BVI News

ESHS switches to remote learning after misconduct incidents

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The Elmore Stoutt High School said it will be switching to remote learning today Friday, May 3, 2024, following incidents of extreme misconduct which occurred on campus earlier this week.

The decision to activate the school’s remote learning plan was made by the Ministry of Education, in consultation with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.

“Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff,” a statement from Elmore Stoutt High School’s administrative team said. “By transitioning to remote learning on Friday 3rd May, we aim to provide a secure environment for all while facilitating the ongoing investigation by the police.

The school administration said they understand this is a difficult time for parents and guardians, and they appreciate their understanding and support.

“The ministry remains committed to ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment for all students at Elmore Stoutt High School,” the statement added.

The school says they will provide regular updates as the situation unfolds.

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  1. okay says:

    so heres a thing just expel all those caught fighting and let the otehr kids get their education , you know the ones whos parents have raised them right unlike the others who have now caused good parents to adjust their works schedules to look after their good children that should be in school.

    Like 32
    • @okay says:

      True sentiment but … what to do with those who ave been expelled?
      You might as well just get them a scooter, some dime bags and a gun.

  2. Don't understand. says:

    Minimum wage security is hard.The security company is paid $20 – $22.00 per hr and the guards get $7 – 8.00 per hr. Time to pass the Law to Pay security much better at a minimum of $11 – $14.00 its a very risky and dangerous Job. They need a holding Cell at the school for misbehaves and disorderly until either the parents, social development or the police arrive to deal with them..Teachers shouldn’t be going through this..

    Like 16
  3. No learning says:

    is the main result of remote learning!

  4. Flix says:

    Expel all the trouble makers and wanna be gang members.

    let them do night school since they like attention so bad.

    or send them haiti to fight the gangs for the US since they like violence so much.

    Like 21
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  5. Failed State says:

    We have become a failed state/country through the deigns of a selected few who want to maintain their status quo. This so-called minister of Education is an abject failure and need to be FIRED immediately! But Natalee has no idea how to handle his rogue ministers only by withholding funds from their respective ministries. Very unstable government with nothing to show for their time in power. Well, their crimes are visible for all and sundry to see yet again no penalties for all the misappropriations, malfeasances and corruption/fraud that still continues post COI.

    Governor Pruce – what is your intent come May when yet another deadline has passed? Why has the FCO and the PM forgotten the HRH loyal subjects that have been and continues suffering at the hands of imbeciles and Neanderthals?!?! Why Guv; why?!?

    Like 15
  6. Perhaps my memory is failing me.... says:

    …but did we not have some sort of inquiry process about this exact type of thing not that long ago?

  7. Cheap Commiode says:

    Expel and deport ..
    Young Black males with ties to the upper Caribbean.. full to the brim and mucked up schools prison courts. A foreign imported Police acquired has not will never suffice.embarrassing and degrading to the character of the peoples of these VI
    You made your bed BVI. Guaranteed it will only get worse…It is what it now is. Human Rejects and rejected CARICOM products multiplied.

    Like 8
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    • Stupidity at its best says:

      I suppose it is CARICOM products who are currently languishing in US prisons. Thank God for the day I left your cesspit of Xenophobia.

  8. Hmmmm says:

    Time to get the community involved! At this point this is affecting everyone! Let get some parents up to the school, real mothers and fathers who care about the wellbeing of all children. Be a mentor, be a role model! Let’s go BVI!

  9. Young hoodlums calling the shots - school says:

    1. The school is a reflection of the society
    2. Biggest government run
    3. Only public high school
    A) Fights and gangs have always been present way back
    Shutting down the physical structure of the ESHS shows:
    .* The leadership of the school and the Ministry are weak !!!
    B) It shows the incompetence of the Police Force … Is this how we want independence?

    Firstly- This measure shows that the administration are throwing up their hands to the mercy of these young people

    Secondly- It will create a sense of fear and vulnerability that both teachers and students are unsafe and the RIVIPF is helpless and cannot protect the climate and environment of the school.

