BVI News

Deputy Premier blasts Penn over ‘sexist question’


Deputy Premier Lorna Smith levelled accusations of sexism against Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn in the House of Assembly (HOA) yesterday, after he directed a question meant for her to Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley instead.

Penn was at the time enquiring whether Smith, who is currently the Minister responsible for the financial services sector, intended to establish a House Committee to facilitate a dialogue on the industry, which he described as critical to the territory’s economy.

Smith, in response, said there were no plans to establish such a committee, noting that the government’s decision was informed by systems that were already in place to ensure comprehensive and effective oversight of the sector.

Smith stated as part of her response: “We remain committed to fostering ongoing dialogue concerning the sector. To that end, we engage in regular meetings with industry stakeholders and will commit to providing a quarterly report to this House of Assembly.”

She added that this practice will allow each Member of the House to stay current with developments in the industry, and said the sector is constantly evaluating the effectiveness of its engagement and reporting mechanisms.

But the Deputy Premier’s answer did not find favour with Penn, who expressed disappointment and said Opposition members will now have to find other avenues to address their issues.

Penn argued that lawmakers have repeatedly been asked to pass last-minute legislation over the past few years, with little to no consultation with elected officials.

He said there had been continued bipartisanship on issues affecting the sector over the years, but asked that the House now be better informed in a more formal way on matters that affect the industry.

“Is this the Premier’s position; his government’s position — that there should not be a committee of the whole House to discuss financial services?” Penn asked when he was pressed by House Speaker Corine George-Massicote about what he meant to say.

There was immediate confusion as the Speaker asked whether Penn meant to address his question to the Premier or Deputy Premier.

The Deputy Premier in turn asked: “Is this a sexist question?”

Smith said she appreciated that there has always been collaboration, but argued that she had already explained the government’s position.

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  1. What a Jack says:

    Marlon is a waste of time and space. He can’t stand women in high positions. I would agree he is a DAMN SEXIST. Sorry to say but, I don’t get what that beautiful, classy, well educated woman he is married to see in him. She is to good for him.

    Like 7
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  2. Salty Fish says:

    This is so petty!

    How about repealing the Greedy Bill?

    Set if self-centered narcissists that you all are!

    Like 15
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  3. Richard says:

    I’m sorry, but I don’t get what was sexist about penn’s comments. Could somebody help explain.

    Like 34
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  4. LB says:

    Not a darned thing was sexist about the question. It is her own old azzed conscience bubbling to the surface. Exactly why we all know Dr Smith was not running the country. Just old and miserable and cantankerous. We warned you about this woman!

    Like 26
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  5. she gone to fla house says:

    hope he and his wife will have a happy home

    Like 2
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  6. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Her comment was out of line and irrelevant to the question. Did she have a stroke or something? This tired 70 yr old need to stay home.

    Like 13
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  7. Jesus says:

    Marlon will be Marlon. Just like Karma will be karma.

    Like 3
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  8. Why?? says:

    Not a thing was sexist with Marlon’s Question. But its politrics and some people will. Some people seem to have aught in the heart against Marlon.

    I still need to hear why Lorna went to Guyana – waste of theme and money

    Like 11
  9. After says:

    all her Guyana talk now she turns to sexist accusations in the HOA. Maybe time for her removal from the HOA and another election?

    Like 5
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  10. Watcher says:

    This time around the HOA has quite a lot of indifferent personalities. That being said, this next four years will be very interesting. On the surface, it might seem like things are happening but if you dig deep enough and I mean listening to the small staff in Offices, you might be surprised of what you may hear. The Big question is: Who is really running the Country? Barry say you will hear. Stay tuned, More to come.If there is not a snap Election in the near future, I don’t know what the BVI will look like in 2027.

  11. Mind your business says:

    What does his personal life has to do with you jealous bit…. . , all the politicians cheat … get off Marlon back . The culture in the BVI does not respect marriage . The men father children with outside women and want to kill their wives when they do not accept them in their marriage home . Shut you backside

    Like 3
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  12. Anonymous says:

    Exactly !!

    There was nothing wrong.

    Hon. Marlon has a right to ask if that is the Premier’s position because he all too well knows she likes to run things in the background.

    Isn’t it the Premier who’s in charge? Like Hon. Walwyn said he’s the Head Minister.

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