BVI News

Deputy Governor should be elected — Fligelstone-Davies

Attorney-at-law Daniel Fligelstone-Davies

Local attorney Daniel Fligelstone-Davies has posited that the Deputy Governor should be an elected post in the BVI.

According to Fligelstone-Davies, the Deputy Governor holds a significant amount of power in the Virgin Islands and as such, the post should be subjected to the same democratic process as ministerial posts in the government.

“Essentially, he (the Deputy Governor) is in charge — he is the de facto boss of the court system, he’s the minister of justice or he acts like one. And he’s in charge of the civil service,” Fligelstone-Davies argued. “I think we should be a bit more democratic when it comes to those sorts of institutions, especially someone with that much power. He has as much power as a minister, you know.”

The Deputy Governor’s functions are set under section 38 of the Virgin Islands Constitution. Whoever holds the posts usually acts as the head of the territory, once the sitting Governor leaves the territory or is unable to carry out his duties.

The Deputy Governor’s office is also responsible for monitoring the quality of service delivery and developing and implementing public sector reform initiatives for greater efficiency and enhanced service delivery. That office also provides leadership and support for nine departments and accompanying units.

Fligelstone-Davies isn’t the first to suggest that the Deputy Governor’s post should be elected. But while many hold this view, they are usually more focused on issues related to the elected members of the House of Assembly.

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  1. Jack says:

    Ok Mr Fligelstone smarty pants, what about the Governor?

    Like 9
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  2. Youth man says:

    The Governor post must be made an elected position. That person should also be made to be held accountable to the people of the BVI and not solely the UK as our interest may not be the same at all times as is the case now.

    Like 7
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  3. Desperate for publicity says:

    Danny boy, please sit yourself down and stop trying to be in the news all the time. Much of what you say is just embarrassing to yourself.

    Like 20
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  4. Hmm says:

    Why is this guy getting so much press its obvious hes getting push.Just talking piddle. Why should the Deputy Governor be elected or not stay as it is chosen from a pool of civil servants that came up through the system or who has experience?

    Like 16
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  5. I agree says:

    Let them work for it yes!

    Like 10
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  6. Former Senior Public Officer says:

    Not only should the Governor post be an elected post but the Governor and all UK persons working with him or for him locally or any government position locally must be made to register their interest locally as well as no one should be above the law of the land.

    Like 6
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  7. The TRUTH says:

    Deputy Governor should be elected but not the Governor?

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  8. Streets says:

    Well Mr. Davies. I have to agree with you on this one.

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  9. .... says:

    embarrassing to yo mudda

    Like 2
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  10. Stop The Frig! says:

    Until this country remove itself from under the reign of the crown and notice I said remove itself meaning the people demand is independence, this will fall on deaf ears.

    This is a long shot to get change in the constitution.

    Like 1
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  11. talking nonsense says:

    After his obfuscations during the COI hearings whilst taking our tax $$$, I can’t help but wonder what WON’T this man say to get himself in a position of power?
    Is this ambition newsworthy?

    Like 6
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  12. I do not agree says:

    An elected Governor and Deputy Governor or even Auditor General will be a disaster and full with corruption just like the Elected Government both past and present.

    Like 1
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  13. Oh lord. says:

    Wow Mr. Davies/Puppet. You know it all. The BVI is a comedy and tragedy play. Only in the BVI a tetee man like Mr. Davies can become relevant. Lord help us…

    Like 3
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  14. BVI lawyer says:

    It is actually an interesting suggestion. The Governor (because of their role representing the UK FCO) would need to remain appointed, but why not the DG?

    The biggest problem that I can see is that if you make it an elected post, then it also becomes a party political post – and the DG is supposed to remain an independent political figure exercising their constitutional role. It would be very hard to make it an elected post without bringing partisanship into the role, which just wouldn’t work under our current constitution.

  15. Fligelstone or not says:

    Daniel uses his posh sounding double barreled surname when he speaks as a lawyer, but dropped it completley for the election. Which is it to be?

  16. Theo says:

    Yep agree, and its used as cover for those ripping the heart out of the BVI to get away with it.

    A distraction from the actual reality.

  17. Really says:

    I think the governor is co**upt as well. Let’s not be fooled.

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