    Thirdly- The persons who made the threat are now given a sense of power and control over their wrong doings that they could close down the institution.

    Fourtly- The persons involved would be driven to go a step further as they have seen how vulnerable the system is .
    I can go on this is a very dangerous situation and not a solution or good decision.
    It is going to embolden the perpetrators.

    Fifthly- We need stronger leadership in the form of balance with genders

    Lastly – Parents teach your children beginning as toddlers , teens, to be disciplined and respect law and authority. Too many parents failing our children .
    I am appalled at what we are now experiencing as a country

    Like 15
  10. Good manners and discipline says:

    Driving a vehicle on island is a reflection of the good manners and discipline of the previous students of schools here, use your indicators then break obey police , traffic signals and respect rights of way, treat other road users with courtesy , unfortunately the minority doesn’t feel this applies . Now you ask why our children are not personally disciplined themselves !

  11. Roger Burnett says:

    Seventy years ago, I attended a secondary modern school in a North of England working-class town. The headmistress was a remarkable lady in her mid fifties. Disobedience and unruly behaviour were unknown.

    After I left Miss Shepard retired, and soon after the school degenerated to “sink” secondary modern status. Unruly behaviour caused two succeeding ex-army headmasters to have nervous breakdowns.

    In desperation, the education authority brought Miss Shepard out of retirement and reinstated her as headmistress.

    On the morning she arrived to take up her old position, the scene was one of bedlam. The story goes that Miss Shepard stood calmly at the foot of the stairs that led to the assembly hall, and step by step, student by student, calm prevailed.

    On my visit home to England, I always visited Miss Shepard in her old age. In recounting her time as headmistress and her remarkable ability to keep discipline, she told me her secret:

    Children are perceptive. If you threaten that you’re going to box their ears if they don’t behave, you’d better be sure that you box their ears. If you don’t, you’ve lost control.

    Like 19
  12. These youths says:

    are on drugs ,some of which is passed over the wall or taken in in their back pack , whether it’s those gummies , pills , imported weed or coke , some parents are unaware some of the youths are unaware because their so called friends are slipping it on them , some parents are getting scared of their own kids , if the youths who rode their scooters in the school grounds wasn’t a wake up call / or a red flag , then we shouldn’t expect it to get better , it seems we only got lame excuses ,like that was only * AH Lil ting * IT SEEMS THAT ONLY WHEN ASCHOOL CHILD GETS KILLED ,THAT WE WILL GET YHE FULL ATTENTION OF OUR PREMIER WHO SEEMS TO BE ONLY FOCUSING ON HIS FREE ☆ JAMS ☆ WHAT CSC SAID MAY BE COMING TO PAST , WE GETTING FRIGGED / THE YOUTHS ARE CAPTALISING ON THE GOVERNMENT INCOMPETENCE AND USING IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE , and the boss acts like it ain’t no big deal / and to add insult to injury , a fake pastor is bold faced enough to holler out WE ARE HOLY , WE DON’T HAVE ANY CORRUPTION HERE / WHO THIS HYPOCRITE REALLY WORSHIPING

  13. Well sah says:

    Lack of discipline in the home and lack of stern punishment at schools has caused the children to get out of hand. You cannot appease children and expect them to not get out of hand. More strict measures need to be in place for offenders. To much nonsense is accepted by teachers in school because of fear of the backlash from some parents. Take a stand now or pay later.

  14. How about says:

    A good beat down of the offenders is in order. Beat them until “I can’t breathe” is heard, then beat them even more. Good practice for when their sorry azz ends up in prison.

    Like 1
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  15. resident says:

    One kid assaulted another one with brass knuckles, how soon before they start bringing guns to school, the security situation at eshs is scary as a parent I am worried sick for my kid

  16. Whst is this says:

    Bomb threat airport closed

    School closed
    What next

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