capacity for nearly four thousand visitors. The cancelled visits were scheduled to take place on May 16, May 23, May 30, June 20, and June 27, 2024.

According to the BVI Ports Authority, Norwegian cancelled the calls because of engine overhauls onboard the vessel, which will be operating at reduced speed.

In addition to Tortola, the itineraries included visits to Amber Cove and Norwegian Cruise Line’s private island destination of Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas.

In a statement sent to booked guests and travel partners, Norwegian Cruise Line confirmed the cancellation.

“Given recent feedback, and to accommodate certain circumstances including but not limited to fuel optimization as part of our commitment to the environment and sustainability efforts, as well as global maritime regulations, we have adjusted the original itinerary,” Norwegian Cruise Line stated.

“While we will no longer be calling Tortola, British Virgin Islands, we are pleased to share that we have extended our visit to Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas, affording you additional time to explore all our private island has to offer,” the company added.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has been boasting about the territory’s cruise arrivals, which appear to have bounced back from the lows experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said 2023 arrivals were at a record high and the territory is expected to record even greater numbers this year. Critics, including Opposition spokesperson on tourism, Myron Walwyn, have urged the Premier to look beyond cruise arrivals and focus on increasing overnight arrivals as these visitors bring more value to destinations.


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  1. taxi man says:

    we need carnival

    Like 8
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  2. facts says:

    bring back carnival

    Like 3
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  3. What!!!! says:

    Maybe something to do with their passengers not returning to the ship in the BVI?

    Like 14
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  4. BuzzBvi says:

    Be nice to know what they mean by “Given recent feedback…”
    Are they getting negative feedback?

    Like 13
  5. Hmm says:

    It’s the roads here,make the tourist sick and annoyed can’t have a nice decent smooth ride. Road sides ain’t cut what the F you leaders doing??? What don’t concern you guys,that’s what you want do and get into!!

    Like 13
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  6. maria louisa varlack says:

    that is what you stupid british virgin islanders get. cruise ships are heading to the bahamas and to the dominican republic because of the road town tortola british virgin islands port of call. the islands have no recreation or fun activities for overnight wisitors on the cruise ships to enjoy. look to the bahamas for examples to improve the cruise ship industry to the british virgin islands. the islands have marine theme park for cruise ship visitors to enjoy for their 3-7 days visit compared to what the bahamas have to offer.

    Like 6
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    • Anonymous says:

      Cruise passengers are afraid to get off in Nassau.
      Overnight cruise ships anywhere are extremely rare.

    • Check Facebook says:

      Cruise passengers are afraid to get off in Nassau.
      Overnight cruise ships anywhere are extremely rare.

  7. ... says:

    Lack of border security. Now see the consequences start, beyond the mystery people in the territory.

  8. Good news says:

    We don’t need more cheap skate cruise ship visitors.

    Like 15
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  9. Round of applause says:

    Round of applause for the Premier. Another non stop party should be in order

    Like 6
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  10. Eagle says:

    Good, no more missing Columbians and Venezuelans not returning to the cruise ship. Authorities have enough time to figure out how to deal with them on the next port of call.

    Like 5
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  11. Busy Bee says:

    So very, very Cruise Shipish – It’s all about the $$$… Keep the money “in house” by eliminating Tortola so the spending can all be at monoplized at the cruise line’s private island.

    ““While we will no longer be calling Tortola, British Virgin Islands, we are pleased to share that we have extended our visit to Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas, affording you additional time to explore all our private island has to offer,” the company added.”

    Like 8
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  12. No Worries says:

    Colombian Cruise Lines coming soon !

    Like 1
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  13. Gaslighting says:

    That is an amazing piece of garbage gas lighting by Norwegian.
    Anyone who can write that amount of BS to defend the fact they are fixing their engines needs to be avoided.

    Like 7
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    • @Gaslighting says:

      As Busy points out, the goal of the cruise ship company is to keep as much passenger money as they can. Taking them to an island they own is entirely consistent with that.
      And, as you point out, the engines issue is just an excuse. Engine overhauls occur on a scheduled basis, and would be scheduled for the off-season. And, if they were scheduled for now, then they should not have booked the visits they just canceled. You don’t just arbitrarily decide to do an overhaul mid season. However, it may be a permissible excuse for them to get out of a contractual obligation with BVI govt, assuming BVI govt is smart enough to include clauses that address loss of revenue from trip cancelations. Perhaps BVI govt should be asking for hard evidence of overhauls but then again maybe they’re too worried about biting the hands that feeds them

      Like 6
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      • Anonymous says:

        I’ve been on a cruise that had to have UNSCHEDULED repairs. Just like cars break down unexpectedly!

  14. roxy says:

    Thats a hard blow for the Pier Park Stores because Norwegian passengers are the only cruise passengers that really shop local.

  15. Cruiser says:

    This has nothing to do with the BVIs it is all about GREED. Norwegian is dropping the Tortola port so they can keep cruisers on their private island where they make all of the profits.

  16. Dr Marcus Day says:

    Plague ships. I feel sorry for the vendors and the loss of income but I would bet that communicable disease burden falls

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