FAHIE: Let’s hold off on using voting machines, voters don’t trust them

Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie
Former Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie is requesting for Premier Dr D Orlando Smith not to use the new voting technology (the DS 200 Precinct Scanner and Tabulator machines) that are to be used in the 2019 General Elections.
Fahie claims his request is coming from voters who he said are not comfortable with the technology.
“They felt that it needed some more testing. There is a lot of anxiety about it,” Fahie told the House of Assembly on Friday. “Nine out of 10 [persons] — and this is not an exaggerated number — have said: ‘ask the premier to put down that machine’.”
Fahie, who said he supported the machines when the idea was first introduced, claims he has “tried to explain” the merits of the machine to detractors. However, their sentiments remain the same, he said
“The seniors saying they are concerned — some even tell me they ain’t going to the polls because they can’t get this machine handled.”
Not for 2019, let’s wait till another election
Fahie further noted that he is not questioning the integrity of anyone who seeks to use or implement the new voting technology. He said he is simply submitting to the requests of the voting public.
To that end, Fahie asked the premier on Friday to shelve the machines till another election.
“There is a lot of concerns from the people — a lot of hysteria … Put it (the machines) down,” Fahie urged. “Although you [already] went and you got the money, test it out two years into the term of whoever the next government is, vigorously.”
Government, in the meantime, is purchasing these voting machines from a United States-based company, Election Systems & Software, at a cost of $309,318.63.
No indication has been given in relation to how many machines will or have been purchased.
The machines have already been tested during mock elections several weeks ago but, according to Fahie, voters are still not convinced.
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Fahie I couldn’t agree with you more.
I’m more concerrened about what happens after the election. The simplest way to put us back on track is to ask each candidate to commit to passing a WISTLEBLOWER ACT. There is widespread suspicion that our elected leaders are receiving kickbacks for decisions they are making. The new act would offfer anyone who offers information 5x the amount that may have been stolen. The act would be retroactive.
I like that idea! We need that Wistleblower program! I don’t have to work no more. I can just turn em all in for millions!
Count me in! Show me the free money. It’s about time.
That elections office needs an independent body to monitor its actions this elections.
The machines is part of the problem. The real problem is the lack of trust of persons around it.
If it is one time I agree with Fahie is now. Too many questions around this new process which is to be implemented to deal with an elections that’s right around the corner.
Ha ha ha gag…Fahie,you cannot be serious. Your games of untrustworthiness are always beneath the surface and very insulting to the intelligence of decent folks.
The family ties with the office and some who are running for office are too close for comfort with a move like this to be made at a time like now.
This election, who is checking the checker?
I don’t trust the election office one bit…Cant forget what happened to dancia
What happened to her?
Fahie go to watch himself to in the 8th because the same thing may happen to him, that lady will do anything for her nephew to come thru
what bs you guys talking when the race was not even close. How D8 operates is if we like you we keep you if we don’t you got to go. We do not look at who is who and what family ties.
Don’t take any chances because these people will try anything to get back in power……………TRUST is the word
On manual counts..bunch of corrupt cheaters
Mehson people just don’t like change… The government been talking about using the machines since the last elections… No matter what is done to try to bring us into the modern world, people are not going to like it.
I participated and witnessed the mock election exercise earlier this year and those machines are credible, timely and will simplify the entire counting process.
The Supervisor from the USVI was also present and she vouched for the security and credibility of the tabulator as they have used them for several election cycles in St. Thomas and St. John.
The members of the House of Assembly, including Hon Fahie also received a private demonstration where they spent hours voting in any possible scenario and they walked away confident that this was the right approach moving forward for the Territory.
This is what we need right now! You can vote with confidence using the DS tabulator and they have been tried and tested in the community and in the USVI. Fahie we have to stay United. Tell the people the truth about the machines and how you believe they are the best solution to the length, archaic and inhumane counting process we’ve utilized in the past. Dont flip flop. You vouched for them then, vouch for them now. Stand steady and let’s move forward in One Direction! Forward.
BVI ppl dotish … thats all
So don’t use them, just make sure you cut the cheque though right? And we wonder why we are broke.
As long as the public has access to the black box, the machines are very safe to use.
Yes, these machines do have black boxes just like airplanes, which tabulate EVERY TIME adjustments have been made to the system!
Make sure, Hon. Fahie, that your legal advisors are made aware of this. You can bet that there will be challenges from could- be cheaters against the revelation of such information.
This information is crucial to the success of the usage of these machines!
I trust the machines more than I trust the manual counts.
I am one who agree with Fahie because the machine can only put out what was put in. The question is who is putting the information in the machine. The trust factor is a factor with the elections office. Let’s don’t pretend that it isn’t.
Some of you come on here posting blogs trying to make Fahie look like bad. We all know what is happening in that elections office. Fahie saying it in a diplomatic way but we all know that there’s a trust issue with that office head.
Fahie doesn’t trust his shadow. The Election Supervisor does her job with integrity. Everybody from this island related. You can be related and still unbiased. Fahie is being malicious.
Do what you all want. Typical NDP behaviour. Que hay Nuevo.
We will count them one by one
I participated in the mock election and i can tell you right here and now that this is the smartest and fastest way to go.
We have been trying to move forward last election with the voters cards and you all say no it rush you don’t trust the process. This election, a trail for the machine was tested and it was a go, now you all complaining it a rush you don’t trust the process. For donkey years we counting for days, you all complain ever election year that you don’t like the process.
Whatever way you chose, you feel it’s a way to cheat the process. Well since all methods are cheating methods, lets go with the quickest process.
After all you say we moving in one direction forward. We trying to get from good to great with some of you. Some of us already committed to excellence. Lets catch up with modern times. Join the movement, We all will be better stronger together.
This election, a mock trial for the machine was tested
and not
This election, a trail for the machine was tested
One thing is clea, Fahie always there to pump fear and suspicion in the public domain. What kind of leader will he be? One Direction (Stagnant)
You hit the nail on the head!
When its about him he says don’t mind the noise, so lets take his advice. DON’T MIND THE NOISE!
Fahie tries every chance he gets to tackle the Govt good or bad. He wants to be Premier so BAD he puts a negative spin on every or anything. SMDH.
We the people of the VI moving with the technological way of life. Babies nowadays using machines to learn. It’s the century way of life. Why should we procrastinate over and over. Before you know it, it will be 2020. Its 12 months away. Moving Forward Fahie with or without you.
Fahie seems to be a young old soul. Trust me, we need people with up to the time, innovative, creative,aggressive,assertive, positive and intelligently sound mind to lead and move this country in this ever changing world. The old traditional ways ain’t working.
BVI people don’t like change, change is a must.
For example, we need a quicker way of counting the ballots from this tireless long process, hence the counting machines.
leaders bring about change in the best interest for a majority if not all, not prohibit inevitable change to satisfy a minute few or oneself.
Voting machines backed by paper trails might take more time to account but in the end it appears to be most efficient. Making them easy to follow is most imperative .In the end it is coming >
The few NDP supporters trying to make it seem as if Fahie isn’t talking sense but the street knows that Fahie is talking a lot of sense. Money talking so ayo better listen.
I agree with Fahie
For once he think honesty.
I want VIP back in Power.