BVI News

Education Minister moves to have an HLSCC student sit on college board

Dr Natalio Wheatley

The H Lavity Stoutt Community College is expected have at least one student sitting on their Board of Governors.

This is according to Minister of Education Dr Natalio Wheatley who told BVI News the initiative will help students to feel more empowered in assisting with decisions that will affect their life at the college.

“I believe in shared governance and having key stakeholders involved in decision making. The students are ultimately the ones being served, so we should strengthen their access and give them more of a voice,” the minister stated.

He further said: “Having more of a voice can potentially translate into a better student experience in the classroom, a better campus life, and better programme offerings.”

While the plans are in place to get the initiative going, Dr Wheatley told BVI News the decision has to be ratified by Cabinet first.

“The Cabinet decisions haven’t been made as yet,” Dr Wheatley said on the matter.

The minister first made mention of the initiative during the college’s assembly session at the Eileen Parsons Auditorium on October 2.

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  1. Professor says:

    This the stupidest thing I ever hear since snake grow teeth. How the h**l he going have sensitive information out there like that. How you going chose which student. Give me a damn break. Don’t start something you going have h**l reversing when it backfire.

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    • Marilyn says:

      Dr. N.Weathley

      Please continue moving ahead with your Advance thinking for the future of the students of the BVI to put the Education System of the BVI on the same playing field with the challenges that they will encounter as they are faced with competing in the real world.
      You vision is what the BVI waiting for to move them ahead and to achieve in the arena of the world.
      Thank you for your heart felt vision where you would like to see the youth/students of the BVI for them to see what they can truly achieve – The word is Excellence – Excellence.
      The youth must not feel that they are being demised – Yes they must be heard and to see that their thoughts and opinion matters. Help them to see that their is a future for them in any arena.
      I am so thankful that you represent the 7th District Long Look/EE along with your very important appointment and as an individual who is willing to challenge be challenge for the betterment of our home land the BVI/VI Working together forever!!! – I just LOVE your BOLD Thinking. A Young Mind Is A Trouble Thing To Leave Behind. Education – Being Educated is a Grate Source – Then let us Add Using One’s Common Sense in Moving Ahead Positively in Life and the World.

  2. Hmmm says:

    I think this is a poor move as it goes against the requirements of Good Corporate Governance. If the Minister wanted students to have a voice; a sub-committee of the Board should have been created with responsibility for student related matters. Then a board member with specific responsibility for this committee should have been designated as well as the selection of a student to represent the student population.

    The Board member would then report back to the Board the findings from the committee.

    This decision show the inexperience of this government in every aspect of governance.

    Like 26
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    • Bvislander, State Side says:

      That is exactly how it is done here.

    • On point says:

      @ Hmmm
      Well said. That’s the way it should be done. I hope he is reading your comments

      Like 6
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      • Marilyn says:

        I am with ALL those who can see Dr. N. Wheatley’s vision for the youth of the BVI. Yes why not give the youth/students know that they have meaning – to understand what Dr. N. Wheatley stated is how you want to mold the future of the youth of the BVI, because they will be challenged.
        District leader and ALL the other Hats you hold – We need and see you with a Fresh Mind with vision for your PEOPLE and you have come along with such thinking for ALL of the BVI –
        Thank you so much Dr. N. Wheatley, I truly respect your Thinking for he Future of Your-Mind-Our Home Land – I Love You For Being You.
        Your Bold Thinking is what I always need to strengthen my wary Bones.
        Continue being there taking the high road taking masses with you, knowing there is such a fresh mind working for the people of the BVI and not holding positions just for one’s EGO – Oh yes there is a mastic flowing through the Air and if you TRULY listen you will hear and it is NO LIE –
        You are the people’s Leader to whom they had been waiting for and working towards a better LIFE – GRATE LIFE – SAFE LIFE – FOREVER LIFE!!

        • Well sa says:

          Your writing is at the level of a 5th grader. Please have a seat and come back when you are able to pen a meaningful contribution.

    • Wow says:

      Valuable suggestion. It is these kind of thinking we need on our Boards and in government.

  3. Hmmm says:

    This is a tricky one. Certain matters that are being handled at board level should not directly involve any HLSCC students. As another poster said, perhaps a sub-committee should be created where a student body can present to the board on a quarterly basis and certain things are taken into consideration to factor in the student’s needs etc. Rethink this one Hon. Wheatley.

    Like 19
  4. @Hmmmm says:

    Inexperience you call it. Lavity would say “where there is no vision the people perish”. Say no more on this nonsense.

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  5. Wow says:

    God deliver us. SMH. Mothers. Hoosaaah. Ok don’t do that.

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  6. Batman says:

    SMH. Mothers. Ok don’t do that.

    Like 3
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  7. Quiet Warrior says:

    Experience cannot be bought; it is earned with time. The BVI system of government is flawed. One can go from a novice one day and an expert the next day, after an election. The in experience is on display, causing many to go WTF. The HLSCC board should be staffed with members with relative experience, training ……etc in education. The Board’s primary goal is to develop, set policy(s) and monitor policies for operating the institution. The administrators ( President and staff)job is to execute the policies.

    No doubt, the students ( customers) who are receiving the service should have input on the service being provided. However, I’m not too sure putting a student on the board of governors is the best option of acquiring feedback from students. I would use Student Government as means to communicate regularly with the Board. Student Government should have set schedule (at least biannually)to communicate with Board and more frequently as needed driven by urgent and important events.

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  8. VI Girl says:

    Stop being so amateurish and small minded. There are plenty of older, mature students at the institution to choose from and who can offer valuable advice to the Board.

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  9. vip heckler says:

    Are we still playing dolly house with the country affairs?

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  10. when yo look says:

    All the college business all over facebook and instagram

    Like 15
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  11. strupes says:

    Pure assishness

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  12. Remember says:


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  13. GOOD MOVE says:

    I think this is a good, think-outside-the-box move!

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  14. Ausar says:

    Great news!

    College boards do need liasons from the student body to ensure that the queries of students are heard and answered effectively!

    Good going there, Honourable Wheatley!

    Like 3
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  15. Quiet Rebel says:

    ??? to Hmmm and Quiet Warrior and others for ideas floated. For the record, I’m not on board on having a student be part of Board of Governors body. Will the the student be paid like other members? By the way, serving on the board should be voluntary. Residents interested in serving on the Board should submit a request; Full HOA should cast vote to fill a vacancy from among the best fit, best experience from among applicants. Politics has hollowed out board members. Membership is now based on politics. What is aim of the Board if with every change of government sitting members are kicked to the curb and replace with supporters? This approach is dysfunctional recipe.

    Like 14
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  16. Well? says:

    If there is an official student representative elected by the student body then I have no problem with the students being represented in this way. It is done all over.

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  17. Young person says:

    Most of you adults are hypocrites. You always telling us the young people that we are the men and women of tomorrow–the “so called” future. Yet if it is up to most of you BVI bad minded adults then our future will never come. Minister Wheatley thank you for believing in we the young people and to hell with the rest of them and these negative bad minded comments.

  18. Nelle says:

    There is such a thing called a student body council. That’s the board that represents the students, the president of this board interacts with the college or university board on behalf of the students. Students, mature or immature should not be placed on statutory boards as they are not under oath of office. Honorable Minister you can’t just do things according to your whims and fancies government boards are autonomous and therefore are set up by legislation to perform specific task.

  19. Ms. Stoutt says:

    this is it father god oh my oh my. Praying for wisdom and strength for this young man to grow in he ministry.

  20. Ggggzumbred says:

    This why he is called Doctor Wheatley. Stop clowning around. Who will be the lucky stupident?

  21. Interesting says:

    Interestingly there is no workers representation on any of the other Boards we around. This is what Management thinks of workers who they are quick to say is their best asset. Only the views of managers counts. Not those of the workers.

  22. Dissapointed says:

    WTF! The Faculty isnt even represented on the Board. Why dont you give the faculty a voice first. C’MON Sowande dissapointed in you.

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